CHAPTER –VI State Transport Undertakings


298. Particulars of the Scheme and its publication :- Every scheme for road transport service formulated by the State Government under Section 99 shall be published by the State Government in Form STU.

299. Publication of Scheme as approved or Modified by State Government :- Any scheme for road transport service as approved or modified by the State Government shall be notified in the manner specified in Form STU-AS.

300. Modification of Scheme by State Government :- (1) Every approved scheme proposed to be modified by the Government under Section 102 (I) shall be published in form STU-GMSC (P) in the Telangana Gazette.

(2) The provisions in rule 302. 303 and 304 shall as far as may be apply to every modification proposed by the State Government under Section 102 (1).

(3) An approved scheme for road transport service as modified by the State Government under Section 102 (1) shall be published in A.P. Gazette in the manner specified in Form STU-GMS.

301. Relaxation in the procedure in modifying the scheme :- Notwithstanding anything contained in Rule 300 where the State Government consider it expedient to relax the prohibition or restriction of a provision in the approved scheme relating to the other service only, it shall be sufficient in such cases, if a notice of fifteen days and an opportunity of being heard under Section 102 (1) is given to the State Transport Undertaking and any other person who in the opinion of the Government, is likely to be affected by the proposed notification, before the modification is ordered.

302. Publication of schemes in newspaper :- Apart from the publication in the Telangana Gazette, all schemes formulated by the State Government shall be published at least in one Telugu Daily Newspaper circulated in the concerned area.

303. Filing of objections – Procedure :- Any person referred to in Section 100 (1) of the Act affected by the scheme published by the State Government under Section 99 or Section 102 may within 30 days from the date of publication of the scheme in the Telangana Gazette file his objections thereto before the Secretary to Government of Telangana in charge of Transport. The objections shall be submitted in Form STU (OBJ) and shall be signed by the objector or his authorized agent as the case may be. and shall be accompanied by two additional copies of the same.

Explanation:- Authorised Agent referred to in this rule shall mean a person who holds a valid power of attorney from his principal.

304. Consideration of the objections – Procedure :- The representatives of the State Transport Undertaking and the objectors or their authorised agents if they so desire, shall be heard by the Government on such date and at such time and place and in such manner as may be determined and communicated to the parties concerned not less than fourteen days in advance

305. Elimination of existing services – Procedure :- The State Transport Authority or Regional Transport Authority concerned shall cause a copy of every order passed under sub-section (2) of Section 103 to be exhibited on the notice boards of the Offices of the State Transport Authority and the Regional Transport Authority or the Regional Transport Authorities concerned and such order shall take effect from such date as may be specified in the order. The State Transport Authority or of Regional Transport Authority concerned shall also cause to be served upon the permit holder to whom the order relates a copy of the said order.

306. Applications by State Transport Undertaking :- (i) The State Transport Undertaking shall, at any time after the approval of scheme under sub-section (2) of Section 100 apply for issue of permit in Form STUSCA in respect of a particular stage carriage.

(ii) The fee for issue of a permit shall be Rs. 100.

307. Hiring of Private buses by State Transport Undertakings :- Notwithstanding anything in Rule 306 where an emergency arises that the State Transport Undertaking cannot procure its own vehicle to run its own service in a nationalised route, the State Transport Undertaking shall be at liberty to run any private vehicle taken on hire on payment of fixed hire charges duly obtaining a permit by an application in Form STUSCA for such vehicle.

308.Delegation of powers :- The Regional Transport Authority concerned or the State Transport Authority may by notification in the Telangana Gazette delegate all or any of its functions, duties or powers, specified in sub-section (1) and sub-section (2) of Section 103 and power to grant temporary permits under the proviso to Section 104 to its Secretary or Additional Secretary or Joint Secretary or Assistant Secretary, if any.

309. Manner of service of notice and order under Chapter VI :- Any notice or order required to be served on any person under the provisions of this Chapter shall be served, -

(a) by tendering or delivering a copy thereof to the person on whom it is to be served or his agents, if or any adult member of his family or servant residing with him; or

(b) by sending it by registered post at the last known address of the person on whom it is to be served;

c) by affixing it to some conspicuous place at his residence or business, in cases the above two methods are considered impracticable.



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