Chapter – VII Construction Equipment and maintenance of Motor Vehicles


310. Authorities to authorise without lamps :- The Superintendent of Police or in the cities of Hyderabad and Secunderabad, the Commissioner of Police, may by order in writing authorize the driving at night without lights, of motor vehicles registered under Section 60 of the Act, during such hours on such route or routes or in such area within his jurisdiction and subject to such conditions as may be specified in order.

311. Height form ground – Exceptions :- The height prescribed for the obligatory front lamps of a motor vehicle under Rule 105 (3) of the Central Motor Vehicles Rules, 1989 shall not apply to:-

(i)the internal lighting of any motor vehicle; or

(ii)any light necessary to illuminate the route board of a public service vehicle; or

(iii) the red light to the vehicle conveying the Governor of Telangana; or

(iv) the flinker type of red lights with purple glass fitted on the top mot position of the cabin preferably in the centre of the ambulance van used or adopted to be used for conveying patient.

312. Lamps on trailer :- Where a trailer is being drawn by a motor vehicle other than the drawn part of an articulated vehicle, lamp of, as nearly as possible, the same size and power as the rear lamp and showing a red light to the rear shall be affixed to the trailer vertically above or below the rear lamp at a distance of less than 0.6 meters or more than 0.9 meters for the rear lamp.

313. Use of red light or white light :- The provision of the use of red-light or white light on motor vehicle as stipulated under Rule 108 of Central Motor Vehicles Rules, 1989 shall not apply,

(i) to the vehicle carrying the Governor of Telangana or vehicles escorting such vehicles;

(ii) to the vehicles carrying the Chief Secretary to Government and the Director General and Inspector General of Police.

(iii) to the vehicles carrying the Chief Justice, Judges of the High Court, Lokayukta, Chairman, Telangana Administrative Tribunal, Vice – Chairman, Central Administrative Tribunal.

(iv) to the vehicles carrying the Vice-Chairman, Telangana Administrative Tribunal.

(v) to the vehicle carrying the Chairman, Telangana Public Service Commission.

314. Restriction on the use of blue light :- No motor vehicle shall show a blue light to the front except in respect of vehicles carrying the Chief Minister, all Ministers, Chairman, Planning and Development Committees, Speaker and Deputy Speaker of the Legislative Assembly, Chairman and Deputy Chairman of the Legislative Council.

315. Brakes on Locomotives :- Every locomotive shall have an efficient breaking system, the brakes of which act upon all the wheels of the locomotive other than the steering wheels.

316. Mirror :- Every non-transport vehicle and every motor cab shall be fitted with a mirror and every transport vehicle other than motor cab shall be fitted with a convex mirror, which is so placed that the driver can have a clear view of the traffic approaching from the rear.

317. Dangerous Projections :- No mascot or other similar fitting or device shall be carried by any motor vehicle in any position where it is likely to strike any person with whom the vehicle may collide unless the mascot is unlikely to cause injury to any person by reason of any projection thereon.

318. Tyres of track laying vehicle :- No motor vehicle other than a track-laying vehicle shall be driven at a speed in excess of 9.7 kilometers per hour unless it is fitted with pneumatic tyres on all wheels.

319. Tyres of heavy motor vehicles, tractors and locomotives : If the tyres of the wheels of a tractor, locomotive or heavy motor vehicle are neither pneumatic nor made of a soft or elastic material, they shall satisfy the following conditions:

The tyres of each wheel shall be smooth and shall, where the tyres touch the surface of the road or other base whereon the vehicle moves or rests be flat:

Provided that the edges of the tryres may be leveled or rounded to the extent of not more than 13 millimeters in the case of each edge:

Provided further that if the tyres are constructed of separate plates, the Plates may be separated by parallel spaces which shall be disposed throughout the outer surface of the tyres so that nowhere shall the aggregate extent of the space or spaces in the course of a straight line drawn horizontally across the circumference of the wheel exceed one-eight part of the width of the tyre:

Provided also that the driving wheels shall be cyclinderical and smooth-soled or shod diagonal cross-bars of not less than 76 millimeters in width and not more than 19 millimeters in thickness extending over the full breadth of the tyre and the space intervening between the cross bars shall not exceed 76 millimeters.

320. Diameter of wheel :- If any wheel of a tractor, locomotive or heavy motor vehicle is fitted with a tyre which is neither pneumatic nor made of a soft or elastic material, the diameter of the wheel shall be not less than 0.6 meters.

Explanation :- For the purpose of this rule, ‘diameter’ in relation to a wheel means the diameter measured between the two opposite points in the outer surface of the tyre which are farthest apart.

‘Width’ in relation to the tyre of a wheel, means the distance measured horizontally and in a straight line across the circumference of the wheel and between the two points in the outer surface of the tyre which are farthest apart.

321. Springing :- Every motor vehicle and every trailer drawn thereby shall be equipped with suitable and sufficient means of springing adequately maintained in good and sound condition between the road wheels and the frame of the vehicle:

Provided that this rule shall not apply to, -

(i)any tractor exceeding 4536 kilograms in weight unladen if all the upspring wheels of the tractor are fitted with pneumatic tyres;

(ii) any land locomotive, land tractor, land implement, agriculture trailer used solely for the haulage of felled trees or such other heavy loads cannot be carried on springs;

(iii) Motor cycles and three wheelers;

(iv) vehicles designed for use in works or in private premises and used on a road only in passing from one part of the works of premises to another or to works or premises within a distance of 3.2 kilometers; and

(v) Massey-Ferguson Tractors and Trailers.

322. Extent of overhang to be noted in registration certificate :- The registering authority shall note the extent of overhang of the vehicle registered in the certificates of registration.

323. Wings :- (1) Every motor vehicle except a locomotive, a tractor or a trailer, shall unless adequate protection is afforded by the body of the motor vehicle, be provided with suitable wings.

(2) The rear wheels of every trailer except a trailer drawn by a locomotive shall be provided with suitable wings:

Provided that this rule shall not apply to any motor chassis upon which a body is not yet built.

324. Motor Cycle Attachment :- (1) The sidecar of every motorcycle shall be attached to the left-hand side of the motorcycle. The wheel of the side-car shall not be wholly outside lines drawn at right angles to the motor cycle from the extreme and front rear point of the motor cycle.

(2) Every pillion seat attached to a motorcycle shall, -

(i) have two footrests on either side of and directly below the seat fitted in such a manner that a person sitting on the pillion seat can rest his feet on such foot-rests:

(ii) have a suitable spring cushion seat ;

(iii) have a hand grip fitted to the front of the seat ;

(iv) no pillion rider shall be carried while the driver is holding a learner’s Licence.

325. Communication with driver :- Every Motor Vehicle for the use of passenger in which the driver’s seat is separated from any passenger’s compartment by a fixed partition shall be furnished with efficient means to enable the passengers and the conductor, if any, to signal to the driver to stop the vehicle.

326. Public Service Vehicles-General :- Every public service vehicle and all parts thereof, including paintwork or varnish, shall be maintained in a clean and sound condition and the engine mechanism and all working parts in reliable working order.

327. Stability-Double-decked vehicles :- A double-decked public service vehicle shall not be liable to be over-turned when loaded with weights of 59kilograms per person placed in the correct relative position to represent the driver and conductor, if carried and full complement of passengers on the upper deck only if the surface on which the vehicle stands were tilted to either side to an angle of 28 degree from the horizontal.

328. Stability-single-decked vehicles :- A single decked public service vehicle other than a motor cab shall not be liable to be over-turned under any conditions of load, at an allowance of 59 kilograms per passenger, plus the maximum weight of luggage and goods which the vehicle is permitted to carry, if the surface on which the vehicle stands were titled to either side to an angle of 35 degrees from the horizontal.

329. Test of stability of public service vehicles :- For the purpose of conducting tests of stability of a public service vehicle, the height of any stop used to prevent a wheel of the vehicle from slipping side way, shall not be greater than two-thirds of the distance between the surface upon which the vehicle stands before it is titled and that part of the rim of that wheel which is the nearest to such surface when the wheel is loaded in accordance with the requirement of Rules 327 and 328.

330. Side overhang of stage carriage :- In the case of vehicle used as a stage carriage no part of the vehicle other than a direction indicator when in operation, or a driving mirror shall Project laterally more than 356 millimeters beyond the centre line of the rear wheels in the case of a single rear wheel or more than 152 millimeters beyond the extreme outer edge of the outer tyre in the case of dual-rear wheels.

331. Seating room of Public Services vehicles :- (1) In every Public Service vehicle other than a motor cab there shall be provided for each passenger a reasonably comfortable seating space of not less than 38 centimeters in square measured on straight lines along and at right angles to the front seat:

(i)When the seats are paced along the vehicle, the backs of the seats on one side shall be at least 1,372 millimeters distant from the backs of the seats on the other side;

(ii)When the seats are paced across the vehicle and are facing in the same direction there shall be every where a clear square of not less than 686 millimeters between the backs of seats and there shall also be clear leg room of 279 millimeters between the front of a seat and the back of the set facing it.

(iii)When the seats are placed across the vehicle and are facing each other there shall be a clear space excluding padding and upholstery between the surface of any portion of the seat against which the back of the passenger is to rest and the surface of the corresponding portion of the seat facing it of a minimum width of 1.2 meters and a clear space excluding padding and upholstery between the fronts of facing seats of a minimum width of 0.5 meters; and

(iv)Where the seats are placed lengthwise and facing each other the surface of any portion of the seat against which the back of the passenger is to rest shall be at least 1372 millimeters from the surface of the corresponding portion of the seat facing it.

(v)When the berths are placed across the vehicle and are facing each other, there shall be a clear space excluding padding and upholstery between the surface of any portion of the berth against which the back of the passenger is to rest and the surface of the corresponding portion of the berth facing it of a minimum width of 1.2 mts. And a clear space excluding padding and upholstery between the facing seats of a minimum width of 0.3 mts.”

(2) Except where the seats in a public service vehicle are enclosed by the body of the vehicle, no seat shall be constructed as to project beyond the floor space of the vehicle.

(3) Notwithstanding anything in sub-rule (1) all the seats in every express stage carriage shall be placed across the vehicle facing the driver :

Provided that all seats in every express stage carriage shall be so placed that there shall be clear space of not less than 762 millimeters between the backs of seats:

Provided further that all seats in a every stage carriage with superior accommodation or air conditioned stage carriage or a contract carriage with superior accommodation or air conditioned contract carriage shall be so placed that there shall be a clear space of not less than 838 millimeters between the back of the seats and clear leg space of 406 millimeters between the front of the seat and back of the seat facing it.

332. Body of stage carriage :- Every stage carriage shall have a body of the saloon type.

333. Gangway of Public Service vehicle :- (1) In every compartment of every public service vehicle the entrance to which compartment is from the front or rear, there shall be a gangway along the vehicle; and

(i)where seats are placed along the sides of the vehicle, there shall be a gangway of a clear space of not less that 610 millimeters measured between fronts of the seats;

(ii)where seats are placed across the vehicle there shall be a gangway of a clear space of not less that 356 millimeters between any part of adjoining seats or their supports; and

(iii) where seats are placed, some along the sides of the vehicle and some across the vehicle there shall be a gangway of 482 millimeters between any part of the adjoining seats or their supports.

(2) Where the vehicle has seats across the full width of the body with separate door to each seat, a gangway from front to rear of the vehicle shall not be required.

334. Limit of seating capacity of Public Service vehicles :- (1) Subject to the provisions of Rule 331 regarding seating accommodation, the number of passengers excluding the driver, conductor and one checking inspector, that a public service vehicle may be permitted to carry, shall not exceed the number determined by dividing the difference in kilograms between the registered laden weight and unladen weight less 163 by 59 in the case of double-decked and by 68 in the case of single-decked vehicles.

(2) The minimum seating capacity of a public service vehicle other than a motor cab, an auto rickshaw or an express stage carriage or a carriage with superior accommodation (Deluxe) or a contract carriage with superior accommodation (deluxe) or an Air-conditioned contract carriage or a stage carriage used partly for carriage of passengers and partly for carriage of goods within the body (Cargo Bus) shall be directly proportionate to the wheel base of the vehicle; and the minimum number of seats to be provided shall be as specified in Column (2) of the following Table leaving to the operator to increase the capacity consistent with other rules relating to the seating capacity, having due regard to the type of chassis on which the body is built :



Wheel base

Minimum seating capacity

Including driver and / or Conductor



254 Cms. to 293 Cms

294 Cms. to 305 Cms

306 Cms. to 343 Cms

344 Cms. to 407 Cms

408 Cms. to 432 Cms

433 Cms. to 496 Cms

497 Cms. to 534 Cms

535 Cms. and above









Provided that the minimum number specified above may be reduced by two seats in the case of vehicle having separate entrance and exit and by four seats in the case of stage carriage permitted to ply on fair weather routes;

Provided further that minimum number so reduced my be further reduced by one- fifth in the case of stage carriages operating on city or town service routes in case such reduction is to provide necessary gangway to permit the standing passengers as provided under Rule 333;

Provided also that no reduction of seating capacity noted in the certificate of registration shall be allowed after original registration of the vehicle unless such reduction is necessitated on account of wrong calculation of the measurements or when the body is reconstructed.

(3) Nothing contained in sub-rule (2) shall apply to a vehicle already registered on the date of coming into force of this rule provided that when the body is reconstructed at any time, the specifications under sub-rule (2) shall be observed;

Provided that where there is conflict between sub-rule (2) of Rule 331 the provisions of seats shall be done in accordance with Rule 331, which prescribed minimum dimensions for and in relation to each seat.

335. Standing passengers in Stage Carriages :- (1) The Transport Authority may impose a condition in the permit of any stage carriage that the vehicle shall in addition to the seated passengers, carry such number of standing passengers as may be determined by the Registering Authority, according to the following formula;

(i)The number of standing passengers to be carried shall not exceed the number arrived at ;- (a) In the case of vehicle having gangway of the width of not less than 380 millimeters but not more than 762 millimeters.

No. of standing Passengers

Length of the gangway (m.m)

Length space for rear seat Passenger (m.m)


(ii)In the case of vehicle having gangway of the width of 762 millimeters or more.

No. of standing passengers : Double the number calculated as per formula under Item (a) above.

(2) The number of standing passengers to be allowed under Sub-rule (1) shall be subject to the following conditions also:-

(i)Standing passengers shall be allowed only in buses of saloon type having uninterrupted gangway with a head room of not less than 1.75 meters;

(ii)Hand strips shall be provided when standing passengers are allowed.

(iii)The provision of Rule 331 regarding the spacing of seats shall be satisfied;

(iv)No standing passengers shall be allowed in express service vehicles or vehicles provided with superior accommodation (Deluxe).

336. Driver’s seat to be on right hand side :- (1) All Public Service vehicles other than a vehicle with three wheels shall have a steering on the right hand side of the vehicle.

(2) The State Transport Authority or its Chairman if authorized by it in this behalf may by order in writing direct that nothing in sub-rule (I) and rules 337, 338 and 339 in regard to and consequent upon the provision requiring that the vehicle shall be driven from the right hand side, shall apply to a public service vehicle or specified class of public service vehicle fitted with left-hand steering control and obtained through the Disposals Organisation of the Central Government.

(3) Where registering authority registers a Public Service vehicle in respect of which or belonging to class in respect of which, an order sub-rule (2) has been made he shall note in the certificate of registration the fact that nothing in sub-rule (I) and Rules 337, 338 and 339 in regard to and consequent upon the provision requiring the vehicle shall be driven from the right-hand side shall apply to the vehicle.

337. Seats for conductors and drivers :- (1) On every stage carriage there shall be provided for the conductor a reasonably comfortable seating space of not less than 381 millimeters square so located as to allow him at all times a complete view of the inside of the vehicle :

Provided that in the case of stage carriage operating within the limits of a town or city a ‘standing seat’ will be sufficient, if so, specially declared by the Regional Transport Authority.

(2) On every public service vehicle space shall be reserved for the driver’s seat such as to allow him to have complete control of the vehicle and in particular:-

(i)the part of the seat against which the driver’s back rests shall not be less than 279 millimeters from the nearest point on the steering wheel;
(ii)the width across the vehicle shall be not less than 686 millimeters shall extend to the left of centre of the steering column in no case less than 254 millimeters so that the line drawn parallel to axis of the vehicle through the centre of any gear lever, brake lever or other device to which the driver has to have frequent access lies not less than 51 millimeters inside the width reserved for the driver’s seat; and
(iii)in the case of public service vehicle other than a motor cab, the space reserved in accordance with Clause (ii) shall at the left hand end be enclosed with a suitable partition to a height not less than 305 millimeters above the seat.

(3)Any arm rests for the driver not more than 102 millimeters wide may be provided within the space specified in Clause (ii) of sub-rule (2):

Provided that sub-rules (2)(ii) and (3) shall not apply in the case of a stage carriage of full forward control.

338. No seat or luggage to the right of driver :- (1) No Public Service vehicle shall be so constructed that any person may sit or any luggage may be carried on the right hand side of the driver.

(2) No public service vehicles shall carry more than one person by the left hand side of the driver’s seat and no such person shall be carried unless there is a separate and proper sitting accommodation provided for him by the side of the driver’s seat.

339. Driver to have clear vision :- Every Public Service vehicle shall be so constructed that, save for the front pillar of the body, the driver shall have a clear vision both to the front and through an angle of 90 degrees to his right hand side and his left hand side. The front pillar of the body shall be so constructed as to obstruct the vision of the driver to the least possible extent.

340. Public Service Vehicles – Width of doors :- (1) Every entrance and exit of a public service vehicle other than motor cab shall be at least 535 millimeters in width and of sufficient height.

Provided that this provision shall not apply to vehicles of the open type in which the seats are not enclosed by the body of the vehicle.

(2) Every entry and exit of a public service vehicle other than a motor cab and a stage carriage intended to ply on town service routes and short distance mofussil service routes (ordinary), shall be provided with doors to prevent the passengers from falling out.

341. Grab rail of Public Service Vehicles :- A grab rail shall be fitted to every entrance or exit other than an emergency exit, of a public service vehicle.

342. Provisions of Auto rickshaws :- In Every Auto rickshaw, -

(i)the right side shall either be blocked by a fixed door up to the waist level of the passenger in seated position provided with two chromium plated rods, one below the other leaving in between a gap of 25 centimeters and the lower one being at the level of the hip of the passenger and that both the rods are welded to the frame at both ends;

(ii)a grab rail shall be fitted on the left side with suitable padding so that the passenger can alight and get in or get down from the auto rickshaw;

(iii)a locking mechanism shall be fixed for the steering to prevent the vehicles waving on roads and the mobility of the front wheel of the auto rickshaw shall be restricted to 40 degrees on either side.

343. Steps on Public Service Vehicles :- In every public service vehicle other than a motor cab top of the tread of the lowest step for any entrance or exit, other than an emergency exit shall not be more than 432 millimeters or less than 254 millimeters above the ground when the vehicle is empty. All steps shall be fitted with non-slip treads. Fixed steps shall not be less than 229 millimeters wide and shall in no case project laterally beyond the body of the vehicle unless they are so protected that they are not liable to injure pedestrians.

344. Steps in Double-Decked Vehicle :- In the case of Double Decked Vehicle,-

(i)the raisers of all steps leading from the lower to the upper deck shall be closed and no unguarded sporture shall be left at the top landing board;

(ii)all steps leading from the lower to the upper deck shall be fitted with non-slip treads;

(iii)the horizontal distance from the nearest point of the riser of the top step to the vertical line passing through the nearest point of the seat opposite to the top tread of the staircase excluding any grab rail which does not project more than 76 millimeters from the back of the seat, shall not be less than 660 millimeters.

(iv)The outer stringer of an outside staircase shall be so constructed, or a band shall so placed, as to act as a screen to persons ascending or descending and the height of the outer guard rail shall not be less than one meter above the front of the tread of each step.

345. Cushions in Public Service Vehicle :- The seats of a public service vehicle shall be provided with cushions made either of springs or rubber foam material of not less than 75 millimeters thickness which shall be covered with suitable material capable of being kept in a clean and sanitary condition:

Provided that cushions for the seats are not necessary in respect of stage carriages permitted to ply in town service routes fitted with seats of Polypropelene moulded chair type.

346. Head-room in Public Service vehicles :- Every public service vehicle other than a motor cab, shall have the following internal height or head-room measured along the centres to the vehicle from the top of the floor boards or battens to the underside of the roof supports, -

(i) in the case of a single-decked vehicle with a permanent top, not less than 1.4 metres and more than 1.9 metres;

(ii) in the case of a single-decked vehicle with a movable hood, not less than 1.4 metres;

(iii) in the case of a double-decked vehicle, not less than 1.8 metres for the lower deck and not less 1.7 metres for the upper deck which shall be of the covered type;

(iv) in the case of one and a half-decked vehicle not less than 2.1 metres in the lower deck and not less than 1.5 metres in the portion above the luggage boot:

(v) In the case of sleeper bus or coach not less than 1.9 meters and not more than 2.15 meters.

Provided that the State Transport Authority may specify the measurements with a minimum of 1.4 metres and maximum of 1.9 metres to which public service vehicles or particular type of public service vehicles shall conform either generally or in specified areas or routes.

Provided further that no standing passengers, shall be allowed on the half-deck portion above the luggage boot with a head room of not less than 1.5 metres and in calculating the number of standing passengers to be allowed, the number of seats on this half-deck portion shall not be counted. The number of seats on this half-deck portion head-room of not less than 2.1 metres shall be counted for this purpose and the maximum of standing passengers shall be fixed according to the seats on the lower deck only.

347. Body dimensions and guard rails of Public Service Vehicles :- Every public service vehicle other than a motor cab shall be so constructed that, -

(i)in the case of a single decked vehicle with an enclosed body

(a)the height of the body sides from the floor or the height to the sills of the windows as the case may be, shall not be less than (0.56) metres;

(b)if the bottom of any open window or other opening is less than 660 millimetres above the seat provision shall be made by means of guard rails or otherwise to prevent passengers putting their arms out:

(ii)in the case of single decked vehicle with open sides guard rails shall be provided along the right-hand side of the vehicle to prevent any person other than the driver from mounting or alighting from the vehicle on that side;

(iii)in the case of a double-decked vehicle with an uncovered top deck, the top deck shall be provided with side and end rails the top of which shall be at least 0.9 metres above the deck boards of battens at the sides and 660 millimetres above the deck boards of battens and shall follow the chamber of the deck.

Explanation :- For the purpose of this rule, the seat back shall not be deemed to be a part of the seat.

348. Protection of passengers from weather :- (1) Every public service vehicle other than a motor cab shall be constructed with a fixed and water tight roof and every motor cab shall be either constructed with a fixed arid water-tight hood that may be raised or lowered as required;

(2) Save in the case of the uncovered top-deck of a double decked vehicle, every public service vehicle shall have suitable window, Venetians or screens capable at all times of protecting the passengers from the weather without preventing adequate ventilation of the vehicle. When the screens are made of fabric they should be capable of being fastened securely to the vehicle;

(3) Where glass windows or Venetians are used, they must be provided with an effective means to prevent their rattling.

349. Passenger’s luggage provisions for carrying of :- Luggage carried on the outside of a stage carriage shall be protected in wet weather by a suitable waterproof covering. The covering shall be securely fastened so as to prevent flapping.

350. Electric lighting compulsory in public service vehicle :- (1) No light other than an electric light shall be fitted to any public service vehicle;

(2) Every public service vehicle other than a motor cab shall be furnished with one or more electric lights adequate to give reasonable illumination throughout the passengers compartment or compartments but of such power or so screened as not to impair the forward vision of the driver.

351. Body construction of Public Service Vehicle :- The body of every public service shall be soundly constructed to the satisfaction of the Regional Transport Authority and shall be securely fastened to the frame of the vehicle.

351-A. Special provisions for sleeper bus or coach :- A sleeper bus or coach shall conform to the following specifications, namely :-

(1) The vehicle shall have a front entrance-cum-exit door on left side operated by driver/attendant equipped with assist rails in front axle.

(2) The over all height of the vehicle shall have a maximum of 3.8 meters including A.C. hood.

(3) The interior height of the vehicle shall have maximum of 2.15 meters (head-room).

(4) Roof ceiling shall be provided with soft material or equivalent material like ABS plastic to prevent impact.

(5) The maximum height of the each step shall be 250 millimetres. The minimum depth shall be 230 millimetres. All the steps shall be provided with non-slip treads.

(6) The total saloon interior length shall not be less than 9.2 meters.

(7) Each saloon or coupe shall accommodate four berths. During day travel it shall accommodate four (4) passengers only.

(8) The width of each saloon or coupe shall not be less than 1.54 meters.

(9) The width of the Gangway shall not be less than 600 millimetres and it shall be off side of the coupe behind the driver.

(10) Mild steel rectangular structural members shall be used for bus body building.

(11) The width of the upper berth shall not be less than 560 mm and that of the lower berth shall not less than 625 mm and the back squads when unfolded shall form a berth.

(12) The legroom between seats shall not less than 350 mm.

(13) The width of the partition wall of the coupe shall not be less than 40 mm and the structures are framed with mild steel rectangular tubes of 40 x 30 x 2 mm with a neat covering.

(14) The thickness of each seat shall not be less than 75 mm for sitting and minimum thickness of 150 mm after forming into the berth.

(15) The thickness of upper berth shall not be less than 65 mm and should be also covered with neat fabric.

(16) The lower berth shall be fixed at a minimum height of 450 mm from the floor.

(17) The clear headroom for seating passengers shall not be less than 850 mm.

(18) The clear head room for the upper berth shall not be less than 650 mm.

(19) Optional chain in the middle or longitudinal guard between the two chains shall be provided for upper berth.

(20) The upper berth shall be pivot mounted at the partition and suspended by a 2 bright steel chains mounted on hinges on berths. These chains will be fixed rigidly by means of bolting and welding to the roof structural members. The chain shall be located to ensure that the sum of the overhead position shall not exceed the centre-to-centre distance of chains measured along the axis of the berths.

(21) Individual windows for lower and upper berths shall be provided and the lower windowsill shall be at minimum height of 725 mm from the floor.

(22) Lader steps for upper berth shall be provided and it shall be fixed at a minimum height of minimum 250 mm and the distance between each step shall be 300 mm.

(23) The length of each berth shall not be less than 1750 mm.

(24) An assist handle shall be provided for comfortable occupation of the upper berth at a convenient height.

(25) There shall be shoulder room not less than 350 mm. The shoulder room is measured between the upper the upper berths after unfolding the back squab.

(26) The distance between the berths facing each other shall be a minimum of 300 mm.

(27) No seat shall be permitted to be fitted in the gangway.

(28) There shall also be sufficient space underneath the lower berth for keeping the luggage. Wire ropes are to be provided for fastening the luggage.

(29) Hat racks inside the saloon shall not be permitted.

(30) The vehicle shall have weveller suspension or air suspension or combination of both.

(31) The vehicle shall be fitted with power steering mechanism.

(32) Emergency exit shall be provided at the rear.

(33) Reflective tape of canary yellow colour of 50 mm. width shall be provided at rear and front side at skirt level on bumper.

(34) The vehicle shall have an attendant to take care of passengers in addition to the driver or conductor.

(35) Each berth shall be provided with neat fabric covering which shall be capable of being kept in a clean and sanitary condition.

(36) One pillow and 2 neat linen shall be provided to each passenger (one for wrapping and another for spreading).

(37) Fire extinguisher shall be provided.

(38) First Aid Box with necessary medicines shall be provided and it shall be checked every fortnight for its contents and the validity of medicines.

(39) Guard to be provided for lower berths in line with upper berths with chain.

(40) Safety guards covered with soft material on either side of the upper berths shall be provided.

(41) Magazine pouches shall be provided at convenient location. Bottle holders shall also be provided.

(42) Drinking water shall be provided with ice box.

(43) Sliding curtains shall be provided for each coupe and windows.

(44) Electrically operated calling bells shall be provided for each coupe.

(45) Night lamps preferably in blue colour shall be provided in the gangway and also in coupe.

(46) Sliding window shall be provided to the driver partition immediately behind the driver.

(47) Individual reading light at convenient location for each berth shall be provided.

352. Fuel Tank of Public Service Vehicle :- No fuel tank shall be placed in any public service vehicle under any part of any gangway, which is within 0.6 metres of any entrance or exit of a single-decked vehicle or the lower deck of a double-decked vehicle.

353. Fuel Tank of Public Service Vehicle :- The fuel tank of every public service vehicle shall be so placed that no overflow there from shall fall upon any woodwork or accumulate on any part of the vehicle.

354. Carburettor of public service vehicle :- In every public service vehicle any carburetor and apparatus associated therewith shall be so placed and shielded that no fuel leaking therefrom shall fall upon any part or fitting that is capable of igniting it or into any receptacle where it might accumulate.

355. Exhaust pipe of public service vehicle :- The exhaust pipe of every public service vehicle shall be fitted or shielded that no inflammable material can be thrown upon it from any other part of the vehicle and that it is not likely to cause a fire through proximity to any inflammable material on the vehicle.

356. Electric wires :- All electric wires or leads shall be adequately insulated.

357. Fire Extinguishers :- Every public service vehicle and every goods vehicle other than motor cab and Light Motor vehicle shall be fitted with a fire extinguishing apparatus.

358. Locking of Nuts :- All moving parts of every public service vehicle and all parts subject to severe vibration connected bolts or studs and nuts shall be fastened by some efficient device so as to prevent them working or coming loose.

359. Floor Boards :-
(1) The floorboards of every public service vehicle shall be so fitted as to exclude as far as possible draughts and dust.

(2) The floorboards shall not be pierced save for the purpose of drainage.

360. Spare wheel and tools :-
(1) Save as otherwise specified by the Regional Transport Authority, every public service vehicle shall at all times be equipped with at least one spare wheel or rim fitted with a pneumatic tyre readily inflated, and mounted in such a way that it can be readily dismounted.

(2) Sub-rule (1) shall not apply to public service vehicle during the completion of any journey during which it has been necessary to bring the spare wheel or rim and tyre into use.

(3) Save as otherwise specified by the Transport Authority every public service vehicle shall at all times be furnished with an efficient jack and other tools necessary to change a wheel or rim and tyre and with the equipment necessary to repair puncture.

361. Prohibition of advertising etc. :- No advertising device, figure or writing shall be exhibited on any public service vehicle save as may be specified by the Regional Transport Authority or the State Transport Authority, as the case may be, by general or specified order.

362. Prohibition of a painting or marking in certain manner :-
(1) Public service vehicle when regularly used for carrying Government mail by, or under a contract with, the Indian Posts and Telegraphs Department, may exhibit in a conspicuous place upon a plate or a plain surface of the motor vehicle, the word MAIL in red colour on a white ground each letter being not less than 152 millimetres height and of uniform thickness of 19 millimetres;

(2) Save as provided in sub-rule (1) no motor vehicle shall display any sign or inscription, which includes the word Mail;

(3)(a) No public service vehicle shall be painted with a colour which is the same as the colour with which vehicles regularly used for carrying Government mail by, or under a contract with, the Indian Posts and Telegraph Department are painted;

(b) No transport vehicle shall be installed with a radio set.

363. Painting of discarded military vehicles purchased by civilians :- Every discarded military vehicle purchased by a civilian should be repainted immediately in a colour other than descriptive pattern paint that is combination of colours of such as Olive Green, White, Brown with Green and Dark Brown:

Provided that besides the standard olive green painted vehicles, other service vehicles painted in descriptive and camouflage pattern discarded by the Army, Air-Force and Assam Rifles or Navy Blue Colour pattern vehicles used by the Indian Navy and Coast Guard, should also be repainted by the purchaser in a paint other than the above mentioned colours:

Provided also that Army markings, like B.A. Nos. formation signs and tactical numbers should be erased by the civilians before using them on the roads.

364. Body and loading platform: - Every goods vehicle including a trailer shall be equipped with a strong platform or body so constructed as to be capable of carrying the load for which it is used without danger to other road users and such that the load can be securely packed within or fastened to the body or platform :

Provided that nothing in this rule applies to a tractor used with trailer.

365. Driver’s seat: -
(1) Rules 336, 337, 338 and 339 relating to the driver’s seat shall apply to every goods vehicle other than light motor vehicle and tractor used in combination with trailer.

(2)The State Transport Authority or its Chairman if authorized in this behalf may, by order, in writing, direct that nothing in sub-rule (1) of Rule 336 and Rules 337 to 339 in regard to and consequent upon the provision that the vehicle shall be driven from the right hand side shall apply to a goods vehicle or a specified class of goods vehicles fitted with left hand steering control and obtained through the Disposals Organisation of the Central Government.

(3)Where a registering authority registers a goods vehicle in respect of which, or belonging to a class in respect of which an order under sub-rule (2) has been made, he shall note in the certificate of registration the fact that nothing in sub-rule (1) of Rule 336 and Rules 337 to 339 in regard to and consequent upon the provision requiring that the vehicles shall be driven from the right hand side shall apply to the vehicles.

366. Provision of Seat behind the driver for spare driver to rest: - In the case of every goods vehicle operating under composite permit or a national permit or inter-state permit or state permit, it shall be provided with a seat across the full width of the vehicle behind the driver’s seat providing facility for the spare driver to lie down and sleep when he is not at the wheel.

367. Checking of designs of local manufactured trailers: - (1) An application for the approval of the new design of trailer manufactured in India and intended to be used as transport vehicle shall be forwarded to the Transport Commissioner in triplicate by the manufacturer or his authorized assembler. Such an application shall be accompanied by three copies of each of the following documents namely;

(i)Full specifications;

(ii)Drawing giving all dimensions and detail; and

(iii)Set of design calculation of:



(c)Long bearers;

(d)Cross bearers;

(e)Platform tank or anything that may be carried on the cross bearers;

(f)Two bars;

(g)Turn table or any other scribbling device for the front axles, in case of two axles trailers;

(h)Braking arrangement; and

(i)Any other item such as shock absorbers, if included.

(2) (a) The Transport Commissioner shall forward the application and the copies of documents to the Superintending Engineer, Mechanical and Workshops Circle, Hyderabad hereinafter referred to as the Technical Officer for verification and inspection of the vehicle at such place and on such date as may be specified b the Technical Officer.

(b)The Technical Officer shall then scrutinize the design and
calculations and if the design is found satisfactory by him, certify what in his opinion would be the greatest laden and axle weights of the trailer which are compatible with reasonable safety.

(c)In case, the design is not found satisfactory the Technical Officer
shall advice the applicant to that effect and recommend such changes in the design as may be required to make the trailers suitable for the desired load.

(d)The Technical Officer may call upon the applicant to furnish further
details required. In such a case the applicant shall furnish fresh specification and drawings incorporating alterations, if any.

(e)When a design is found satisfactory, the Technical Officer shall
return two copies of the approved design, specifications and calculations with his recommendations as the maximum laden and weights compatible with reasonable safety to the Transport Commissioner. The Transport Commissioner may then approve the design and inform the applicant.

(f)The applicant on approval of his design, shall if he wants to
Manufacture the trailers for trade, supply the Transport Commissioner with as many extra copies of the approved type of the design specifications and calculation as may be required by him sending them to different registering authorities for their record.

(3)The fee chargeable for checking of a design shall be Rs. 250 /-, which shall be credited to the State Government and apportioned as noted below:

Rs.100 /- for Transport Department;

Rs.100 /- payable to the Technical Officer appointed to check the designs;

Rs.50 /- towards loading and testing charges payable to Public Works Department.

(4) The approval of the design of a trailer manufactured in India by a competent authority in any other State in India shall be deemed to be the approval accorded under these rules.

368. Trailers prohibited with motorcycles and invalid carriages: -
(1) A motorcycle without more than two wheels with or without sidecar shall not draw a trailer;

(2)No motorcycle shall draw a trailer exceeding 907 kilograms in weight unladen or 1.5 metres in over all width.

(3)No invalid carriage shall draw a trailer.

369. Restriction on number of trailers to be drawn: -
(1) No locomotive or tractor should draw more than three trailers;

(2)No other goods vehicle shall draw more than one trailer.

370. Exemption of road plant:- Nothing contained in Rules 310, 311, 312, 313, 316, 317, 321 & 323 shall apply to road rollers and other machines specially constructed or adapted for the construction or maintenance of roads which are the property of the Central or the State Government or of any local authority.

371. Taxi-meter: -
(1) Every motor cab, Auto-rickshaw unless exempted in this regard by the Regional Transport Authority, shall be fitted with a taxi-meter of a type approved by the State Transport Authority which shall be fixed to and operated from a non-drawing wheel;

(2)The vehicle shall not ply for hire unless the taximeter bears the seal of the Weights and Measures Department to indicate that the taximeter has been tested and is in working order. The seal shall be kept intact.

(3)The owner, driver, attendant of the vehicle or other person who breaks or tampers in any way with the seal or marks placed on a meter, or who with intent to deceive, tampers with the taxi meter or the driving mechanism thereof, shall be deemed to have committed a breach of this rule;

(4)No meter shall be altered without the written permission of the Secretary, Regional Transport Authority.

372. Requirements as to fitting of taxi-meter etc.: - (1) A taxi-meter shall be fitted in such position and in such manner as may be approved by the Secretary, Regional Transport Authority having regard to the design of the motor cab. It shall normally be fixed on the rear side of the driver’s seat, with the face or dial towards the interior of the cab, so as to be clearly visible to the hirers and also capable of being read both by the hirer and the driver.

(2) Flexible or driving gears of gearboxes shall be so fitted that no part of the cable, etc., can be reached by an unauthorised person.

(3)A meter or its gear-box shall not be fitted to a cab the effective circumference of the wheel of which is different from that for which the meter has been designed, geared and tested.

(4)The effective circumference of the wheel by which a meter is driven shall not be more than five percent of and not less than the measurement shown on the plate attached to the meter.

373.Sealing of meter-fitting after test: - (1) In the following cases, the taxi-meter shall be produced before the Senior Inspector of Weights and Measures Department in whose functional area the vehicle is kept for examination of the meter as to the correctness of the fitting:

(i)When the meter is intended to be used for the first time;

(ii)When the meter is either got repaired or adjusted to be in accordance with a revised rate of fare; and

(iii)When the fitness certificate is to be renewed.

When it is produced for inspection, it shall bear holes and wires and be provided with the wires for the lead seals to be fixed to it.

(2)The taximeter shall be subject to a practical road test of 8 kilometres for each of the distance scales and a time test for detention charges for not less than half-an-hour.

(3)If the meter is found to be correct, its fitting, to the cab shall be sealed by such inspector in such manner that it cannot be opened or tampered with or adjusted without removing the seals.

374. For Hire, Indicator: - Every taximeter shall befitted with an indicator or handle in the form of a flag, on which shall be printed the words ‘For Hire’. The taximeter shall be so constructed that when the flag is horizontal the taximeter shall be out of action. Such indicator shall be so placed as to clearly visible to any person outside of and in front of the vehicle and to the hirer when inside.

375. Means of communication between passengers and driver: - Every motor cab in which there is a partition between the driver and the passengers shall be provided with a means of communication between passengers and the driver.

376. ‘For Hire’ to be painted: - The owner of a motor cab plying outside the jurisdiction of Regional Transport Authority, Hyderabad shall cause to be painted in a conspicuous part of the vehicle the words ‘For Hire’ in English and in the Regional language of the district.

377. Lighting of taximeter: - Every motor cab fitted with a taximeter shall have a light so fitted as to illuminate the taximeter. The taximeter shall be so illuminated when the vehicle is in use in a public place during the period between half-an-hour after sunset and half-an-hour before sunrise.

378. Colour of motor cabs – Restriction of: - No motor vehicle other than a motor cab shall be painted in the manner specified in Rule 293:

Provided that no three-wheeler other than an auto-rickshaw permitted to ply as contract carriage shall be painted in the manner specified in Rule 294.

379. Cabs fitted with a defective meter not to be used: -
(1) No meter which is in any way defective may be fitted to any cab and no cab which is fitted with a defective meter shall be used in any public place.

(2)Upon the service of a notice issued by an Inspector of Motor Vehicles or the Senior Inspector of Weights and Measures Department in the Twin Cities of Hyderabad and Secunderabad and Visakhapatnam on the owner of any cab prohibiting the use of the meter fitted to it, the meter shall at once be removed and the cab shall be immediately withdrawn from service.

380. Repairs and repairers: -
(1) After a taxi-meter is sealed as provided in Rule 373 no repairs to any meter shall be made except by a maker or repairer authorized by and registered with the Controller of Weights and Measures or any officer of the Department authorised by him.

(2)Any person applying for being authorized and registered as a maker or repairer under sub-rule (I) shall satisfy the Controller of Weights and Measures or any officer of the Department authorised by him that, -

(i) the applicant is of good character and of good business repute;

(ii)the applicant’s financial position is sound;

(iii)the applicant maintains an efficient staff and suitable equipment at his premises and has a sufficient supply of spare parts of the repair of meters; and

(iv)the applicant is generally a fit and proper person to undertake the repair or adjustment of taxi-meters.

Such person shall also agree that the premises where the work of repairs or adjustment of meters to be carried on shall be open at all reasonable time to inspection by officers of the Regional Transport Authority and that he shall notify to the Secretary, Regional Transport Authority if the situation of the premises is at any time changed.

(3)Controller, Weights and Measures or any officer of the Department authorised by him may, in his discretion, cancel the registration of a maker or repairer if it is proved that such person is unable to comply or has not complied with the requirements set out in sub-rule (2), or if the business is not carried to the satisfaction of such Authority.

381. Type of body and materials of Auto-Rickshaw: -
(i) The body of every auto-rickshaw shall be either of a station wagon or a box-type or hackney carriage type as approved by the State Transport Authority, soundly constructed to the satisfaction of the registering authority and shall be securely fastened to the frame of the vehicle. There shall be adequate arrangements for protection of passengers from sun, wind and rain. The material used in the construction shall be strong and of good quality.

(ii)Roof: - The roof shall be so constructed as to provide protection for passengers from sun and rain, and shall be either of metal sheeting or canvas or some other suitable material.

382. Overhang of Auto-Rickshaw: - The overhang of the body shall not exceed forty one per cent of the distance between the place perpendicular to the axis of the auto-rickshaw which passes through the centre of the front wheel and the centre of the rear axle.

383. Overall width:-
(i) 4-Passenger auto-rickshaws: - The overall width measured at right angles to the axis of the planes enclosing the extreme points shall be not more than 1753 millimetres and not less than 1296 millimetres.

(ii) 3-Passenger auto-rickshaws:- The overall width measured at right angles to the axis of the planes enclosing the extreme points shall be not more than 1423 millimetres and not less than 1066 millimetres.

384. Overall Height: - (i) 4-Passenger auto-rickshaws: - The overall height measured from the surface on which auto-rickshaw stands shall not exceed 1.8 metres and there shall be at least 1.2 metres clear head space between floor board and the roof.

(ii) 3-Passengers auto-rickshaws: - The overall height measured from the surface on which auto-rickshaw stands shall not exceed 1.8 metres and there shall be at least 1.2 metres clear head space between floor board and the roof.

385. Road Clearance-‘ Auto-rickshaw: - The Road clearance of every auto-rickshaw shall be not more than 204 millimetres and less than 102 millimetres.

386. Clearance of Floor Board: -
(i) 4-Passenger auto-rickshaws: - The floorboard shall be not more than 559 millimetres above the surface on which the auto-rickshaw stands.

(ii)3-Passenger auto-rickshaws:- The floorboard shall be not more than 559 millimetres above the surface on which the auto-rickshaw stands.

387. Driver’s Seat: - The back of the driver’s seat should have at least 102 millimetres of clearance from the front panel of the body. A windscreen shall be provided for the driver.

388. Gangway in Auto-rickshaw: - In every 3 passenger auto-rickshaw the entrance to which is from the front or rear and the seats are placed across the vehicle there shall be a gangway of not less than 305 millimetres.

389. Seats in Auto-rickshaw: - (a) (i) 4-Passenger auto-rickshaws: - There shall be provided for each passenger reasonable comfortable seating space of not less than 406 millimetres square measured in straight lines along and at right angles to the front of each seat.

The seats shall be placed across the vehicle and when all seats face in the same direction there shall be at all places a clear space of not less than 686 millimetres between the backs of either of the seats and they shall face to the front or two seats to the front and two to the rear back. Seats along side the body shall not be allowed.

(ii)3-Passenger auto-rickshaws: - There shall be provided seat not more than 1118 millimetres and not less than 0.9 metres in length. The depth of the seat shall not be less than 406 millimetres.

(b)The back of all seats shall be slanting and closed to a height of at least 437 millimetres above the level of the both cases.

(c)The seats shall be provided with fixed or movable cushions. The cushions shall be covered with leather cloth of good quality or other material of such kind that they are capable of being kept in a clean and sanitary condition. There shall be a plank at the back of the passenger of every auto-rickshaw to avoid slipping of luggage in the space behind the passengers’ seats.

(d)The height of the seats from the floor shall not be less than 356 millimetres including cushions;

(e)Leg-space: -(i) 4-Passenger auto-rickshaws: - There shall be provided at least 279 millimetres leg space.

(ii) 3 Passenger auto-rickshaws: - There shall be provided at least 381 millimetres leg space.

389-A. Carriage of school children in passenger auto-rickshaws: -

(a)4-Passenger auto-rickshaws may exclusively carry eight (8) school children below the age of twelve (12) years (excluding driver).

(b)3-Passenger auto-rickshaws may exclusively carry six (6) school children below the age of twelve (12) years (excluding driver).

subject to the following conditions, namely:

(1)Temporary seating arrangements behind the driver’s seat shall be provided.

(2)Both sides of the auto-rickshaw shall be closed upto arm level with temporary planks of suitable material.

(3)A board “School Trip” shall be prominently displayed in the front and rear of the auto-rickshaw in red colour.

(4)Driver shall not allow school bags, water bottles and lunch boxes of children to project outside the body of the auto-rickshaw.

390. Milo meter in Auto-rickshaw: - Every auto-rickshaw shall be provided with suitable type of Milo meter to record total mileage covered on the basis of which fare is paid and also a milo meter of the type in which trip reading can be adjusted to zero or fare meter.

391. Horn in auto-rickshaw: - Every auto-rickshaw shall be fitted with a bulb horn.

392. Provision chain in steam driven vehicles: - Every steam driven motor vehicle with rubber tyres shall have attached to its frame a chain hanging loose or other contrivance whereby electric contact is made between the body of the vehicle and the earth.

393. Exemption of Military vehicles: - The provisions of the rules specified in the first column of the Table below shall not, to the extent specified in the corresponding entries in the second column thereof, apply to or in relation to military motor vehicle registered under Section 60.





Extent not applicable








The whole

394. Exemption of trailers: - The provisions of the rule specified in the first column of the Table below shall not, to the extent specified in the corresponding entries in the second column thereof, apply to or in relation to any trailer.



Extent not applicable






Sub-rule (1) relating to front lamp

The whole

395. Exemption by Government: - The Government may, by notification in the Telangana Gazette exempt to such extent as may be specified in the notification any motor vehicle or class of motor vehicles from all or any of the provisions of the rules framed under Chapter VII of the Act.




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