Chapter VIII Control of Traffic


396. Weighing of vehicles :- Police Officers not below the rank of Circle Inspector or any Officer of the Transport Department not below the rank of an Assistant Inspector of Motor Vehicles are authorised to require the weighing of goods vehicles and trailers.

397. Powers of Transport Authority to restrict speeds, weights etc.:- The State Transport Authority and the Regional Transport Authority shall have the power:-

(i)to impose speed limits ;
(ii)to impose limits on the laden weight or axle weight or dimensions of motor vehicles generally or of a particular class of trailers in a specified area or in respect of any road; and
(iii)to designate any road as main road :

Provided that power conferred on the Regional Transport Authority by this rule shall be subject to the control of the State Transport Authority:

Provided further that no limits or restrictions under Clause (ii) shall be imposed by the Regional Transport Authority without the specific concurrence of the State Transport Authority:

Provided also that the State Transport Authority or the Regional Transport Authority may by notification in the Telangana Gazette, exempt any motor vehicle or class of motor vehicles from the provisions of this rule to such extent as may be specified therein.

398. Authorities empowered to erect traffic signs :- (1) Subject to the provisions of sub-rule (2), the Secretary of the Regional Transport Authority, shall object to the general instructions of the Regional Transport Authority, be the authority authorized to cause or permit traffic signs or speed breakers to be placed or erected in any public place for the purpose of brining to public notice any speed limits fixed under sub-section (2) of Section 112 or any prohibitions or restrictions imposed under Section 115 or generally for the purpose of regulating motor vehicle traffic :

Provided that no traffic sign relating to stopping places for buses shall be caused or permitted to be placed or erected within a municipal area or in the cities of Hyderabad and Secunderabad except in consultation with the Municipal Commissioner concerned or the Chief Executive Officer, Telangana State Road Transport Corporation, as the case may be:

Provided further that if there is difference of opinion between the Secretary of the Regional Transport Authority and the Municipal Commissioner or the Chief Executive Officer aforesaid, as the case may be, the matter shall be placed before the Regional Transport Authority whose decision shall be final:

Provided also that the design of the speed breaker to be placed shall be as approved by the Chief Engineer (Roads and Buildings), Hyderabad.

(2) The Public Works Department or any other authority legally empowered to specify the maximum safe load for a bridge or culvert or to close a public road or street shall, for the purpose of exercising the said power, consult the Secretary of the Regional Transport Authority, and have the appropriate traffic signs erected.

399. Weighing of vehicles believed to be used in contravention of restrictions :- (1) Any officer referred to in Rule 396 may if he has reason to believe that a goods vehicle is being used in contravention of any laden weight restriction imposed by competent authority, require that driver to convey the vehicle to weighing device if any within a distance of 1.6 kilometres from any point on the forward route or within a distance of 8 kilometres from the destination of the vehicle, for the weighing, and if on weighing, the vehicle is found to contravene such restrictions he may by order in writing direct the driver to convey the vehicle to a suitable place to be specified in the notice where the facilities exists for the storage of goods and not to remove the vehicle from that place until the laden weight or axle weight has been reduced so that it complies with such restriction. The charges for weighment shall be borne by the owner of the vehicle or the person in possession of the vehicle, whoever is available at the time of weighment of the Vehicle.

(2) The officers specified in Rule 396 for the purposes of storage of goods as required in sub-section (1) of Section 114 read with sub-rule (1) shall cause the vehicle to be taken to the office of the Regional Transport Officer, who shall be the prescribed officer to exercise the powers and perform the functions specified in sub-section (2) of Section 114:

Provided that no goods vehicle shall be deemed to have contravened the laden weight restrictions, if the excess weight is not more than 5% of the permitted laden weight.

400. Officers empowered to demand production of registration certificate :- (1) Magistrates, any officer of the Transport Department not below the rank of an Assistant Inspector of Motor Vehicles and Police Officers not below the rank of Sub-Inspector are authorized to demand the production of the certificate of registration of any vehicle, and where the vehicle is a transport vehicle the certificate of fitness.

(2) In the case of a transport vehicle belonging to the Telangana Road Transport Corporation and stage carriages belonging to the Tirumala Tirupathi Devastanam Choultry at Tirupathi if the certificate of registration or the certificate of fitness, as the case may be, is not at the time in the possession of the person to whom demand is made, it shall be sufficient compliance with the provisions of Section 130 if such person produces a certificate issued by the Secretary, Regional Transport Authority or the Assistant Secretary, State Transport Authority showing all the relevant particulars contained in the certificate demanded to be produced and shall thereafter produce the certificate of registration or the certificate of fitness at the time and place to be specified by the authority making the demand, the time so fixed being not more than ten days.

401. Vehicle of Field Security :- The provisions of sub-section (3) of Section 130 shall not apply to motorcycles belonging to the Field Security Sections in the army.

402. Officers empowered to demand information :- Police Officers not below the rank of sub-Inspectors are authorised to demand from the owner of a motor vehicle the driver or the conductor of which is accused of any offence under the Act all information regarding the name and address of and the Licence held by the driver or conductor which is in his possession or could by reasonable diligence be ascertained by him.

403. Officers empowered to inspect vehicles involved in accident :- Magistrate, any officer of the Transport Department not below the rank of an Assistant Inspector of Motor Vehicles and Police officers not below the rank of Inspector are authorised to inspect any motor vehicle involved in accident and for that purpose to enter at any reasonable time any premises where the vehicle may be and to remove the vehicle for examination.

404. Signing device :- (1) The signing device with which a motor vehicle with a left-hand steering control is required to be equipped, shall be a direction indicator as prescribed in Rule 331 and shall be fitted to both sides of the vehicle.

(2) Notwithstanding anything contained in sub-rule (1), a vehicle other than a transport vehicle, obtained through the Disposals Organisation of the Central Government equipped with electric lighting, may be fitted with a mechanical direction indicator complying with the requirements of Rule 331 on the right-hand side of the vehicle only. The words ‘caution left-hand drive’ shall be painted on the right hand rear of every such vehicle, near the number plate.

(3) The State Transport Authority, may, by order in writing, direct that the provisions of the sub-rule (2) shall apply to any transport vehicle or class of transport vehicles equipped with electric lighting specified in the order;

(4) Where a registering authority registers a transport vehicle in respect of which or belonging to class in respect of which, an order under sub-rule (3) has been made, he shall note in the certificate of registration the fact that the vehicle may be fitted with a mechanical direction indicator on the right-hand side only.

405. Vehicles abandoned on the road :- If any motor vehicle is allowed to stand in any place other than a duly appointed parking place in such way as to cause obstruction to traffic or danger to any person, any Police Officer may, -

(i)forthwith cause the vehicle to be moved under its power or otherwise to the nearest place where the vehicle will not cause undue obstruction or danger;
(ii)unless it is moved to a position where it will not cause obstruction or danger take all reasonable precautions to indicate the presence of the vehicle ; and
(iii)if the vehicle has been stationary in one place for a continuous period of twenty four hours and adequate steps have not been taken for its repair or removal by the owner or his representative, remove the vehicle and its contents to a place of safe custody.

406. Parking places and halting places :- The authority under Section (117) shall be the Regional Transport Authority in the State for the purpose,-

(i)to determine places at which motor vehicles may stand either indefinitely or for a period of time; and
(ii)to determine the places at which public service vehicles may be allowed to stand for a longer time than is necessary for taking up or setting down passengers;

The Regional Transport Authority shall, however consult the Local Authorities concerned having jurisdiction in that regard.

407. Vehicle in parking place :- If a motor vehicle has been stationery in a duly appointed parking place for a period exceeding that specified by the competent authority in respect of the said place, or if no such period has been specified for a period exceeding six hours, any Police Officer may remove the vehicle to a place of safe custody.

408. Payment for removal :- Notwithstanding any fine or penalty which may be imposed upon any person upon conviction for the contravention of the provisions of Section 122 or of any regulations made by a competent authority in relation to the use of duly appointed parking places, the owner of the motor vehicle or his heirs or assigns shall be liable to make good any expenses incurred by any Police Officer in connection with the moving, lighting, watching or removal of a vehicle or its contents in accordance with Rules 405 and 407 and any Police Officer or any person into whose custody the vehicle has been entrusted by any Police Officer, shall be entitled to detain the vehicle until he has received payment accordingly and shall, upon receiving such payment, give a receipt to the person making the payment.

409. Weighing devices-installation and use of :- A weighing device for the purpose of Section 114 may be:-

(i)a weigh bridge installed and maintained at any place by or under the orders of the Government or a local authority :
(ii)a weigh bridge installed and maintained by any person and certified by the registering authority to be weighting device for the purpose of the Act and these rules ; or
(iii)a portable wheel-weigher of any kind approved by the Government.

410. Weighing of vehicles-Driver to manipulate :- The driver of any goods vehicle shall upon demand by a competent authority, so drive and manipulate the vehicle as to place it or any wheels thereof, as the case may be, upon any weigh bridge or wheel-weigher in such manner that the weight of the vehicle or the weight transmitted by any wheel or wheels may be exhibited by the weigh bridge or wheel-weigher.

411. Action on failure of driver to manipulate :- If the driver of a motor vehicle fails within a reasonable time to comply with a requisition under Rule 410 a person authorized under Section 114 or under Rule 396 may cause any person, being the holder of a Licence authorizing him to drive the vehicle so to drive and manipulate the vehicle.

412. Axle weight and laden weight of motor vehicle :- When the weight of axle weight of motor vehicle is determined by separate and independent determination of the weight transmitted by any wheel or wheels of the vehicle the axle weight and the laden weight of the vehicle shall be deemed to be the sum of the weights transmitted by the wheels of any axle or by all the wheels of the vehicle, as the case may be.

413. Statement of weight :- on weighing a vehicle in accordance with Section 114 and these Rules, the person who has required the weighing or the person in charge of the weighing device shall deliver to the driver or other person in charge of the vehicle a statement in writing of the weight of the vehicle and of any axle, of which the weight is separately determined.

414. Ghat roads-Restriction on driving with gear disengaged :- On any ghat road and elsewhere on any hill, marked by appropriate traffic sign prescribed under the Act, no person shall drive a transport vehicle with the engine free that is to say, with the gear level in neutral the clutch lever depressed or with any free wheel or other device in operation which frees the engine from the driving wheels and prevents the engine from acting as a brake when the vehicle is traveling down an incline.

Explanation :- ‘GHAT ROAD’ means a road notified in the District Gazette as such by the Regional Transport Authority of the region or by Government in the Telangana Gazette indicated by notice board erected at each end of such road.

415. Prohibition of mounting or dismounting when vehicle is in motion :- No person shall mount or attempt to mount or dismount from any motor vehicle, other than a motor cycle, when the motor vehicle is in motion nor shall the driver or person in charge of such vehicle permit any person to do so.

416. Vehicle not to be towed down to any motor vehicle :- No vehicle other than a mechanically disabled or incompletely assembled motor vehicle, a registered trailer or a sidecar, shall be drawn or towed by any motor vehicle.

417. Prohibition of taking hold of vehicle in motion :- No person shall take hold of, and, no driver of a motor vehicle shall cause or allow any person to take hold of, any motor vehicle when in motion for the purpose of being towed or drawn upon some other wheeled vehicle or otherwise.

418. Prohibition of towing motor cyclist or cyclist :- No driver of motor vehicle shall tow a cyclist or motor cyclist and no cyclist or motor cyclist shall allow himself to be towed by such vehicle.

419. Licenced driver to be, in drawn vehicle :- No motor vehicle shall be drawn or towed by any other motor vehicle unless there is in the driver’s seat of the motor vehicle being drawn or towed a person holding a Licence authorising him to drive the vehicle or unless one axle of the motor vehicle being towed is firmly and securely supported clear of the road surface by some crane or other device on the vehicle which is drawing or towing it.

420. ‘On Tow’ to be displayed :- When a motor vehicle is being towed by another motor vehicle, the clear distance between the rear of the front vehicle and the front of the rear vehicle shall at no time exceed 4.6 meters. Steps shall be taken to render the two with a rope or a chain easily distinguishable by other users of the road, and there shall be clearly displayed on the rear of the vehicle being towed in black letters not less than 76 millimetres high and on a white ground the words ‘On Tow’:

Provided that no person shall be liable to be convicted for the contravention of this rule for failure to display the words ‘On Tow’ if the motor vehicle which is towing the other is not a motor vehicle adopted and ordinarily used for the purpose and so long as the vehicle is being towed between the place of the breakdown and the nearest place on the route from which the necessary materials can be obtained.

421. Speed of towing vehicle :- No motor vehicle when towing another vehicle other a trailer or sidecar shall be driven at a speed exceeding 24 Kilometres per hour.

422. Load-projection of :- No person shall drive, and no person shall cause or allow to be driven, in any public place any motor vehicle which is loaded in a manner likely to cause danger to any person or in such manner that the load or any part thereof of anything extends:-

(i)laterally beyond the side of the body or beyond a vertical plane in prolongation of the side of the body;
(ii)to the front beyond the foremost part of the vehicle ;
(iii)to the rear to a distance exceeding 1.5 metres beyond the rear- most part of the vehicle excluding any luggage carrier; and
(iv)in height by distance which exceeds 3.8 metres from the surface upon which the motor vehicle rests.

423. Precaution with goods vehicle with projecting load :- Clause (iii) of Rule 422 shall not apply to a goods vehicle when loaded with any pole or other projecting thing so long as:-

(i)the projecting load falls within the limits of the body of a trailer being drawn by the goods vehicle; or
(ii)the distance by which the pole or other thing projects beyond the rear-most point of the vehicle does not exceed 1.5 metres; and
(iii)there is attached to the rear of such pole or other thing in such a way as to be clearly visible from the rear:-
(a)during the period between half an hour before sunrise and half an hour after sunset, a red flag of dimensions not less than 0.6     metres; and
(b)at other times, a lamp in addition to the prescribed lamps on the vehicle, so arranged as to show a red light to the rear.

424. Authority competent to exempt :- The Commissioner of Police in the cities of Hyderabad and Secunderabad and the Superintendent of Police at other places may, by order in writing, exempt any motor vehicle for such purpose, and for such period, subject to such conditions, as he may specify, in that order from any or all of the provisions of Rules 422 and 423.

425. Production of driving Licences – Exemption :- The drivers of vehicles belonging to the Telangana Fire Service shall be exempt from the provisions of Section 130(1) of the Act, provided they are in uniform at the time of checking.

426. Carriage of dangerous substances :- Except for the fuel and lubricants necessary for the use of the vehicles, no explosive, highly inflammable or otherwise dangerous substances shall be carried on any public service vehicle:
Provided that nothing in this rule shall apply to safely packed cartridges for small arms, which a passenger may take with him in any such vehicle.

427. Sound signals –Restrictions on use of :- No driver of a motor vehicle shall sound the horn or other device for giving audible warning, with which the motor vehicle is equipped, or shall cause or allow any other person to do so, to an extent beyond that which is reasonably necessary to ensure safety.

428. Authority to prohibit sound signals :- The Commissioner of Police in the cities of Hyderabad and Secunderabad and elsewhere the Collector may, by notification in the Official Gazette and by the erection in suitable places of appropriate traffic signs prescribed under the Act, prohibit the use of any horn, gong or other device on a motor vehicle for giving suitable warning within such locality and during such hours as may be specified in the notification:

Provided that when the Commissioner of Police or the Collector as the case may be, prohibits the use of any horn, gong or other device for giving audible warning during certain specified hours, he shall cause a suitable notice in English and in the script of the city or district, setting forth the hours within which such use is so prohibited to be affixed below the traffic sign.

429. Cut-Outs –Prohibition of :- No driver of a motor vehicle shall, in any public places make use of any cut-out or other device by means of which the exhaust gases of the engine are released, save through the silencers.

430. Dazzling lights –Restriction of :- (1) The driver of a motor vehicle shall at all times when the lights of the motor vehicle are in use so manipulate them that danger or undue inconvenience is not caused to any person by dazzle and for this purpose shall black the upper halves of the obligatory front lamps.

(2) The Commissioner of Police in the cities of Hyderabad and Secunderabad and the District Collector elsewhere may by notification in the Official Gazette and by erection of suitable notices, prohibit the use, within such areas or in such places as may be specified in the notification of lamps giving dazzling or intense light.

431. Use of lamps when a vehicle is at rest :- (1) If, within the limits of any municipality or cantonment, a motor vehicle is at rest within the hours during which lights are required, at the left hand side of any road or street or elsewhere in duly appointed parking place, it shall not be necessary for the motor vehicle to exhibit any light save as may be required generally or specifically by the Commissioner of Police in the cities of Hyderabad and Secunderabad and elsewhere by the Collector.

(2) Outside the limits of any municipality or cantonment, if a motor vehicle is at rest within the hours during which lights are required in such a position as not to cause danger or undue inconvenience to other users of the road it shall not be necessary for the motor vehicle to display any light.

432. Visibility of lamps and registration marks :- No load or other things shall be placed on any motor vehicle so as at any time to mask or otherwise interrupt vision of any lamp, registration mark or other mark required to be carried by or exhibited on any motor vehicle by or under the provisions of the Act, unless a duplicate of the lamp or mark so marked or otherwise obscured is exhibited in the manner required by or under the Act for the exhibition of the marked or obscured lamp or mark”.

433. Registration and other marks to be kept in clear condition :- All registration and other marks required to be exhibited on a motor vehicle by or under the provisions of the Act shall at all times be maintained as far as may be reasonably possible in a clear and legible condition.

434. Driving mirror-obscuring of :- No person driving or in charge of a motor vehicle shall, -
(i)permit any person to stand or sit; or
(ii)place or permit anything to be placed in such manner or position as to obscure the driver’s vision by the mirror referred to in Rule 339.
Provided that Clause (ii) shall not apply to a vehicle fitted with a blind on the rear window when this blind is used during nighttime.

435. Stop sign on road surface :- (1) When any line is painted on or inlaid into the surface of any road at the approach to a road junction or to a pedestrian crossing or otherwise, no driver shall drive a motor vehicle so that any part thereof projects beyond that line at any time when a signal to stop is, being given by a police officer or by means of traffic control lights or by a traffic sign.

(2) A line for the purposes of this rule shall be not less than 51 millimetres in width at any part and shall be either in white, black or yellow.

436. Traffic signs to be observed :- (1) Every driver of a motor vehicle shall drive the vehicle in conformity with any indication given by a traffic sign, the erection of which is permitted under sub-section (1) of Section 116.
Provided that this rule shall not apply to the drivers of vehicles belonging to the Telangana Fire Services engaged for the purpose of fire fighting.

(2) Every driver of a motor vehicle shall, at the approach of any manned, or unmanned railway level crossing, stop vehicle to allow the conductor to alight and see both sides of the track to ensure that the way is clear; only after the conductor has so ensured himself and given the signal to pass, the driver shall proceed over the level crossings:
Provided that in cases where there is no conductor the driver him self should alight and ensure that the way is clear before he proceeds.

437. Crash helmets to be worn :- The protective headgear under Section 129 shall be a standard one.

438. Prohibition of attachment of trailer :- No motor vehicle which exceeds 8 metres in length shall draw a trailer:
Provided that this rule shall not prohibit such a vehicle from towing a disabled motor vehicle:
Provided further that this rule shall not apply to stage carriages permitted to draw trailers under Rule 283.

439. Attendants on trailers: - When a motor vehicle draws one or more trailers, the following persons not being less than twenty years of age and competent to discharge their duties shall be carried, that is to say: -
(a) if the brakes of the trailer or trailers cannot be operated from the motor vehicle ;
(i)one person on every trailer competent to apply the brakes; and
(ii)one person placed at or near the rear of the last trailer in such a position as to have a clear view of the road in rear of the trailer, to signal to the drivers of covering vehicles and to communicate with the driver of the drawing motor vehicle.
(b) if the brakes of the trailer can be operated by some person other than the driver, carried on that vehicle such other person in addition to the driver shall be carried on that vehicle and one person on the last trailer in accordance with the provisions of sub-clause (ii) of Clause (a) ;
(c) if the trailer is or trailers are being drawn by a locomotive notwithstanding that the brakes of the trailer or trailers can be operated by the driver or some other persons on the locomotive, not less than one person on each trailer and not less than two persons on the last trailer in train one of whom shall be the person required by the provisions of sub-clause (ii) of Clause (a).

440. When attendants may not be carried on trailers :- Rule 43 shall not apply,
(i)to any trailer having not more than two wheels and not exceeding 771 Kilograms in weight laden when used singly and not in a train with other trailers ;
(ii)to the trailing half of an articulated vehicle ;
(iii)to any trailer used solely for carrying water for the purpose of the drawing vehicle when used singly and not in train with     other trailers;
(iv)to any agricultural or road-making or road-repairing or road-cleaning implement drawn by a motor vehicle ;
(v)to any closed trailer specially constructed for any purpose and specially exempted from any or all of the provisions, of this     rule by an order in writing made by the registering authority, to the extent exempted; or
(vi)to any trailer specially constructed or adapted or any purpose upon which an attendant cannot safely be carried.

441. Distinguishing marks for trailers :- (1) No person shall drive or cause to be driven, in any public place any motor vehicle unless there is exhibited on the front of the prime mover and on the back of the last trailer, a distinguishing mark in white on a black ground, in the form set out in Third Schedule to these rules;

(2) The mark shall be unobscured and shall be so fixed that:-
(i)the letter on the mark is vertical and easily distinguishable;
(ii)no part thereof is at a height exceeding 1.2 metres from the ground.
(3) This rule shall not apply to the cases referred to in Clauses (i), (ii), (iii), (iv) and (vi) of Rule 440.

442. Attendants on locomotives :- Very locomotive shall carry not less than one attendant, being a competent person of over twenty years of age, in addition to the driver, to assist the driver in the management of the locomotive.

443. Foot-path cycle tracks and traffic segregation :- Where any road or street is provided with foot-paths, or tracks reserved for cycle of specified classes or other traffic, no person shall save with the sanction of a police officer in uniform, drive any motor vehicle or cause or allow any motor vehicle to be driven on any such foot path or track.

444. Restriction on the roof of double-decked vehicle :- Nothing shall be placed or carried on the outside of the roof of double-decked public service vehicle.

445. Restriction on traveling backwards :- No driver of a motor vehicle shall cause the vehicle to travel backwards without first satisfying himself that he will not thereby cause danger or undue inconvenience to any person or in any circumstances save in the case of a road roller, for any greater distance or period of time than may be reasonably necessary in order to turn the vehicle round.

446. Exemption by Government :- (1) The Government may, by notification in the Telangana Gazette, exempt to such extent as may be specified in the notification any motor vehicle or class of motor vehicles from all or any of the provisions of the rules framed under Chapter VIII of the Act.

(2) The powers conferred on the State Government under sub rule (1) shall also be exercised by the State Transport Authority, in respect of exemption of any motor vehicle for such purpose for such period and subject to such conditions as may be specified from any or all of the provisions of Rules 422 and 423:
Provided that the State Transport Authority may, for prompt and convenient dispatch of business by general or special order delegate to its Secretary the powers under this sub-rule.

447. Power to impound documents :- Officer of the Transport Department not below the rank of Asst. Motor Vehicles Inspector and every Police Officer not below the rank of Circle Inspector of Police are authorized to exercise powers under Section 206.

448. Powers to detain vehicles :- Officer of the Transport Department not below the rank of Assistant Motor Vehicles Inspector and every Police Officer not below the rank of Circle Inspector of Police are authorised to exercise powers under Section 207.

448-A. Procedure of seizing and detaining a Motor Vehicle :- When a motor vehicle is seized and detained by any officer referred to Rule in 448, he shall take the following steps :-
(i)arrangements shall be made for temporary safe custody of the motor vehicle in the nearest Police Station or at any appropriate place ;
(ii)the fact of seizure and detention shall be informed without delay to the Secretary, Regional Transport Authority of the region and the Secretary, Regional Transport Authority of the region to which the motor vehicle belongs ;
(iii)the officer who seized and detained the motor vehicle may release the vehicle of the offence for which it is seized and detained are compounded under Section 200 under intimation to the Secretaries of Regional Transport Authorities mentioned in Clause (ii) ;
(iv)where prosecution of the driver or owner or both is necessary, charge sheets against them shall be filed before the concerned Magistrate within three days from the date of seizure and the motor vehicle shall be released by the Officer who detained it after the prosecution is completed under intimation to Secretaries of Regional Transport Authorities mentioned in Clause (iii) ;
(v)Mahazor of the vehicles is to be carried out notifying its condition of each tyre fitted and parts which are easily removable, replaceable and tamperable, viz., batteries, fuel-pump, Dynamo, Deferential, engine, extra lights etc. and loose parts, Stepney tyres and tools and a copy of it is to be delivered to the person from whom it is seized, duly signed.

448-B. Release of seized and detained vehicles :- (1) An application for release of a vehicle seized and detained under sub-section (1) of Section 207 shall be in the form of a memorandum in duplicate with relevant documents duly enclosing a fee of rupees twenty five.

(2) The Secretary, Regional Transport Authority, of the Region shall be entertain application for release of vehicles sized and detained by his subordinate officers :
Provided that application shall be made to the Deputy Transport Commissioner in the case of check made by the Secretary, Regional Transport Authority in the cadre of Regional Transport Officer and the Transport Commissioner, if the Secretary, Regional Transport Authority is of the Deputy Transport Commissioner or Joint Transport Commissioner.]

449. Powers of search etc. :- Officers of the Transport department not below the rank of Assistant Motor Vehicle Inspector and every Police Officer not below the rank of Sub-Inspector of Police are authorised to exercise powers under Section213 (5).

450. Powers to levy penalty for causing of obstruction :- Officer of the Transport Department not below the rank of Assistant Motor Vehicles Inspector and every Police Officer not below the rank of Inspector of Police are authorised to exercise to collect penalty under Section 201. Further the Sub- Inspector of Police in charge of traffic is also empowered to collect penalty under Section 201 in the Municipal areas.




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