CHAPTER –V Control of Transport Vehicles


130. Appointment of Secretary or Additional Secretary :- Each Regional Transport Authority shall have a Secretary and Additional Secretary specified in the Fourth Schedule to these rules. They shall perform such duties and exercise such powers as may be specified in these rules and in the bye-laws made by the Regional Transport Authority under Rule 147.

131. Appointment of Regional and State Transport Authorities :- (1) The period of appointment of the Regional Transport Authority or the State Transport Authority constituted under sub-section (1) of Section 69 of the Act shall be two years with effect on and from the date on which its constitution is notified in the Telangana Gazette or until the fresh Regional Transport Authority or State Transport Authority is constituted whichever is later :

Provided that the Government may by notification and for reasons to be recorded therein at any time before the expiry of the original period of appointment reduce the said period of appointment of the Regional Transport Authority for such period as they deem fit.

(2) The Government may at any time remove any member of a Regional Transport Authority or the State Transport Authority as the case may be from his office if he fails without excuse sufficient in the opinion of the Government to attend three consecutive meetings of the said Authority or for any other reason which the Government may deem adequate.

(3) When the office of a member becomes vacant by his removal, resignation, death or otherwise a new member shall be appointed in his place and such member shall hold office as long as the member whose place he fills would have been entitled to hold office if such vacancy had not occurred or until a later date on which the appointment of his successor is notified.

132. Meeting of Regional Transport Authorities :- The Regional Transport Authority may meet once in three months on such date and at such time and place as may be determined by the Chairman, and on such other occasions, so determined as may be necessary for the prompt dispatch of business:

Provided that the Regional Transport Authority may meet before the aforesaid stipulated time according to exigencies and in the interest of public for prompt disposal of the business; if the total number of applications are more than fifty (50);

Provided further that adequate notice of such meetings and of business to be transacted thereat shall be given for information of such persons who being interested in the particular business to be transacted may in the opinion of the Regional Transport Authority or if its Secretary reasonably claim to be permitted to attend for the purpose of making representations.

133. Presiding Member of Regional Transport Authority :- Every meeting of the Regional Transport Authority shall be presided over by the Chairman or in his absence by any other member elected by majority of the members present :

Provided that the Regional Transport Authority shall not, in the absence of Chairman, conduct its business in respect of the following matters,

» Grant of stage carriage permits ;

» Grant of variations in respect of stage carriages ;

» Any matter falling under Section 71(3) of the Act ;

» Delegation of powers ;

» Making of any bye-laws for transacting the business of the Regional Transport Authority.

134. Voting at meetings :- All questions which may come before the Regional Transport Authority at any meeting shall be decided by a majority of the members present and voting at the meeting and in every case of equality of votes the pressing member shall have and exercise a second or casting vote.

135. Correspondence to be addressed to Regional Transport Authority or Secretary :- All correspondence intended for the consideration of the Regional Transport Authority shall be addressed to the Regional Transport Authority or to the Secretary of the Regional Transport Authority. No action shall be taken on any correspondence which is not so addressed.

136. Quorum :- The quorum for a meeting of the Regional Transport Authority shall be two members.

137. Agenda :- The Secretary shall under the general or special instructions of the Chairman, place before the Regional Transport Authority all matters which it is to decide. Copy of the agenda of the subjects to be considered at a public hearing shall cause to be published on the notice board of the office of the Secretary, Regional Transport Authority concerned at least seven days in advance of the date fixed for the public hearing.

138. Circulation of papers :- (1) Orders may be taken by circulating papers to the members of the Regional Transport Authority unless any person has a right to be heard in accordance with the provisions of the Act and of these rules, or unless, in the opinion of the Chairman, any person has a reasonable claim to he heard in the matter. Where a case is so circulated it shall be open to any member to require that the matter shall be discussed in a meeting of the Regional Transport Authority.

(2) Nothing in sub-rule (1) shall prevent the Regional Transport Authority from deciding by the procedure of circulation any matter which has been considered at a meeting or has been subject of a hearing and upon which a decision has been reserved.

139. Hearing of representations by Regional Transport Authority :- In any case in which a person has a right to be heard according to the provisions of the Act or these rules, he may appear either in person or by accredited agent. In any other case it shall be optional for the Regional Transport Authority to hear representations made to it either in person or by accredited agent.

140. Filling of Vakalatnama by legal practitioner :- Any legal practitioner who proposes to appear on behalf of a person who has a right to be heard according to the provisions of the Act or of these rules before the State Transport Authority or its officers or before any Regional Transport Authority or its Secretary or before a Deputy Transport Commissioner shall file a Vakalatnama.

141. Giving effect to decision of Regional Transport Authorities :- All the decisions of the Regional Transport Authority shall be given effect to by its Secretary or Additional Secretary or Joint Secretary or Assistant Secretary.

142. Publication of decision of Regional Transport Authority and State Transport Authority :- Every decision of the Regional Transport Authority or State Transport Authority taken shall be published on the Notice Board of its Secretary concerned for the information of the persons concerned.

143. Powers of Regional Transport Authority – Delegation :- The Regional Transport Authority for the prompt and convenient dispatch of its business shall by general or special order delegate to its

Secretary or Additional Secretary or Joint Secretary or Assistant Secretary any or all of the following powers :

» Power under Section 72 (1) to grant or refuse a stage carriage permit where no objections or representations are received ;

» Power to approve the time-table of a service of stage carriage or of a particular stage carriage permit conditions under the said Section 72 (2) ;

» Power under Section 74(1) to grant or refuse a contract carriage permit in cases where no objections or representations are received and power under Section 74(2) to impose conditions on the use of a contract carriage ;

» Power under Section 76(1) to grant or refuse a private service vehicle permit and power under Section 76(3) to impose conditions on the use of a private service vehicle ;

» Power under Section 79 (1) to grant or refuse a private service vehicle permit and power under Section 79(2) to attach conditions to a goods carriage permit ;

» Power to appoint dates for the receipt of applications for Stage Carrier’s permits ;

» Power to renew or refuse to renew a permit or countersignature of a permit under Section 88 where no objections or representations are received ;

» Power under Section 82(1) to transfer or refuse to transfer a permit otherwise than on the death of a permit holder in the case of vehicles other than stage carriages and power under Section 82 (2) in respect of all vehicles on the death of a permit holder ;

» Power under Section 83 to permit or refuse to permit the replacement of one vehicle by another ;

» Power under Section 86 to suspend or cancel a permit or compound an offence in lieu of suspension or cancellation of permit and the power under sub-section (4) of Section 88 read with Section 86 to suspend or cancel the counter-signature of permits or compound an offence in lieu of suspension or cancellation to counter-signature;

» Power under Section 87 to grant or refuse a temporary permit;

» Power to refuse to entertain applications for grant of renewal of permits; and counter-signature of permits, where such applications are not in accordance with the provisions of the Act and of the rules made thereunder;

» Power under Rule 225(3) to direct or refuse the continuance of the endorsement;

» Power under sub-section (8) of Section 88 to grant or refuse a special permit or its extension of validity;

» Power to refuse summarily an application for a permit of the grant of the permit in accordance with the application or with modification would have its effect of number of vehicles beyond the limit fixed by the Regional Transport Authority under sub-section 3 (a) of Section 71 or sub-section 3 (a) of Section 74;

» Power to vary or refuse to vary a permit on an application in case where no objections of representations are received;

» Power to give notice under Clause (xxii) of sub-section (2) of Section 72, Clause (ix) of sub-section (2) of Section 74, Clause (iii) of sub-section (3) of Section 76 and Clause (vii) of sub-section (2) of Section 79 or under Rule 233 and power under these sections to vary the permit accordingly if no objections or representations are received within the time prescribed in the notice;

» Power to call for records in pursuance of Rule 234;

» Power under sub-rules (2) and (3) of Rule 214 to accept or not the surrender or to postpone the acceptance of the surrender of the permit;

» Power under sub-rule (2) of Rule 216to grant extension of time;

» Power under sub-sections (1) and (4) of Section 66 to grant or refuse omnibus permit to vehicles adopted to carry more than nine persons excluding the driver;

» Power under sub-section (1) of Section 76 to grant or refuse private service vehicle permit;

» Power to give effect to direction issued under Section 67 (1) (i) by the State Government;

» Power to grant National Permits under Section 88 (12) of the Motor Vehicles Act, 1988;

» Power to grant extension of time for production of the records under sub-rule (2) of Rule 192.

144. Delegation of powers under Section 87 of the Act to inspecting officers of the Transport Department :- (1) The Regional transport Authority may subject to the restrictions, limitations and conditions as it may specify by general or special resolution delegate to the inspecting officer of the Transport Department the power under Clause (a) of sub-section (1) of Section 87 of the Act to authorise the use of any stage carriage or motor Cab temporarily for the conveyance of passengers on special occasion such as to and from fairs and festivals and religions gatherings :

Provided that officer who issues authorisation in exercise of this power so delegated shall make a detailed report of the action taken by him to the Secretary of the Regional Transport Authority.

(2) An authorisation granted in pursuance of the delegation under sub-rule (1) shall be valid in any of the regions which the route covered by the authorisation may relate without counter-signature in such other region or regions and the officer who issued the authorisation shall send intimation thereof to the Transport Authority or Authorities of the other region concerned.

(3) The officer who issued the authorisation shall exercise the power delegated to him under sub-rule (1) only during the absence of the Regional Transport Authority and the Secretary, Regional Transport Authority on the spot.

145. Powers of Regional Transport Authority – Delegation :- The Regional Transport Authority may by general or special order, delegate to all Motor Vehicles Inspectors and all the Assistant Motor Vehicles Inspectors incharge of check posts, the power to grant or refuse temporary permits under Clause (c) of sub-section (1) of Section 87 of the Act, in respect of goods vehicles and public service vehicles of different categories like motor cabs, maxi cabs and contract carriages of Home State and other States, for performing a specified journey for the period not exceeding seven (7) days or thirty (30) days irrespective of the number of journeys on all National and State Highways with a deviation upto (30) kms.

146. Report of action taken under powers delegated :- The Secretary shall place before the next meeting of the Regional Transport Authority a report in writing of all actions taken by him and other delegates under the powers delegated to them.

147. Orders of delegation to be published :- All orders of delegation made by the Regional Transport Authority under Rule 143 shall be posted on a notice board at the Regional Transport Authority.

148. Instructions for exercising delegated functions :- The Regional Transport Authority may give general instructions as to the manner in which the Secretary shall exercise the power delegated to him.

149. Bye-law :- Subject to the provisions of the Act and rules and the control of higher authority, a Regional Transport Authority shall have power to make bye-laws to regulate the conduct of its business and the business of such authority shall be conducted accordingly under the directions of the Chairman.

150. Appointment of persons to authenticate documents :- The Secretary, may with the approval of the Regional Transport Authority appoint persons to authenticate documents and perform other duties on his behalf.

151. Secretary and staff :- The State Transport Authority shall have a Secretary who shall be appointed by the Government and shall also be the Chief Executive Officer of the State Transport Authority. The Government may appoint Assistant Secretaries and such other officers and staff for the State Transport Authority as they deem desirable.

152. Secretary or Assistant Secretary to carry out decisions :- All decisions of the State Transport Authority shall be carried into effect by the Secretary or Assistant or both.

153. Powers of State Transport Authority – Delegation of :- The State Transport Authority may for the prompt and convenient despatch of its business by general and special resolution delegate to Transport Commissioner, Joint Transport Commissioner, Joint Transport Commissioner and Assistant Secretaries, State Transport Authority, all or any of the powers vested in it :

Provided that no delegation shall be made in respect of the following :-

» Power under Section 68 (3)(a) to co-ordinate and regulate the activities of the Regional Transport Authorities;

» Power under Section 68 (3) (c) to settle disputes or differences of opinion between Regional Transport Authorities;

» Power under Section 72 (1) to grant or refuse stage carriage permits in cases where objections or representations
are received;

» Power under Section 74 (1) to grant or refuse contract carriages permits in cases where objections or representations are received;

» Power to give effect to any direction issued under Section 61 by the State Government other than under Section 61 (1) (i).

154. Action taken under powers delegated – Report :- The Secretary of the Transport Authority shall place before the next meeting of the State Transport Authority a report in writing of all actions taken by him and by the other delegates, if any, under the powers delegated by the State Transport Authority.

155. Orders of delegation to be published :- All orders of delegation made by the State Transport Authority under Rule 153 shall be posted on a notice board at the office of the State Transport Authority.

156. Instructions for exercising delegated functions :- State Transport Authority may give general instructions as to the manner in which the delegates shall exercise the powers delegated to them.

157. Powers of State Transport Authority – Delegation to Chairman :- The State Transport Authority may for the prompt and convenient despatch of its business, by a general or special resolution, delegate to its Chairman the following powers and functions :-

158. State Transport Authority to be Transport Authority for thorough traffic :- The State Transport Authority shall be the sole transport authority in regard to thorough traffic along trunk roads and along such other roads as may be notified by the Government for this purpose in the Telangana Gazette and shall in respect of such traffic exercise the powers and functions conferred upon a Regional Transport Authority by or under Chapter IV of the Act.

Note :- For the purpose of this rule, thorough traffic shall be deemed to be traffic for a distance of more than one hundred and sixty kilometres.

159. Delegation of powers by the State Transport Authority for notified routes of less than 150 kilometers :- The powers conferred by Rule 158 on the State Transport Authority may be delegated to the Regional Transport Authority concerned by the State Transport Authority, subject to such conditions as may be necessary.

160. Extension of validity of permit by State Transport Authority Fee therefore :- (1) The State Transport Authority may, on payment of the fees specified in Rule 195 grant a permit for a vehicle to ply on a route lying partly on a road specified in Rule 158 for a distance of more than one hundred and sixty kilometres and part by on any other road or roads. (2) The State Transport Authority may, on payment of a fee of rupees ten, extend the validity of a permit granted by any transport authority to such extended area or roads as it may deem desirable. (3) The provisions of the Act and of these rules relating to applications for permits and the grant, refusal, suspension or cancellation of permits and all matters connected therewith, including appeals shall, apply to extensions of the validity of such permits.

161. Quorum :- The quorum for a meeting of the State Transport Authority shall be three members of whom one shall be its Chairman.

162. Conduct of Business :- Rules 132,134,135,137,138,139 and 149 shall apply to the conduct of business by the State Transport Authority, except that it shall not be obligatory for the State Transport Authority to meet not less than once in two moths.

163. Appeals to the State Transport Appellate Tribunal :- An appeal under Section 89 to the State Transport Appellate Tribunal shall be preferred within the time as specified in the Telangana State Transport Appellate Tribunal Rules, 1989.

164. Appeal, form and fee :- An appeal under Rule 163 shall be in the manner as specified in the Telangana State Transport Appellate Tribunal Rules, 1989.

165. Revision to State Transport Appellate Tribunal :- An application for the State Transport Appellate Tribunal under Section 90 shall be in the manner as specified in the State Transport Appellate Tribunal Rules, 1989.

166. Levy of fees for supply of copies of documents :- The Secretary, State Transport Authority, and Secretary, Regional Transport Authority, the State Transport Appellate Tribunal or any authority specified by the said Tribunal may in its discretion give any person interested in an appeal or revision a certified copy of the decision or an order or of any other relevant documents on payment of a fee of Rupees two, such payment being made by means of Court fee stamps affixed to the application for each such copy of the decision orders, petition or document.

167. Extension and Endorsements :- In these rules a counter-signature of a permit by a Regional Transport Authority is referred to as an endorsement and counter-signature by the State Transport Authority as an extension of the validity of a permit.

168. Applications not to be rejected on technical grounds :- (1) The Transport Authority shall not reject an application for the grant or renewal of permit or for the counter-signature of a permit solely on any or all of following technical grounds :

» When an application is presented to a Transport Authority not having jurisdiction ;

» When the form of application has not been correctly filed in, and

» When the prescribed fee has been omitted to be paid.

(2) In every such case the Transport Authority should return the application for presentation to the Transport Authority concerned or for rectification of other defects informing the applicant of the correct procedure in the matter and giving him not more than seven days from the date of receipt of the communication to comply with such direction.

169. Special permits for tourist vehicles :- A special distinguishing mark assigned to a public service, in respect of which a special permit has been granted under Section 88 (1), shall be displayed prominently on the wind-screen of the vehicle in a holder in accordance with the specifications prescribed.

170. Validity of Special permits :- The validity of a special permit under Sections 88 shall be for a maximum period of three months which may, if necessary, be extended for a further maximum period of one month by the competent authority on an application made either by the permit holder of the person-in-charge of the vehicle who is duly authorised by the permit-holder on this behalf. The competent authority extending the permit may allow additional place of visit, if required.

Explanation :- The competent authority shall mean the Regional Transport Authority which issued the permit or the Regional Transport Authority of the region in which the vehicle happens to be at the time of applying for extension, whichever is nearer.

171. Form of application for permits :- Every application for a permit in respect of a transport vehicle shall be in one of the following forms :

» In respect of a particular stage carriage In form PSCA
or of a service of stage carriages :

» In respect of a particular contract carriage In Form PCOA

» In respect of a particular contract carriage In Form PUOA

» In respect of a temporary permit In Form PUCA

» In respect of a special permit under Section In Form PTOV
88 (8) be addressed to Secretary of the
Authority at the regular office of the

» In respect of a private service vehicle In Form PTVA

172. Application for endorsement or extension of validity :- Every application for an endorsement or extension of the validity of a permit shall be in the same form as is applicable to the class of permit that it is sought to be endorsed or extended with necessary alternation.

173. Authority to be applied to :- Every application for the grant or renewal of a permit or for an endorsement or renewal of an endorsement of a permit or for an extension or renewal of an extension of validity of a permit shall be made to the Transport Authority which shall acknowledge its receipt.

174. Forms of permit :- Every permit shall be in one of the following Forms :-

» In respect of a particular stage carriage In Form PSP

» In respect of a service of stage carriage In Form PSS

» In respect of a particular contract carriage In Form PC

» Goods Carriage permit In Form PPC

» A temporary permit In Form PT

» A special permit under Sec. 88(8) In Form PTOV

» In respect of private service vehicle In Form PTV

» In respect of National Permit of goods In Form NPPUC

» In respect of All Indian Tourist vehicle In For TVP

175. Permit endorsement when not necessary within the State :- (1) The Regional Transport Authority of anyone region may subject to the provisions of Section 69 grant a permit to be valid in any other regions within the State without the counter-signature of the Regional Transport Authority of the other region or of each of the other regions concerned and shall as soon as possible send copies of proceedings relating to the issue of such permit.

176. Grant of State-wide permits in respect of Motor Cabs :- The Regional Transport Authority of one region may grant a permit in respect of a motor cab other than three wheelers to ply as a contract carriage to be valid throughout the State without the counter-signature of the Regional Transport Authorities of the other region.

176-A. Grant of State-wide permits in respect of private Service Vehicles :- The Regional Transport Authority of one Region may grant a permit in respect of a Private Service Vehicle to be valid throughout the State without the counter signature of the Regional Transport Authorities of the other Regions.

177. Grant of permits to Autorickshaws :- The Regional Transport Authority of any one region may grant a permit in respect of an Auto rickshaw and Motor Cycle Taxi to ply as a contract carriage to be valid for an area lying within a radius of 60 kms from the principal place of business of the registered owner without the counter-signature of the Regional Transport Authority or Regional Transport Authorities of the other region or regions in which the said area may partly lie :

Provided that where the principal place of business aforesaid is a municipal town or city the area to be permitted shall be computed from the limits of the Municipality as notified under the Telangana Municipalities Act, 1965.

178. Reservation of Stage Carriage permits :- (1) Each Regional Transport Authority or the State Transport Authority as the case may be shall reserve stage carriage permits under sub-section (3) (b) of Section 71 for Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes as indicated below :-

» Out of a unit of 100 permits to be granted, fifteen permits for the Scheduled Castes ;

» Out of a unit of 100 permits to be granted, six permits for the Scheduled Tribes.

(2) For the purpose of this rule, unit of 100 permits shall be deemed to have commenced on the date on which sub-section 3(b) of Section 71 has come into force.

(3) In case, permit or permits have already been granted upto the date on which these rules have come into force, otherwise than in accordance with the rule of reservation the next immediate permit or permits be granted shall be reserved for the respective category of permits.

(4) The grant of permits to persons belonging to Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes shall be reviewed every quarter in order to ensure that the number of permits reserved for Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes out of unit of 100 permits are granted to these categories of persons..

(5) The computation of reservation to be made shall be accounted in a register which shall be maintained by the Secretary of the Transport Authority concerned.

179. Guiding principles for grant of stage carriage permits :- (1) Route shall be classified ;

» Short routes which cover a distance of not more than 64 Kms. ;

» Medium routes which cover a distance of over 64 Km. but not exceeding 163 Kms. ;

» Long routes which cover a distance of more than 160 Kms.

(2)(a) Preference on a short routes shall be given to new entrants whenever there is an application or applications from entrants. The comparison of marks shall be considered from among the new entrants only:

Provided that where there is no new entrants, applicants, applicants holding one to four stage carriage permits (excluding spare stage carriage permits and temporary stage carriage permits) shall be considered ;

(b) Other things being equal, preference for medium route shall be given to applicants holding one to four stage carriage permits excluding spare carriage permits and temporary stage carriage permits ;

(c) Other things being equal, preference on long route shall be given to applicants holding five or more stage carriage permits excluding spare stage carriage permits and temporary stage carriage permits :

Provided that nothing in this Clause shall apply to applicants for renewal of permits.

(3) Notwithstanding anything contained in Clause (2) where in respect of a route for which grant of permit or permits has to be decided consequent on nationalisation of the said route or its sector, other things being equal, first preference shall be given to an applicant or applicants who were displaced on the same route or its sector.

(4) The Transport Authorities shall in deciding the applicants for grants of stage carriage permits have regard to the following mattes subject to Section 71 :-

(i) The applicants shall first be screened on one or more of the following principles and those who have been found unsuitable shall be disqualified, reasons being given for the decision of the Transport Authority,

(a) If there is a financial instability as evidenced by insolvency of undischarged degrees ;

Provided that the purchase of a vehicle by money borrowed or under hire-purchase agreement shall not be a disqualification by itself.

(b) If their history sheet is not clean and contains more than six entries relating to offences of the following nature adjudicated within twenty four months preceding the date of grant of the permit :-

(1) Over load ;

(2) Plying without permit ;

(3) Plying without payment of tax ;

(4) Plying on unauthorised route and making unauthorised trips;

(5) Plying without Fitness Certificate; and

(6) Non-maintenance of Stage Carriage Service :

Provided that nothing in this clause shall apply to applicants for renewal of permits ;

(c) If there is evidence that an applicant is trafficking in permits either benami or otherwise or that the application has been made on behalf of others in order to evade rules.

(ii) After screening the applicants in the manner laid down in sub-rule (4)(i) marks shall be assigned as follows assessing the relative merits of the applicants, for the grant of permits :

(a) Resident Qualifications :- One mark may be awarded to the applicant who has his residence or place of business for period exceeding one year at either terminus of the route or on the route.

(b) Sector Qualifications :- Marks may be awarded to the applicant who has Sector Qualification on the route applied for as follows,-

(i) Where the sector qualification is within 50 per cent of the total distance of the route applied for, one mark ;

(ii) Where the sector qualifications is above 50 per cent two marks: Provided that if the applicant is exclusively running stage carriage or stage carriages on the same route applied for on a sector covering the entire route applied for, he shall not be eligible for these marks, or mark.

(c) Business or technical experience in Motor Transport and technical qualifications :-

(i) One mark may be awarded to the applicant who has business or technical experience in the field of motor transport for less than five years ;

(ii) Two marks may be awarded to the applicant who has business or technical experience in the filed of motor transport for over five years.

Provided further that an applicant having a diploma or degree in mechanical or automobile engineering may be awarded two marks in addition to the marks to be awarded for the business or technical experience.

(d) Possession of workshop :- One mark may be awarded to the applicant who is in possession of a workshop having the following minimum equipment ;

S.No. Equipment Quantity required

(1) (2) (3)
(1) Tool Kit 1

(2) Iron horses-Front axle 2

(3) Iron horses-Rear axle 2

(4) Iron horses-Chassis 2

(5) Roll a car jack 4 tons 1

(6) Ordinary Grease Gun 1

(7) Electric Grinder-wire wheel 1

(8) Electric Tool-kit 1

(9) Wall Plug lights 1

(e) Ex-Servicemen :- One mark may be awarded to the applicant who is an ex-serviceman associated with motor transport while in Military service.

(f) Displaced operator :- Five marks may be awarded to the applicant who has been displaced from the operation of stage carriage due to nationalization under Chapter VI of the Act :

Provided that such an applicant has not been granted a stage carriage permit on an alternative route or area.

(g) Co-operative Societies or persons having driving Licences to drive transport vehicle :- One mark may be awarded to the applicant, who is co-operative society, registered or deemed to have been registered under any enactment in force for the time being with a sole purpose of conducting transport business or to an applicant having a valid Licence to drive transport vehicle.

(iii) Deduction of marks :- After the award of marks to the applicants in the manner specified in Clause (ii) above, marks shall be deducted as follows for assessing the different qualifications of the applicants for the grant of permits :

(a) One mark may be deducted for each of the offences in the history sheet of the applicant as specified in Clause (i) (b) of the rule ;

(b) One mark may be deducted for each transfer of a stage carriage permit by the applicant to others.

(iv) Applications finalized under sub-roles (4) (ii) and 4 (iii) above shall be disposed of according to Section 71 of the Act.

(5) All orders passed by the Transport Authorities under Section 72 (1) shall be accompanied by a tabular statement containing the marks awarded to each of the applicants and shall contain the reasons for awarding the marks. Fractions of marks shall not be awarded.

180. Variation or extension of route :- No variation or extension shall ordinarily be allowed except when circumstances such as the subsequent construction of a bridge or the road or transport requirements of the area to be served were overlooked at the time of deciding the route or have been changed.

181. Grant or refusal of additional trips or change of timings :- In granting additional trips or change of timings the transport authorities shall have regard to the following :-

(i) need for the provision of additional facilities or for revision of existing timings in the interest of public ;

(ii) special circumstances such as changes in the Railway timings, changes in the number of permits either on route or on the sectors of the route, or variations of the routes :

Provided that whenever rotation of timings is to be enforced, stage carriage carrying mails should be executed in the public interest and the rotation should be enforced only in respect of all the other stage carriage on the particular routes.

182. Suspension or cancellation of permits :- In deciding whether to suspend or cancel a stage carriage permit as a punishment the transport authorities shall have regard to the following :

(i) the gravity of the offence ;

(ii) the fact that the permit holder, has committed the same or similar offence in respect of the vehicle on one or more occasions previously ; and

(iii) the state of history sheet of the permit holder indicating that any lesser punishment will be ineffective.

183. Maintenance of history sheet in respect of a contract carriage :- Every transport authority shall maintain a history sheet in respect of every owner of a motor vehicle used as a contract carriage, with or without permit, showing the instances of contravention of the Act or the rules made thereunder or breach of the conditions of a permit if any, together with the result of action taken therefore.

184. Grant or renewal of contract carriage permits-guiding principles :- (1) The transport authorities shall in deciding whether to grant or refuse to grant a contract carriage permit, have regard to the following matters in addition to those specified in Section 74 which are applicable to the grant the permit.

(2) The applicants shall first be screened and those who are found to be unsuitable on one or more of the following principles, shall be disqualified reasons being given in such decision of the transport authority, whenever an applicant is disqualified.

(i) If the history sheet is not clean and contains more than six entries relating to offence of overload, running without permit, of fitness certificate or without payment of tax or using the vehicle unauthorisedly as a stage carriage, committed within twenty four months preceding the date of consideration of the application by transport authority:

Provided that nothing in this clause apply to applications for renewal of permits ;

(iii) If there is evidence that the application has been trafficking in permits either benami or otherwise ;

(iv) If the applicant has on behalf of others in order to avoid rules. After eliminating the applicant in the manner laid down above, marks shall be assigned as follows for assessing the different qualifications of the applicant for the grant of permits :

(a) for having residence in the region 2 marks

(b) for having branch office 1 mark

(c) for having previous experience in 2 marks
motor transport

(d) for Co-operative Socieities 2 marks

(e) for Ex-Servicemen 1 mark

(f) for displayed bus operator due to

nationalization 2 mark

(g) for educated unemployed 1 mark

(3) No person shall be granted or shall hold or shall process more than five contract carriage permits at any time.

(4) Applications finalised as above shall be then disposed of according to the provisions of Sections 74.

185. Conditions to be attached to all permits :- (1) The Transport Authority or its Secretary acting under delegated powers may impose in the various categories of permits the conditions specified against each.

(a) Conditions Common to all permits :- (i) The vehicle shall not be used on any public road unless the tax due in respect of such vehicle has been paid in accordance with the provisions of the Telangana Motor Vehicles Taxation Act, 1963 in force and the notifications issued there under ;

(ii) There shall not be present in the vehicle either when it is stationary or when it is in motion any class or description of goods, the conveyance of which contravenes any law or any rule, by law or order made there under prohibiting or regulating the import or export transport of such goods or mica for which royalty has not been paid.

(iii) The holder of the permit shall report cases of accidents direct to the Insurance Company with which the vehicle is insured, to the Secretary of the Transport Authority concerned and the nearest Police Station or outpost within two days from the date of accident ;

(iv) The permit of the vehicle shall be carried in the vehicle unless it is sent to the Transport Authority in which case the transport authority acknowledgement shall be carried in the vehicle ;

(v) The vehicle shall not be replaced by another vehicle of the same nature except with permission of the Transport Authority which granted the permit;

(vi) The permit shall not be transferred from one person to another except with the permission of the Transport Authority that granted the permit and shall not without such permission operate to confer on any person to whom the vehicle covered by the permit is transferred, any right to use the vehicle in the manner authorised by the permit;

(vii) Intimation about the changes of address of the permit holder together with permit to the transport authority that issued the permit within 14 days from the date of change of address. Copies of the intimation shall also be sent to the transport authority if any that have counter signed the permit ;

(viii) When an alternation is made in the vehicle so as to contravene any of the conditions of the permit, the holder of the permit shall at the time of reporting the registering authority under Section 52 (4) forward a copy of the report to the transport authority. If the Transport Authority declines to vary the permit in accordance with the alternation, the permit holder shall provide substituted vehicle within such time as the transport authority may specify ;

(ix) The vehicle shall be stopped when signalled to stop by any person authorised in this behalf by the Act and Rules made thereunder;

(x) If the Transport Authority decides to vary the conditions of the permit or to attach further conditions, the permit holder shall produce the permits on demand by the Transport Authority within the time fixed by it ;

(xi) The vehicle shall not be used in the commission of any offence under the Indian Penal Code or any local or special law or any statutory control order for the time being in force;

(xii) Certificate of registration and certificate of fitness or a valid receipt containing the particulars of fitness certificate issued by the authority before whom the registration certificate was filed shall at all times be carried in the vehicle and the vehicle maintained to comply the requirements of the Act and Rules made thereunder ;

(xiii) The vehicle shall not be driven at a speed exceeding the speed permitted under the Act ;

(xiv) The fares and freights fixed by the notification under Section 67 shall be observed other than private service vehicles ;

(xv) The vehicle shall not be driven in the contravention of the provisions of Section 5 and Section 113 of the Act ;

(xvi) The provisions of the Act limiting the terms of the work of the drivers shall be observed in connection with the vehicle or vehicles ;

(xvii) The provisions of Chapter X, XI, XII as so far as to apply to the holder of permit has to be observed ;

(xviii) The name and address of the operator shall be painted or otherwise firmly affixed to every vehicle (other than motor cab) to which the permit relates in the extension of the body on both sides thereof in a colour or colours vividly extracting to the colour of the vehicle centered as high as practicable below the window line in bold letters ;

(xix) The motor vehicle shall be maintained in such condition and shall be so driven as to conform to the standards of smoke and emissions prescribed under Rule 115 of Central Motor Vehicles Rules, 1989 ;

(xx) The vehicle shall conform to the precautions and conditions prescribed under Central Motor Vehicles Rules, 1989 while transporting goods of dangerous or hazardous nature to human life: and

(xxi) The vehicle to which the permit relates shall at all times be so maintained as to comply with the requirements of Chapter VII and rules made there under,

(b) Additional condition for all Public Service Vehicles :- The vehicle shall carry a first aid box which shall contain either the articles mentioned in List A or the articles mentioned in List B below:

Provided that this condition shall not apply to stage carriage permits granted to the Telangana State Road Transport Corporation or any other person in respect of routes lying wholly within the limits of the municipal towns and cities.

List A

(a) A copy of the first aid leaf-let ;

(b) 24 sterilised finger dressings ;

(c) 12 sterilised hand or foot dressings ;

(d) 12 sterilised large or body dressings ;

(e) One extra large, 2 large and 3 small sterilised burn dressings ;

(f) Two 14 mm, packets of sterilised cotton wool ;

(g) A bottle of 2% tincture iodine ;

(h) A bottle of Seal volotile ;

(i) An empty bottle fitted with cork and camel hair brush for eye drops; and

(j) 51 mm medicine glass.

List B

(a) One set or ordinary pattern splints ;

(b) Three triangler bandages ;

(c) Two, 14 mm packets surgeons lint ;

(d) Three 28 mm packets cotton wool ;

(e) Nine first aid dressings ;

(f) Nine roller bandages ;

(g) Three burn dressings ;

(h) Two eye pads ;

(i) One cord safety pins ;

(j) One pair of scissors ;

(k) One spool plaster 25 mm ;

(l) One medicine tumbler ;

(m) One bottle ;

(n) One bottle Sal volotile ;

(o) One rubber tubing ;

(p) One pair splinter foresep ;

(q) One bottle smelling salt ;

(r) One scalpel; and

(s) Three ampules tincture iodine

(ii) No agent or canvasser shall be employed by the owner, driver or conductor of the vehicle in the sale of tickets for travel by the vehicle or in otherwise soliciting custom for the vehicle unless such agent or canvasser has obtained a Licence issued under Clause (i) of sub-section (1) of Section 93 of the Act ;

(iii) The permit holder shall maintain a trip register in Form TR correctly and legible in manner prescribed under rules;

(iv) No corpse of person who is or is believed to be suffering or has been suffering from any infectious or contagious disease shall be caused or allowed to enter into or to be placed or carried in the vehicle or vehicles in regular course of service.

(c) Additional conditions to Private Service Vehicles :- (i) The vehicle shall carry First Aid Box which shall contain either the articles mentioned in the List’ A or the articles mentioned in the List’ B in the condition prescribed to the public service vehicle.

(ii) The vehicle shall not be used for hire or reward.

(iii) The vehicle shall not carry more number of persons than the seating capacity of the vehicle; and

(iv) The vehicle shall be used only on the route or in the area specified in the permit and shall not be used on any other routes.

(d) Additional conditions for stage carriages :- (1) The vehicle shall be used only on the route or in the area specified in the permit and shall not be used on any other routes ;

(ii) The date of expiry of the permit and of the certificate of fitness and other particulars as laid down under these rules shall be painted continuously on the left side of the body of the vehicle above the position of the ear left wheel and as near the rear entrance of exit as possible;

(iii) Bus warrants issued under and in accordance with the rules in force shall be accepted in lieu of the fares or the charges;

(iv) The fare table and time exhibited shall indicate the current stages on the route fixed by the transport authority and also the correct fares according to the stages for observance in the course of each trip ;

(v) No advertising device, figure or writing shall be exhibited on the outside of the vehicle without the specific permission from and save in the manner specified by the transport authority that granted the permit ;

(vi) The vehicle shall not be used in any public place unless it carries in addition to the driver, a conductor unless exempted under Rule 72 :

(vii) Failure to perform the service in accordance with the schedule of timings and trips prescribed shall forthwith be reported in writing by registered post with acknowledgement due or delivering the report in person to the transport authority that issued the permit and transport authority or authorities if any that countersigned the permits ;

(viii) The conductor of the vehicle shall stop at such stations on its route as transport authority may prescribe and enter correctly in the register in Form ‘TGR’ kept at such station, the particulars specified therein ;

(ix) The driver or conductor shall maintain trip sheets in Form ‘
TSS’ unless exempted by the Regional Transport Authority under Rule 267. The Driver or conductor having custody of the trip sheets shall produce them for inspection on demand by any person authorised in this behalf under the rules The trip sheets in Form TSS shall be preserved for two years after the expiry of the period to which it relates. The trip sheets in Form TSS shall be maintained in bound books containing 100 pages (in duplicate) each serially numbered and each book shall be got authenticated by the Secretary or Joint Secretary or Additional Secretary or Assistant Secretary of the Transport Authority;

(x) Destination boards shall be exhibited in the manner prescribed under Rule 275 ;

(xi) A notice bearing the words “Smoking Prohibited” in Telugu or in English or both shall prominently be displayed in the vehicle;

(xii) Duties and conduct of drivers and conductors shall be exhibited in the vehicle;

(xiii) A complaint book with pages numbered serially and providing for the name, address, ticket number and signature of the complainant and complaints made by him shall be kept and made available for any person travelling in the vehicle ;

(xiv) Not more than the number of passengers allowed under the permit excluding the driver and conductor shall be carried in the vehicle at any time.

(e) Additional conditions for contract carriages :- (i) Receipts shall be issued when so required by the hirer for the hire charges paid ;

(ii) The driver of the vehicle shall maintain the trip sheet in Form TSC in the manner prescribed under Rule 267.

Note :- This condition shall not apply to motor cabs and autorickshaws.

(iii) The vehicle shall be parked at such stands as may be determined by the Transport Authority when it is not engaged and it shall be available for hire there at:

Provided that the contract carriages other than motor cabs shall not be parked within a reasonable distance from the bus stations authorised for the stage carriages namely 3 kilometers in a municipal city, 2 Kms., in a municipal town and one kilometre in other places;

(iv) The hood of every motor cab other than autorickshaw shall be painted in cream or yellow and the rest of the body in black colour :

Provided the dual colour painting shall not be necessary in the case of taxies as the sign “Taxi” is prominently exhibited on the front hood of the motor cab with provision for illumination of the same during the night ;

(v) Every contract carriage other than a taxi, and an autorickshaw shall furnish a list of passengers included in the contract to the transport authority which had granted the permit and an attested copy of which shall be annexed to the trip sheet :

Provided that it will be sufficient compliance if the list or passengers attested by a Motor Vehicles Inspector or an Asst. Motor Vehicles Inspector or Station House Officer of the nearest Police Station is posted to the Transport Authority within 24 hours of the commencement of the contract a COPY of the same is annexed to the trips sheets if the contract carriage is commencing the journey from a place other than the headquarters of the Transport Authority.

The Form

List of Passengers


Name of the Passengers

Father/Husband's Name







(vi) It shall be a condition of every permit of contract carriage motor cab and autorickshaw, that the vehicle shall not be allowed or caused to be allowed to participate in a strike or withdraw from service causing inconvenience to the public without prior notice of atleast seven days in case of a strike and three days in other case ;

(vii) The owner of every autorickshaw shall maintain a record sheet in duplicate in a bound book in Form R.S.A with a copy to be kept with autorickshaw ;

(viii) The driver and the owner of motor cab, autorickshaw shall exhibit or caused to be exhibited a card inside the motor cab, taxi cab and autorickshaw on the position between the driving seat and the passenger seat in a manner visible to the passengers from the seat containing the following particulars ;

(a) Name of the owner ;

(b) Name of the driver ;

(c) Registration No. of the Vehicle ;

(d) Tariff of the fare.

The plate mentioned above shall have dimension of not less than 20 cms., in length and 20 cms, in width with black background and white letters. The dimension of each letter written shall not be less than 3 mm. in length and 3 mm in breadth;

(ix) Route :- The vehicle shall be used only on the routes or area specified in the permit and not otherwise;

(x) Seating :- The vehicle shall not carry more number of persons than the seating capacity of the vehicle.

(f) Additional conditions for the goods carriage :- (i) The date of expiry of the permit and of the certificate of fitness and other particulars shall be painted exteriorly on the left side of the body of the cabin as prescribed under rules;

(ii) The driver of the vehicle shall maintain the record in Form GVR which shall be preserved for two years after expiry of the period to which it relates;

(iii) The record in Form GVR shall be maintained in bound books containing 100 pages (in duplicate) each serially numbered and such book shall be got authenticated by the Secretary/Asst. Secretary of the Transport Authority ;

Note :- This condition will not apply in cases where the primary permit of the vehicle has been granted by an authority outside the State of Telangana;

(iv) No other person shall be carried in the cabin of the vehicle beyond the number for which there is seating accommodation at the rate of 284 millimetres measured along the seat excluding the space reserved for the driver, for each person;

(v) Not more than seven persons in all in addition to the driver shall be carried in the vehicle except with the permission of the Transport Authority;

(vi) No person shall be carried in the vehicle upon the goods or otherwise in such a manner that such person is in danger of falling from the vehicle and in no case shall any person be carried in the vehicle in such a manner that any part of this person when he is in a sitting position is at a height excluding three metres from the surface upon which the vehicle rests;

(vii) No person shall cause or allowed to be driven in any public place, any motor vehicle in violation of the provision of Rule 422;

(viii) Every goods vehicle while plying on a journey for more than eight hours shall have two drivers;

(ix) The permit laden weight specified in the permit shall not be exceeded.

186 (1) Conditions of permit in respect of a luxury tourist cab :- The following conditions shall be attached to the permit in respect of a Luxury Tourist cab :

(a) the driver’s uniform shall be safari suit in white colour;

(b) the permit holder shall employ drivers for driving Luxury Tourist Cabs who can speak in English and are approved by the Secretary, RTA concerned;

(c) the vehicle should be air conditioned;

(d) the luxury cab should display prominently the words “Luxury Tourist Cab”, on the top of the vehicle which shall have illuminating facility during night to be visible both in the front and rear;

(e) the Luxury Tourist Cab shall have luxury type seats with good quality seat covers, stereo audio systems, decent floor matting and time clock;

(f) the permit holder shall run his vehicles in the name and style of a Travel Agency duly registered with the Transport Authority concerned;

(g) the Travel Agency so registered shall have a minimum number of five (5) vehicles with CC to 1000 or more of makes like Mercedez Benz, Honda City, Lancer, Accent, Ford Icon etc.;

(h) the Luxury Tourist Cab permit shall be deemed to be invalid from the date from which the motor vehicle covered by permit, completes five (5) years of age;

(i) should provide minimum four (4) magazines, (2) in English and (2) in local languages;

(j) should supply bottled mineral water;

(k) the Luxury Tourist Cab should provide reading light;

(l) should be provided with telephone numbers of Emergency Services, Hospitals, Hotels, Airports, Railway Stations;

(m) the vehicle should have communication network with travel agency concerned;

(n) the vehicle should provide mobile phone facility to be used by the customers who engaged the vehicle.

(2) Conditions of permit in respect of a Semi Luxury Tourist Cab :- The following conditions shall be attached to the permit in respect of a Semi Luxury Tourist Cab

(a) the driver’s uniform shall be in white colour;

(b) the permit holder shall employ drivers for driving Semi Luxury Tourist Cabs who can speak in English and are approved by the Secretary, RTA approved;

(c) the vehicle should be air-conditioned;

(d) the Semi Luxury Tourist Cab should display prominently the words “Tourist Cab”, on the top of the vehicle which shall have illuminating facility during night to be visible both in the front and rear;

(e) the Semi Luxury Tourist Cab shall have luxury type seats with good quality seat covers, stereo audio system, decent floor matting and time clock;

(f) the permit holder shall run his vehicles in the name and style of a Travel Agency duly registered with the Transport Authority concerned;

(g) the Travel Agency so registered shall have a minimum number of five (5) vehicles of make other than those figured in sub-rule (1)(g);

(h) Semi Luxury Tourist Cab permit shall be deemed to be invalid from the date from which the motor vehicle covered by permit, completes 5 years of age;

(i) the Semi Luxury Tourist Cab should be fitted with digital fare motor;

(j) the vehicle should have communication network with Travel Agency concerned;

(k) the fare and detention of any journey including empty haulage shall be according to the rates specified by Government.

(3) Conditions of permit in respect of a Motor Cab :- The following conditions shall be attached to the permit in respect of a Motor Cab:

(a) the driver’s uniform shall be in Khaki colour;

(b) the hood of the vehicle shall be painted in highway yellow colour and the rest of the body in black colour;

(c) the Motor Cab should be fitted with digital fare meter;

(d) the Motor Cab should display prominently the words “MOTOR CAB” on the top of the vehicle which shall have illuminating facility during night to be visible both the front and rear;

(e) the Motor Cab shall have decent floor matting and time clock;

(f) the Motor Cab permit shall be deemed to be invalid from the date from which the motor vehicle covered by permit completes fifteen (15) years of age;

(g) the fare and detention charges for any journey including empty haulage shall be according to the rates specified by the Government.

187. Conditions of permit – Maintenance of continuous service :- (1) The conditions specified in Clause (iii) of sub-section (2) of Section 72 shall be attached to every stage carriage permit ;

(2) It shall be condition of the permit of every transport vehicle that the vehicle shall be so maintained as to be available for service during the entire period for which the permit was granted and that the permit is liable to be suspended, or cancelled, after due notice, to the permit holder if the vehicle has not been used for the purpose for which the permit was granted for a continuous period of fifteen days or more during the period for which the permit authorizes the use of the vehicle on the road unless it is shown to the satisfaction of the transport authority that the holder of the permit was prevented by sufficient cause from making the vehicle available for service or that he had obtained the previous permission of the transport authority to suspend the service for a specified period.

188. Conditions of permit – Maintenance of Reserve Vehicles :- (1) The conditions specified in Clause (xvii) of sub-section (2) of Section 72 regarding the keeping of reserve vehicles to maintain substituted service in place of regular stage carriages stopped shall be attached to every stage carriage permit granted to a person operating five stage carriages or more and the minimum number of reserve vehicles to be maintained shall be stipulated as follows :

Number of permits (including temporary permits)

Minimum of reserve vehicles to be maintained


5 to 10

11 to 20

21 to 30

31 to 40

41 to 50

51 to 60

Above 60







Not less than 10% the fleet strength

Note :- For the purpose of computation of the number of permits (including temporary permits) held by a person all the permits held by him irrespective of the transport authorities in the State which granted the permits shall be taken into account.

(2) A person operating five stage carriages or more may use any one of the vehicles kept in reserve as required under sub-rule (1) for the purpose specified therein, provided intimation thereof is sent to the transport authority which granted the permit and the authority, if any which has endorsed or extended the permit within three days of such use giving particulars of the regular stage carriage, which has failed and of the reserve stage carriage which is brought into use.

189. Issue of bus warrants :- (1) Officers of the Police or Excise departments not below the rank of Sub-Inspectors, Officers Incharge of Police Stations, Camp Clerks to Police Gazetted Officers, Officers not below the rank of Zamadars in the Armed Reserve/Special Police may issue bus warrants permitting officers and men of the said department not above the rank of Inspector of Police to travel on Government duty or to convey their personal effects and of prisoners by any stage carriage including that of the Telangana State Road Transport Corporation.

Any person issuing a bus warrant as aforesaid shall specify the name of the unit or the Commandant’s Office of Telangana Special Police including the Commandant, Special Armed Reserve, Central Police Lines, and the branch of the Deputy Inspector-General of Police, C.I.D., Hyderabad to which the bus warrant should be sent for encashment. The owner of the stage carriage or the Telangana State Road Transport Corporation as the case may be, shall forward all bus warrants issued during a month payable at a particular office with a bill before the 10th of the succeeding month. The District Police Office or the Office of the Excise Superintendent or the Commandants Office or the Office of the Excise Superintendent or the Commandants Office or the Office of the Deputy Inspector-General of Police, C.I.D., as the case may be, shall promptly arrange for the payment of the cost of bus warrants at the Sub-Treasury or the State Bank nearest to the owner of the stage carriage or to the Telangana State Road Transport Corporation, as the case may be.

(2) Nothing in this rule shall affect the provisions of the rules and the Act.

190. Permits sealing :- Every copy of a permit shall be sealed and signed by the authority by which the permit is issued and by the authority by which the permit is extended or endorsed.

191. Permit to be carried in vehicle :- The holder of a permit or temporary permit shall cause to be carried in the vehicle, at all times unless it has been sent to the transport authority, in which case, the acknowledgement given by the transport authority under Rule 173 shall be carried in the vehicle. The permit or temporary permit or the acknowledgement, as the case may be, shall be produced by the driver for inspection on demand by any person authorised to stop the vehicle under Rule 286 or 288.

192. Issue of permits – Production of records :- (1) No permit shall be issued until the registration mark of the vehicle to which it relates has been entered therein and the applicant has produced the registration certificate together with valid fitness and insurance certificates and evidence of payment of tax under the Telangana Motor Vehicles Taxation Act, 1963, relating to the vehicle ;

(2) When an applicant is granted a permit but is unable to produce the records to in sub-rule (1), immediately, the transport authority, the appellate authority, or the Government acting under Section 90, as the case may be, shall grant him four months time reckoned from the date of receipt by the applicant of the order granting the permit, to produce the records of the vehicle before the transport authority which has to issue the permit. In cases where the order granting the permit is stayed on appeal or revision and the stay is subsequently vacated, the time for production of the records shall be calculated from the date of receipt by the grantee of the order confirming the grant in his favour :

Provided that the transport authority, the appellate authority or the Government, as the case may be, if satisfied, on an application made to it in writing by the grantee within a period of four months mentioned above, that there is sufficient ground to grant an extension of the time for a further period not exceeding four months.

(3) The acquisition of a vehicle in pursuance of an order sanctioning a permit shall be at the sole risks of the applicant, as the order sanctioning the permit may be reserved an appeal or revision under the Act and rules made thereunder and such acquisition shall not be deemed to be appointed in favour of the applicant while disposing of any appeal or revision application.

(4) If an applicant fails to produce the records within the time fixed in sub-rule (3) above, the transport authority, the appellate authority or the Government as the case may be, shall revoke the sanction.

193. Grant of temporary permit :- A temporary permit may, if the State or the Regional Transport Authority thinks fit, be granted to any person whether he is the registered owner of the vehicles or vehicle to be used there under or not.

194. Temporary permits-Grant of in cases where the route lies within the jurisdiction of two or more transport authorities :- Subject to the provisions of Section 87, in the case of routes passing through two or more districts, the opening of which has been decided by the Regional Transport Authorities concerned, the operators to whom the primary permit is issued may be granted temporary permit or permits by the Regional Transport Authorities of the adjoining district or districts through which the route extends to ensure un-interrupted service on the route.

195. Permit fee :- (1) The fee for grant of permit other than a temporary permit shall be-

Stage carriage

Rs. 2000/-

Goods carriage

Rs. 600/-

Contract carriage having seating capacity

Rs. 2000/-

exceeding 13 in all
Maxi cab

Rs. 1000/-

Motor cab

Rs. 375/-


Rs. 300/-

LMV Cycle-rickshaw (power) motor cab and

Rs. 50/-

Motor Cycle Taxi
Private service vehicle beyond seating capacity

Rs. 900/-

of 13 in all Private service vehicle upto seating capacity of

Rs. 600/-

13 in all Omni Bus beyond seating capacity of 13 in all

Rs. 900/-

Omni Bus upto seating capacity of 13 in all

Rs. 450/-

(2) The fee for renewal of a permit other than temporary permit shall be,-

» State carriage  Rs. 1000/-

» Provided that a fee of Rs. 1050/- shall be levied in respect of the renewal of permit under the circumstances specified in sub-section (3) of Section 81.

» Goods carriage : Rs. 300/-

» Provided that a feet of Rs. 450/- shall be levied in respect of the renewal of permit in the circumstances specified in sub-section (3) of Section 81.

» Contract carriage having seating capacity Rs. 1000/- exceeding 13 in all

» Provided that a fee of Rs. 1050/- shall be levied in respect of the renewal of permit under the circumstances specified in sub-section (3) of Section 81.

» Maxi cab : Rs. 500/-

» Provided that a fee of Rs. 550/- shall be levied in respect of the renewal of permit under the circumstances specified in sub-section (3) of Section 81.

» Motor cab : Rs. 190/-

» Provided that a fee of Rs. 255/- shall be levied in respect of the renewal of permit under the circumstances specified in sub-section (3) of Section 81.

» Autorickshaw : Rs. 150/-

» Provided that a fee of Rs. 175/- shall be levied in respect of the renewal of permit under the circumstances specified in sub-section (3) of Section 81.

» LMV Cycle-rickshaw (Power)Motor Cab Rs. 15/-

and Motor Cycle Taxi

» Private service vehicle Beyond seating Rs. 450/-

capacity of 13 in all:

» Provided that a fee of Rs. 550/- shall be levied in respect of the renewal of permit under the circumstances specified in sub-section (3) of Section 81.

» Private service vehicle Rs. 300/-

Upto seating capacity of 13 in all:

» Provided that a fee of Rs. 550/- shall be levied in respect of the renewal of permit under the circumstances specified in sub-section (3) of Section 81.

» Omni Bus Beyond seating capacity Rs. 450/- of 13 in all :

» Provided that a fee of Rs. 550/- shall be levied in respect of the renewal of permit under the circumstances specified in sub-section (3) of Section 81.

» Omni Bus Upto seating capacity Rs. 225/-

of 13 in all :

» Provided that a fee of Rs. 275/- shall be levied in respect of the renewal of permit under the circumstances specified in sub-section (3) of Section 81.

196. Fee for temporary permit :- (1) The fee for temporary permit for all stage carriages, Contract carriages, Private service vehicles and Omni Buses Rs. 100/-.

(2) The fee in respect of the grant and extension of validity of a special permit under sub-section (8) of Section 88 shall be :

(i) for the grant of special permit Rs. 100/-

(ii) for the extension of validity of special permit Rs. 100/-.

197. Fee for endorsements :- Fee for the endorsement of a permit other than a temporary permit shall be Rs. 100/- in respect of each vehicle and for the renewal of endorsement Rs. 100/- for each vehicle :

Provided that a fee of Rs. 150/- shall be levied in respect of an application for renewal of an endorsement for each vehicle under the circumstances specified in sub-section (3) of Section 81 :

Provided further that the fee for the application for an endorsement or the renewal thereof in respect of a motor vehicle of other State holding a permit other than a temporary permit shall be Rs. 100/- for stage carriages and Rs. 600/- for goods carriages.

198. Fresh recommendation of counter-signature :- The fee for making a fresh recommendation for counter-signature in a reciprocating State in terms of the reciprocal agreement entered into between the State concerned shall be Rs. 600/- and the fee for renewal of recommendation shall be Rs. 300/-.

Provided that the fee aforesaid, shall also be collected in respect of light delivery vans which operate on inter-State routes between Telangana and Tamilnadu.

199. Fee for extension of validity :- The fee for an extension of validity or a permit other than a temporary permit shall be Rs. 100/- in respect of each vehicle :
Provided that the fee for the application for an extension of validity of a permit in respect of a motor vehicle of other State shall be Rs. 1000/-

200. Fee for renewal of Extension :- The fee for the renewal of extension of validity of a permit shall be Rs. 100/- in respect of each vehicle:
Provided that the fee for renewal of an extension of validity of a permit in respect of a motor vehicle of other State holding a permit other than a temporary permit shall be Rs. 600/-.

201. Stage and contract carriages, carriage of goods restriction :- (1) No goods liable to foul the interior of the vehicle or to render it in sanitary, shall be carried at any time in any stage carriage or contract carriage ;

(2) The Transport Authority may specify in any permit the goods which shall not be carried in any stage carriage or a contract carriage or the conditions subject to which certain classes of goods may be so carried.

202. Maximum weight of goods and luggage :- The Transport Authority may specify in any stage carriage or contract carriage permit the maximum weight of passengers, luggage and goods which may be carried in addition to passengers.

203. Contract Carriage-General merchandise not to be carried :- Contract carriage permit may authorise the use of a vehicle for the carriage of personal or household effects on hire but not the carriage of general merchandise.

204. State Carriage-Goods to be packed and secured :- When goods are carried in a stage carriage in addition to passengers the goods shall be of such a nature and shall be so packed and secured on the vehicle that no danger, inconvenience or discomfort is caused to any passenger. Such number of seats as may be specified in the permit shall be kept free and unimpeded for the use of passengers and the access to the entrance or the exit from the vehicle required under VII Chapter of these rules shall be un-obstructed.

205. Stage or Contract Carriage of personal Luggage :- The Transport Authority shall have power to regulate the weight of luggage and goods which may be carried in any contract carriage generally or in any specified area.

206. Permits-Renewal – Application form :- Application for renewal of a permit shall be made to the Transport Authority by which the permit was issued and shall be accompanied by the permit. The application shall state the period of which the renewal is desired and shall be accompanied by the fee prescribed in Rule 195 :

Provided that if the application is for renewal of stage carriage permit, it shall contain a statement of applicants qualifications and supporting evidence as mentioned in Columns (16) to (23) in form P.S.C.A.

207. Production of records :- The Transport Authority sanctioning an application for renewal of permit shall call upon the permit holder to produce the registration certificate or certificates, certificates of fitness and insurance, the evidence of the payment of tax under the Telangana Motor Vehicles Taxation Act, 1963 relating to the vehicles and endorse the renewal in the permit and return them to holder. The Transport Authority may revoke its sanction of the application for renewal if the permit-holder fails to produce the documents aforesaid within thirty days from the date of receipt by him of the order requiring the production of the records :

Provided that the Secretary of Transport Authority may if satisfied on an application made to him in writing by the permit-holder within the period of thirty days aforesaid there is sufficient ground, grant an extension of or extensions of time not exceeding four months in the aggregate for the production of the records.

208. Permits –Renewal on endorsement or extension of :- Application for the renewal of an endorsement or extension of validity of a permit shall be made to the Transport Authority concerned and shall subject to the provisions of Rule 209 be accompanied by the permit. The application shall set forth the period for which the renewal of the endorsement or extension is required.

209. Particulars to be furnished if permit not available :- If at the time of application for renewal of an endorsement or extension, if the permit is not available being under renewal by the Authority by which it was issued, the application shall state the fact and shall state the number and the date of the permit, the name of the authority by which it was granted, the date of its expiry and the number and date of the endorsement or extension to be renewed.

210. Endorsement of permits :- The Transport Authority sanctioning an application for renewal of endorsement or extension of validity of a permit shall call upon the permit-holder to produce the permit, and endorse the renewal in the permit and return to the holder. The Transport Authority may revoke its sanction of the application for renewal, if the permit-holder fails to produce the documents aforesaid within thirty days from the date of receipt by him of the order requiring the production of the records :

Provided that the Secretary of the Transport Authority may, if satisfied on an application made to him in writing by permit-holder within the period of thirty days aforesaid that there is sufficient ground, grant an extension of time not exceeding four months in aggregate for the production of the records.

211. Permit – Replacement of a particular vehicle - Application :- (1) If the holder of a permit desires at any time to replace a vehicle he shall forward the permit and apply in writing to the Transport Authority by which the permit was issued stating the reasons why the replacement is desired and shall :

(i) if the new vehicle is in his possession forward the certificate of registration thereof ;

(ii) if the new vehicle is not in his possession state any material particulars in respect of which the new vehicle will differ from the old.

(2) The fee payable in respect of an application for replacement of a vehicle by another vehicle shall be Rs. 100/-

212. Rejection of application for replacement :- Upon receipt of an application under Rule 211 the Transport Authority may, in its discretion, reject the application :-

(i) if it has previous to the date of receipt of the application given reasonable notice of its intension to reduce the number of transport vehicles of that class generally or in respect of the route or area to which permit applies ; or

(ii) if the new vehicle proposed differs in material respects from the old ; or

(iii) if the holder of the permit has contravened the provisions thereof or has been deprived of possession of the old vehicle under the provisions of any agreement of hire purchase.

213. Procedure on granting an application for replacement :- If the Transport Authority grants an application for the replacement of a vehicle under Rule 211 it shall call upon the holder of the permit to produce the certificate of registration of the new vehicle, if not previously delivered to it and shall correct the permit accordingly under its seal and signature and return them to the holder.

214. Permit surrender and cancellation :- (1) If the holder of a permit other than a temporary permit intends to surrender the permit, for cancellation, he shall forward the permit, to the authority, which granted the permit with a request in writing, stating reasons for the intended surrender and an affidavit on a non-judicial stamp paper duly sworn before Secretary of the concerned Regional Transport Authority stating that no cases are pending either against the permit, or against him, before any authority or court, and that no arrears of tax or any fee in respect of the Motor Vehicle covered by the permit is due. A copy of such request shall simultaneously be sent to the transport authority which has countersigned the permit.
Provided that no such affidavit shall be necessary to be filed in the case of operators who own more than 500 motor vehicles covered by permits issued by the Transport Authorities in the State.

(2) On receipt of an application along with the affidavit specified in sub-rule (1) above the Transport Authority or the Secretary of the Transport Authority if the power under this rule has been delegated to him shall take immediate action to cancel the permit after verifying and satisfying himself that there are no cases pending against the said person no arrears of fees or fine or tax or any other amount due to Government and shall make an order accordingly accepting the surrender duly making necessary entries in the concerned records.

(3) The Transport Authority or the Secretary of the Transport Authority as the case may be shall not accept the surrender of a permit under sub-rule (1) if on verification it is found that there are any cases pending against the permit or the permit holder before any authority or Court and shall postpone the acceptance of surrender to the extent indicated below,-

(a) if any of the provisions of sub-section (1) of Section 86 of the Act has been contravened in relation to the permit until action against the contravention is taken and finally disposed of ;

(b) if the permit has been ordered to be suspended until the suspension is undergone or otherwise modified in appeal ;

(c) if the holder of the permit has agreed to or has been permitted to pay a certain sum of money under sub-section (3) of Section 86 of the Act in lieu of cancellation or suspension of the permit until such time that the amount is fully paid;

(d) if there are any arrears of tax or any fee in respect of the said motor vehicle covered by the permit is due until the arrears is paid or recovered.

The Transport Authority or the Secretary of the Transport Authority shall make an order accepting the cancellation of permit only after the conditions specified in sub-rule (3) are fully satisfied.

215. Permit-Suspension or cancellation in respect of any or all vehicles :- (1) A transport Authority may suspend or cancel a permit in respect of all or any of the vehicles specified in the permit. When a Transport Authority suspends or cancels permit :-

(i) the holder shall surrender permit as related to the vehicle or vehicles covered by the order of suspension or cancellation within seven days of receipt of a demand in writing by the Transport Authority.

(ii) the Transport Authority shall record in the permit or in the temporary permits, as the case may be, the order of suspension or cancellation; and

(iii) it shall send intimation to any authority by which the permit has been endorsed or extended if such endorsement or extension is in force at the time of suspension or cancellation ;

(2) Not withstanding anything in sub-rule (i) or (ii) if the holder of a permit fails to surrender either the permit relating to the vehicle specified therein within the time allowed the Transport Authority shall enforce the order of suspension or cancellation, as the case may be.

216. Levy of compounding fee :- (1) If the Transport Authority considers it expedient to give the permit holder the benefit of the provisions of sub-section (3) of Section 86 it shall not be necessary for the said authority to record minutes except specifying the sum of money and the fact that the permit holder agreed to pay it.

(2) The permit holder shall be allowed ten days time from the date of such agreement to pay the said sum of money. The Transport Authority may however grant extensions of time in exceptional cases.

(3) Any arrears due under this rule may be recovered in the same manner as an arrear of land revenue.

(4) Without prejudice to the provisions of sub-rule (3) any officer of Transport Department not below the rank of an Assistant Motor Vehicle Inspector shall be competent to destrain and sell the motor vehicles in respect of which the arrears under this rule have accrued or its accessories are in the possession or control of the person liable to pay the arrears.

217. Compounding offences – Procedures :- The Transport Authority shall in determining the sum of money to be recovered in lieu of cancellation or suspension of different classes of permits have regard to the following namely :-

(a) nature, gravity and frequency of the offence committed ;

(b) the quantum of punishment that would otherwise have been imposed; and

(c) earning capacity with reference to the traffic potential of the route and passenger capacity in the case of stage carriage and average daily mileage of the vehicle and hire charges if any in respect of other classes of transport vehicles :

Provided that the amount so recoverable in lieu of suspension or cancellation shall in no case be less than the minimum specified in the table below:

(1) Stage Carriages :-

(a) Overload for each excess (i) Rs. 10 for city and town services. Passenger.

(ii) Rs. 25 for fair weather and other routes :

(b) Non-adherence to the scheduled of timings including late running. Rs.100 per hour proportionately.

(c) Non-Performance to the Scheduled trips. Rs. 100

(d) Plying on a route not authorised by the permit Rs. 1000

(e) Plying without payment of tax Rs. 1000

(f) Other offences Rs. 10 per item of offence.

(g) Non-maintenance of spare buses as Rs. 600/- per vehicle per provided in Rule 188 or as provided month or part thereof. in the schemes of the S.T.Us.,

(h) Long stoppage of motor vehicles covered by stage carriage permits referred to in Rule 187 (2) of the Rs. 500/- per month or said rules. part thereof.

(2) Goods Vehicles :-

(a) Overload for every 100 Kgs. Rs. 10

(b) Carrying excess persons that the Rs. 60 per passenger number permitted

(c) Plying on a route not authorised by Rs. 500/- the permit.

(d) Plying without payment of tax Rs. 100

(e) Other offences Rs. 10 per item of offences

(2-A) Tractor-Trailers :

(a) Overload for every 100 Kgs. Rs. 5

(b) Carrying excess persons than the number permitted. Rs. 15 per passenger

(c) Plying on a route not authorised by the permit Rs. 125

(d) Plying without payment of Tax Rs. 50

(e) Other offences Rs. 5 per item of offence.

(3) Contract Carriages including all kinds of taxies and autorickshaws all private service vehicles :-

(a) Overloads (i) Omnibuses Rs. 20/- per passenger.

(ii) Taxi Cabs and Autorickshaws Rs. 10/- per passenge

217-A. Compounding Offences Partial Condonation :- Where the Transport Authority is of the view that an offence requires to be condoned partially, the amount collectable under Rule 217 may be reduced proportionately by recording the reasons for such partial condonation of the offence.

218. Challan to be produced – Refund of excess amount :- A permit holder who pays a compounding fee shall produce the relevant treasury challan before the Secretary of the Transport Authority within the time specified in Rule 216 (3) :

Provided that the Secretary may, on application, sanction the refund of compounding fee paid in excess of, or by mistake.

Provided further no refund of the fee shall be made, if the application for such refund is not made within one year from the date of the credit of the fee to the Government.

219. Permit-delivery on expiry :- Within fourteen days of the expiry of any permit by the efflux of time, the holder shall deliver it to the Transport Authority by which it was issued and the Transport Authority receiving any such permit shall intimate the fact to the authority or authorities by which it was endorsed or extended if such endorsement or extension was in force on the date of the expiry of the permit.

220. Permit – Transfer of :- When the holder of permit desires to transfer the permit to some other person under sub-section (1) of Section 82, he shall together with the person to whom he desires to make the transfer, make joint application in writing to the Transport Authority by which the permit was issued, setting forth reasons for the proposed transfer. Such joint application shall be accompanied by the fee as follows :

In respect of :- Rs.

(i)   Stage carriages (on all weather routes )      1000-00 /-

(ii)  Stage carriages (on fair weather routes)       600-00 /-

(iii)  Goods carriages (having national permit)     750-00 /-

(iv)  All other goods carriages                            450-00 /-

(v)   Other cases                                               150-00 /-

221. Particulars of premium etc. :- On receipt of an application under Rule 220 the Transport Authority may require the holder and the other party to state in writing whether any premium, payment or other consideration arising out of the transfer, is to pass or has passed between them and the nature and amount of any such premium, payment or other consideration.

222. Transfer to be void on false information :- Without prejudice to any other penalty to which the parties may be liable, any transfer of a permit ordered upon an application which the Transport Authority is subsequently satisfied as false in respect of the matter specified in Rule 221 or in respect of any other material particular shall be void.

223. Summoning of parties :- The Transport Authority may summon both the parties to the application for the transfer of a permit to appear before it and may, if it deems fit, deal with the application as if it were an application for a permit.

224. Effect of withdrawal of consent by party :- When the consent of either or both the parties to the transfer of a permit is withdrawn before transfer is sanctioned the Transport Authority shall drop further proceedings in regard to the transfer of the permit:

Provided that when either of the parties withdraws such consent. the Transport Authority shall before dropping such proceedings, inform the other party of the withdrawal of consent:

Provided further that this rule shall not apply in respect of applications which are pending on the date of coming into force of this rule.

Explanation :- The fee paid will not be refunded in any circumstances after an application has been made.

225. Surrender of permit – endorsement of transfer on payment of fee :- (1) If the Transport Authority is satisfied that the Transfer of a permit may properly be made. it shall call upon the holder of the permit and the other party in writing to forward within one month from the date of receipt of the order sanctioning the transfer, the permit and the certificate of registration of the vehicle with the particulars of the transfer of ownership of the vehicle stated thereon. In the event of the parties concerned failing to produce the relevant records within the period of one month aforesaid, the Transport Authority shall revoke the sanction :

Provided that the Secretary of Transport Authority may, if satisfied on an application made to him in writing by the parties concerned within the period of one month aforesaid that there is sufficient ground, grant an extension or extensions of time not exceeding four months in the aggregate, for the production of the records;

Provided further that the power vested in the Transport Authority or its Secretary to grant time or extensions of time to produce the records or to revoke the sanction of transfer under this rule shall also be exercisable by the State Transport Authority or its Secretary and by the State Government exercising appellate or revisional powers, as the case may be.

(2) Upon receipt of the permit, the Transport Authority shall cancel the particulars of the holder thereon and endorse particulars of the transferee and shall return the permit to the transferee.

(3) If a permit has been endorsed or extended under the provisions of these rules, the endorsement or extensions shall cease to have effect on the date of transfer, unless the Transport Authority which granted endorsement or extension directs that it shall be continued.

An application for the continuance of the endorsement or extension under this rule shall be accompanied by a fee of Rs. 15 or 25 respectively as the case may be.

226. Permit – Transfer on the death of the holder – Fee :- A fee shall be charged for the transfer of a permit on the death of the holder under sub-section (3) of Section 82 as follows :-

(i) In respect of Stage carriage Rs. 100/-

(ii) In respect of Public carrier Rs. 100/-

(iii) In respect of others Rs. 60/-

227. Permit lost or destroyed – Intimation to Transport Authority :- When any permit has been lost or destroyed, the holder shall forthwith intimate the fact to the Transport Authority by which the permit was issued and shall deposit the prescribed fee for the issue of a duplicate.

228. Issue of duplicate :- The Transport Authority shall, upon receipt of an application in accordance with Rule 227, issue of a permit, and to the extent that it is able to verify the facts may endorse thereon certified copies of any endorsement or extension by other authority intimating the fact to that authority:

Provided that in the case of goods vehicles, the Transport Authority may issue the duplicate permit after making such enquires as he deems fit into the genuineness of the application made.

229. Duplicate to be stamped :- A duplicate permit issued under Rule 228 shall be clearly stamped ‘DUPLICATE’ in red and the certified copy of any extension of endorsement by any other Transport Authority on a permit made under Rule 228 shall be valid in the region of that other authority as if it were an extension or endorsement.

230. Permits – Illegible – Surrender on service of notice :- If the Transport Authority, any Secretary or Additional Secretary of the Regional Transport Authority or any Police Officer of or above the rank of a Sub-Inspector of Police, considers that a permit has become dirty, torn or otherwise defaced so as to be illegible, a notice to this effect shall be served on the holder of the permit and within seven days of the service of this notice the holder shall surrender the permit to the Transport Authority and apply for the issue to him of a duplicate permit in accordance with Rules 227 to 229.

231. Fee for duplicate permit :- The fee for the issue of a duplicate permit shall be one hundred rupees.

232. Lost permit to be delivered if found :- Any permit which is found by any person shall be delivered by that person to the nearest police station or to the holder or to the Transport Authority by which it was issued, and if the holder finds or receives any permit or any part of a permit in respect of which a duplicate has been issued, he shall return the original to the Transport Authority by which it was issued.

233. Variation of permit on application :- (1) Upon application made in writing by the holder of any permit, the Transport Authority may, at any time, vary the permit, or any of the conditions thereof subject to the provisions of Section 80 (3) and sub-rule (2) :

Provided that it shall be open to the Transport Authority to reject summarily an application for the variation of a permit, if within the period of six months immediately preceding the application, a request for the same variation of permit on the same grounds had been refused.

(2) If the grant of variation would authorise transport facilities materially different from those authorized by the original permit, the Transport Authority shall deal with the application as if it were an application for a permit.

Explanation :- For the purposes of this rule, any variation involving an increase of over forty per cent of any reduction in the seating capacity, other than the variation due to the alterations effected in conformity with the rules made under Chapter V of the Act in respect of the original permit of a stage carriage shall be treated as variation in transport facilities materially different from those authorised by such permit.

234. Power to call for record :- If the Transport Authority decides to vary a permit under Rule 233 it shall call upon the holder of the permit to produce the permit or the temporary permit, if this has not already been done within a fixed time and the permit holder shall comply with this order. The Transport Authority shall vary the permit in accordance with its decision and return the records. If the permit holder fails to produce the permit or the temporary permit within the time allowed, the Transport Authority may revoke the sanction for variation of permit after giving the permit holder an opportunity to furnish his explanation.

235. Intimation to other Transport Authorities :- A Transport Authority varying, suspending or canceling a permit or causing another vehicle to be substituted for a vehicle covered by a permit, shall intimate particulars to the Transport Authority of any other region in which the permit is valid by virtue of countersignature or otherwise.

236. Fee for variation of permit on application :- The following fees shall be levied for the variation of a permit, or endorsement or extension of validity of permit with change of timings or otherwise on an application made by the permit holder ;-

(i)   Unexpired period exceeding 6 months               Rs. 300/-
(ii)  Unexpired period exceeding 3 months               Rs. 200/-
(iii) Increase in number of trips by a stage Carriage Rs. 400/-

237. Permit Production on demand :- Permit shall be produced on demand made at any reasonable time by any police officer not below the rank of C.I. or by any officer of Transport Department not below the rank of an Assistant Inspector of Motor Vehicles.

238. Temporary Authorisation in lieu of a permit :- (1) When the holder of permit has submitted the permit to the S.T.A. or R.T.A. for renewal or countersignature or for any other purpose or when a police officer or any Court or any other competent authority as the case may be shall furnish to the holder a receipt and a temporary authorisation in Form ‘Tem-PA’ to ply the vehicle during such period as may be specified therein during which production of temporary authorisation on demand shall be deemed to be the production of the permit:

Provided that the authority granting temporary authorisation shall extend the period of its validity such extension not being however beyond the period of validity of the permit.

(2) Until the permit referred to in sub-rule (1) has been returned to the holder thereof, the vehicle concerned shall not be plied beyond the period specified in the temporary authorisation referred to in sub-rule (1) or extension under the proviso to that sub-rule, as the case may be.

(3) No fee shall be payable in respect of such temporary authorisation.

239. Hours – Work of drivers – Provisions – exemptions from :- Subject to the provisions of sub-section (2) of Section 91, sub-section (1) of that section shall not apply in the case of.

(i) any transport vehicle used by or on behalf of any military or police, authority in connection with military manoeuvres of exercise or in the quelling or riots of civil disturbance ;

(ii) any fire brigade vehicle or ambulance when being used as such;

(iii) any vehicle being used for the carriage of passengers or goods in any emergency arising out of fire, earthquake, floods, pestilence or other calamity, riots, civil disturbance or sudden stoppage or closure of any transport service or for the purpose of clearing crowds in exhibitions and similar shows and gatherings ;

(iv) any vehicle going for, or returning with the medical aid in an emergency or carrying any seriously injured or sick person for medical treatment, when no other means are reasonably available ;

(v) any vehicle proceeding to the nearest place of halt, at which the driver and other occupants can reasonably obtain shelter and refreshment, after a delay in the journey arising out of the provisions of Section 132 or Section 134 or out of the failure of any of the tyres or of the machinery of the vehicle which failure could not have been prevented by the exercise of reasonable care and diligence ;

(vi) any vehicle which is delayed during the course of its journey by breaches in the road, floods, or any other natural calamity.

240. Hours of work – fixation in advance :- A Transport Authority is authorised to require any person employing drivers of transport vehicles within its area to make such time-table, schedule, or regulation as may be necessary to fix in advance the hours of work of persons employed by him and upon approval by such authority of any time-table, schedule. or regulation as aforesaid it shall be the record of the hours of work fixed for the persons concerned for the purposes of sub-section (4) of Section 91.

241. Period of rest-definition of :- (1) Any time spent by the driver of a vehicle on work other than driving, in connection with the vehicle or with the load carried or to be carried on the vehicle, including any time spent on the vehicle during a journey save as a passenger in a public service vehicle shall not be deemed to be an interval of rest for the purposes of Clause (a) of sub-section (1) of Section 91 ;

(2) Any time spent by the driver of a vehicle on or near the vehicle when it is at rest, when he is at liberty to leave the vehicle for rest and refreshment although required to remain within sight of the vehicle shall be deemed to be an interval of rest for the purposes of Clause (a) of sub-section (1) of Section 91 :

Provided that no single instance of less than fifteen minutes shall be deemed to be an interval of rest.

242. Goods vehicle record :- (1) Every driver of a goods vehicle shall keep and every owner of a goods vehicle shall cause to be kept in the vehicle, in English or in anyone of the languages of the district a record in Form G.V.R. which shall give, in respect of each day on which the driver was employed in driving the information prescribed in the Form G.V.R.

(2) The record in Form G.V.R. shall be maintained in bound books containing 100 pages in duplicate, each serially numbered and each book shall be got authenticated by the Regional Transport Officer concerned before being used:

Provided that this rule shall not apply to a goods vehicle whose primary permit is issued by the Regional Transport Authority of a Region outside the State of Telangana.

(3) Each item of information required by Form G.V.R. shall be entered in the records as soon as the particulars to be recorded are ascertained.

(4) The record in Form G.V.R. kept in the vehicle shall be open to inspection by any person authorised to stop and check a vehicle under Rule 286.

(5) The owner of the goods vehicle shall preserve the record in Form G.V.R. for two years after expiry of the period to which it relates and shall produce it for inspection, at any time within that period, on demand by the Secretary of a Transport Authority or police officer not below the rank of C.I.

(6) This rule shall not apply in the case of goods carriages which are covered by national permits referred to in Section 88 (12).

Provided that this rule shall also not apply in the case of tractor trailers covered by permits issued for agricultural and personal purposes.

243. Dress to be worn by checking Inspector :- A checking Inspector of stage carriage while on duty shall be cleanly dressed and in the manner in which the State Transport Authority may specify.

244. Prohibition of Smoking :- No person shall smoke in public service vehicles except the motor cabs and notice bearing words “Smoking Prohibited” in Telugu and English shall be prominently displayed in such vehicles.

245. Passenger’s obligation to pay fares on demand :- Every passenger in a stage carriage shall, unless he is the holder of a ticket in respect of a particular journey, immediately upon demand by the conductor declare the journey he intends to take or has taken and pay the conductor the fare for the whole of such journey, and demand from the conductor the issue of a ticket of requisite value simultaneously with the payment of fare.

246. Conduct of passengers in Stage carriages :- (1) No passenger using or intending to use a stage carriage shall :-

(i) enter or leave or attempt to enter or leave any stage carriage while it is in motion ;

(ii) enter into or alight from a stage carriage except by the entrance or exit provided for the purpose;

(iii) enter into a stage carriage without first permitting all passengers leaving the stage carriage to alight;

(iv) knowingly or intentionally in contravention of the instructions of the driver or conductor in this behalf enter a stage carriage which is carrying the maximum number of passengers according to the seating capacity specified in the certificate of registration of the vehicle and any additional passengers permitted under terms of the permit to be carried in excess of the seating capacity of vehicle ;

(v) mount the driver’ s platform or talk of interfere with or otherwise distract the attention of the driver of a stage carriage while on duty;

(vi) obstruct any authorized employee of the permit holder in the discharge of his duties on the stage carriage; or

(vii) place his foot upon any seat of a carriage; or

(viii) hang on to any exterior part of a stage carriage; or

(ix) alight or attempt to alight from the stage carriage without paying the legal fare demanded by the conductor ;

(x) travel in a stage carriage beyond the destination to which the fare he has paid entitles him travel without informing and paying the conductor, the fare for the additional journey; or

(xi) refuse to show any ticket on demand by authorised person;

(xii) refuse to declare if so required by the driver or conductor or any person authorised by the permit holder the journey he intends to take or had taken in the vehicle and to pay the fare for the whole of such journey and to accept any ticket provided therefore;

(xiii) refuse to pay a fresh fare when he has altered or defaced his ticket so as to render the number or any portion thereof illegible; or

(xiv) behave in a disorderly manner;

(xv) use abusive language ;

(xvi) molest any other passenger ;

(xvii) smoke ;

(xviii) spit in the vehicle ;

(xix) use or attempt to use a ticket other than the ticket valid for particular journey or a ticket which has already been used by another passenger or on another journey;

(xx) have dress or clothing which is likely to soil or damage the seats or the dress or clothing of another passenger or which for any other reason is offensive to other passengers ;

(xxi) enter into a stage carriage, while suffering from any contagious or infectious disease ;

(xxii) occupy more than one seat, or reserve or attempt to reserve another seat either for himself or for another passenger ;

(xxiii) have bulky luggage which in the opinion of the conductor obstructs, annoys or inconveniences another passenger or is likely to be so ;

(xxiv) carry in the cabin or body, any animal, bird, flesh or fish (other than tinned food) in its original packing, any instrument substance or any other article which annoys or inconveniences or is offensive to any passenger or is likely to be so ;

(xxv) willfully damage or soil or remove any fittings in or on the stage carriage or interfere with any light or part of the carriage or its equipment; or

(xxvi) ring without lawful excuse or interfere with any signal of the stage carriage ;

(xxvii) without lawful excuse occupy any seat exclusively reserved for lady passengers ;

(xxviii) sing or pray upon any musical instrument ;

(xxix) distribute printed or similar matter of any description or distribute any article for the purpose of advertising ;

(xxx) commit or abet any offence under the Act ;

(xxxi) climb the ladder leading to the luggage carrier on the roof of the vehicle

(2) The driver or the conductor may require any passenger contravening any of the provisions of sub-rule (1) to alight from the vehicle forthwith and may stop the vehicle and keep it standing until the passenger is alighted. Such passenger shall not be entitled to the refund of any fare which he may have paid and any passenger failing to comply forthwith such a requirement may forcibly be removed by the conductor or the driver or any police officer on request made by such driver or conductor in the behalf ;

(3) A passenger who is reasonably suspected by the driver or conductor of contravening any of the provisions of this rule shall on demand being made by such driver, conductor or a police officer give his correct name and address to such driver, conductor or police officer.

(4) A copy of sub-rule (1) of this rule shall be displayed in a conspicuous place in every stage carriage in English and in the regional language and it shall be visible to any person inside the vehicle at all times.

247. Children and Infants :- Carriage in public service vehicle :- In relation to the number of persons that may be carried in public service vehicle and the fares chargeable for carrying them in the vehicle :-

(i) a person above twelve years of age shall be reckoned as one and a full fare charged;

(ii) a child above three but not more than twelve years of age shall be reckoned as one half and one half of the full fare charged; and

(iii) a child of not more than three years of age shall not be reckoned and no fare shall be charged.

248. Disposal of property left in a public service vehicle :- (1) Every conductor or any other person incharge of a public service vehicle shall immediately after the completion of any trip or journey, as the case may be, carefully search for any property left in the vehicle and shall as soon as may be and in any case within twenty four hours hand over such property to the permit holder of the vehicle.

(2) The permit holder of the vehicle shall if the particulars of the person to whom the property belongs are available form any mark or paining on such property cause a notice to be served on that person to take. Delivery of the property within a fortnight from the date of service of such notice and if that person turns up the property shall be handed over to him after duly satisfying himself that such person is the rightful owner of the property, after collecting from him storing charges at the rate of 5 paisa per day or thereof.

(3) If the owner of the property is not known or the notice could not be served upon him or if the owner of the property on receipt of the notice fails to take delivery of the property the permit holder of the vehicle shall notify the fact of his possession of the property at his office or at the place of his business and take any other reasonable measures for ascertaining the owner of the property and to deliver the same to him. The permit holder shall in the meanwhile take reasonable care to keep the property safe ;

(4) If the owner of the property does not turn up for taking possession of the property the permit holder of the vehicle shall after a period of not less than thirty days from the date of publication of the notice by him under sub-rule (3), sell it and credit the sale proceeds to the State Government provided that the sale of property may be done at any time before the expiry of the said period if in the opinion of the permit holder of the vehicle the property is subject to speedy decay.

Explanation :- For the purpose of this rule the expression ‘permit holder’, includes the Telangana State Road Transport Corporation. The sale proceeds shall be credited to the State Government after deducting the storage charges at the rate of 5 paisa per day or part thereof under the head of account.

“041-Taxes on vehicles-under other receipts”.

249. Advance Booking and reservation of accommodation :- Subject to the provisions of the clauses specified hereunder advance booking and reservation of accommodation in an express service shall be permitted on application made orally or in writing by or on behalf of the bonafide passengers and where reservation is made no person or persons other than for whom the accommodation is so reserved shall occupy such accommodation except with the permission of the conductor on duty in the express service :-

(1) Advance booking shall mean sale of passenger tickets not less than 2 hours in advance of the scheduled time of departure of the stage carriage by which the passengers by whom or for whom the tickets are bought intend to travel.

(2) Advance booking shall be permitted not more than ten days in advance of date of the intended journey.

(3) Advance booking shall be stopped when the number of tickets for which passenger seats are provided in the stage carriage is sold out.

(4) Advance booking shall be according to priority of application and for this purpose an advance booking Register in the prescribed Form RRSS shall be maintained or caused to be maintained by the holder of the permit of the express service.

(5) Reservation of accommodation shall be made only on production of the ticket or tickets booked in advance for the intended journey.

(6) For the purpose of identifying the seats reserved rows of the seats shall be assigned distinguishing letters in capital in alphabetical order and individual seats shall be assigned distinguishing numbers in the serial order and the letters and the numbers so assigned shall be displayed conspicuously on the rows of the seats and the individual seat respectively.

(7) A plan showing the arrangement of seats shall be made available for the applicants to enable them to have their choice of seats from those seats which have not been reserved already for other passengers.

(8)(a) A reservation fee of not more than five rupees shall be collected for every seat so reserved ;

(b) The reservation fee once collected shall not be refundable Provided that the reservation fee along with ticket fare shall be refundable to the passengers when the services are cancelled owing to unavoidable circumstances such as strikes, bundh and natural calamities like floods, road breaches, etc.

(9) Reservation ticket in prescribed Form RT shall be issued to every applicant whose application is complied with;

(10) The reservation ticket shall on demand by the conductor or driver on duty in the stage carriage or any checking Inspector on duty at any time before the commencement of the journey and in the course of the journey, be produced for inspection.

(11) (a) No advance booking shall be made from intermediate places on the route ;
(b) Where the distance of the route of express eservice does not exceed 120 km advance booking shall be permitted only for journeys to any intermediate place on the route ;

(c) Where the distance of the route of express service exceeds 120 km advance booking shall be made for journeys to any intermediate place which is situated at a distance of not less than 120 km from the terminus from which the journey is to be commenced. Nothing contained in the above shall affect the facilities prior to the commencement of this rule;

(12) Seats reserved but not occupied 5 minutes before the scheduled departure of the stage carriage may be released by the conductor on duty for occupation by other passengers if any;

Provided that a passenger shall be deemed to have occupied the seat reserved for the passenger if the presence of the passenger in or near the stage carriage is made known to the conductor on duty notwithstanding the fact that the passenger may not be present in the seat so reserved ;

(13) An advance booking list containing the names of the passengers for whom seats have been booked and the particulars of the seats, if any, reserved shall conspicuously be displayed on a notice board to be provided for the purpose at or near the booking office or the booking counter at least one hour in advance of the scheduled departure of the stage carriage A copy of the said list shall be conspicuously exhibited in the vehicle and another copy of the list shall be given to the conductor on duty in the stage carriage sufficiently in advance of the scheduled time of departure of the stage carriage.

(14) Advance booking, already made, may on request by the passenger be altered in respect of the date and the stage carriage within 48 hours before the departure of the stage carriage for the journey by which advance booking has been initially made subject to the following conditions :-

(a) The revised date for journey is within the limit of 10 days prescribed in conditions for advance booking from the date of request for alteration;

(b) Accommodation is available on the revised date and in the revised stage carriage ;

(c) A fee of not more than 50 paisa shall be chargeable for the alterations;

(d) Alteration shall be allowed only once on an advance ticket.

(15) Where the passengers for whom accommodation has been reserved are unable to undertake the journey and such passengers shall cancel the journey and shall on surrender of the journey tickets be entitled for the refund of fare as provided thereunder :-

(i) For notice of cancellation of journeys intended to be made before the scheduled departure of the bus, the percentage of forfeiture of the value of the journey ticket will be as indicated hereunder ;

Advance notice of Cancellation Deduction to be made
(a) 48 hours or more before the actual commencement of the journey

(b) Less than 48 hours but more than 24 hours before the actual commencement of the journey

(c) Less than 24 hours but more than 30 minutes before the actual commencement the journey

(d) Less than 30 minutes before the actual commencement and within 30 minutes after the departure of the bus 10% of the fare of the journey ticket.

20% of the fare of the journey ticket subject to Re. 1 in each case

25% of the fare of the journey ticket subject to a minimum of Re.1 in each case.

50% of the fare of the journey ticket subject to a minimum of Re. 1.

(ii) Claim for refund of the balance after deduction form the value of the journey tickets shall be settled subject to the following conditions :-

(a) The passenger shall obtain form the conductor or the booking clerk the date and time of the cancellation ;

(b) No claim for refund of fare shall be entertained if it is made after 15 days from the date of journey.

(iii) Except in cases of interruption of service refund of fare in full or part thereof is not admissible. In case of interruption of service route refund of fare shall be admissible according to Rule 74 (xiii) :

Provided that reservation fee along with ticket fare shall be refundable to the passengers when the service are cancelled owing to unavoidable circumstances such as strikes, bunds and natural calamities like floods, road breaches, etc.

250. Motor cab-payment of legal fare :- (1) In the absence of an enforceable contract to any contrary no hirer shall refuse or omit to pay a fare fixed by law for the hire of motor cab nor shall he refuse to supply his correct name and address to the driver in case of dispute in connection with the fare.

(2) In the case of dispute between the driver of motor cab and the passenger in connection with the fare, either party may require the other to proceed to the nearest police station where the officer in charge shall, if the dispute is not settled amicably, record the names and addresses along with the substance of the respective contentions of both parties and forward them along with his finding to the Secretary, Regional Transport Authority concerned.

251. Setting of taxi meter in motion :- The driver of every motor cab provided with a taxi meter shall, as soon as he is hired and no sooner set the taxi meter in motion, and upon the termination of the hiring shall immediately stop the same :

Provided that if a motor cab is called from a garage or stand, to take up a passenger at any place less than 457 meters from the garage or stand, the taxi meter shall not be set in motion until the motor cab shall arrive at such place and be ready to take up the passenger ;

Provided further that in the event of a motor cab, whilest hired, being unable to proceed on account of any failure of the tyre or the mechanism of the vehicle either temporarily or otherwise the driver shall at once stop the mechanism of the taxi meter and shall not restart the same until such time as the defect is remedied.

252. Carrying of persons in goods vehicle carriage :- (1) No person shall be carried in the cab of a goods vehicle beyond the number for which there is seating accommodation at the rate of 284 nukuneters measure along the seat, excluding the space reserved for the driver for each person and not more than Seven persons in all shall be carried in any goods vehicle.

(2) No persons shall be carried in a goods vehicle upon the goods or otherwise in such a manner that such person is in danger of falling from the vehicle and in no case shall any person be carried in a goods vehicles, in such a manner that any part of his person when he is in sitting position is at a height exceeding 3 meters from the surface which the vehicle rests.

(3) No person other than a person connected to the conveyance of goods shall travel in a goods vehicle.

(4) Notwithstanding the provision of sub-rule (1) the Regional Transport Authority or the State Transport Authority, may subject to such conditions as it thinks fit allow a large number of persons to be carried in a goods vehicles;

(5) Nothing in this rule shall be deemed to authorize the carriage of any person for hire or reward on any goods vehicle, unless there is in force in respect of the vehicle a permit authorizing the use of the vehicle for such purpose, and save in accordance with the provisions of such permit.

253. Carrying of animals in goods carriages vehicle :- (1) No animal shall be carried in a goods vehicle unless:-

(i) in the case of goats, sheep, deer or a pig, a minimum floor space of 60 cm. X 100 cm. Per head of such animal is provided in the vehicle ;

(ii) in the case of any other animal :-

(a) minimum floor space of 210cm. by 100 cm. per head of animal and half of such floor space for a young one of animal which is weaned is provided in the vehicle;

(b) the load body of the vehicle is constructed of strong wooden planks or of iron sheets with a minimum height of 1,500 cm. measured from the floor of the vehicle on all sides and the back; and

(c) the animals are properly secured by ropes tied to the sides of the vehicles; and

(iii) an attendant provided by the owner of the animals shall accompany the animals with necessary cattle food and give food and water to the animals in transit in time.

Explanation :- (1) ‘Animal’ for the purpose of this rule include goat, seep, buffalo, bull, ox, cow, deer, horse, pony, mule, ass, pig or the young ones thereof.

(2) No animal belonging to or intended for a circus manager or zoo shall be carried in a goods vehicle unless :-

(i) in the case of wild or ferocious animal, suitable cage either separate from or integral with the load body of the vehicle used and of sufficient strength to contain the animal securely at all times is provided; and

(ii) reasonable floor space for each such animal is provided in the vehicle.

(3) No goods vehicle when carrying any animal under this rule shall be driven at a speed in excess of 30 Kms. per hour.

254. Exemption :- The provisions of Rule 253 shall not apply to motor vehicles registered under Section 60 or to goods vehicle which are being used for the carriage of troops or the police of members or the general public affected by natural calamities like fire, flood and cyclone or by disturbances and agitations and carrying them to places of safety, or by the police for transporting remanded prisoners, under-trial prisoners convicted prisoners or witnesses.

255. Passenger not to sit on right of driver :- No person shall sit nor shall any goods be placed on the right of the driver of transport vehicle fitted with right hand steering control and on the left of the driver of a transport vehicle fixed with left hand steering control.

256. Stopping place for stage carriage :- The Transport Authority may if no stopping places have been fixed for stage carriages in accordance with the provisions of any statute, fix such places for such carriage after consultation with such other authority as it may deem desirable. Such stopping places shall be indicated by means of notice boards. The driver of a stage carriage shall stop it at such stopping places when required by any person wishing to alight or enter but he need not stop the carriage for a person wishing to enter it, if it is already full. Halts for the purpose of setting down or taking up passengers shall be limited to the time reasonably necessary for such purpose on routes along which stopping places have been fixed, no driver of a stage carriage shall stop at any place other than such stopping place except:

(i) When failure to stop the vehicle would constitute an offence punishable under these rules or under any law for law for the time being in force; or

(ii) in the case of a mechanical break down

257. Starting places and termini :- (1) In the case of public service vehicle other than motor cabs if starting places and termini have not been fixed in accordance with provisions of any statute the transport authority may, after consultation with such authority as it may deem desirable, fix staring places and termini, between which such vehicles shall be permitted to be used within its jurisdiction. A list of such places shall be supplied by such authority to every holder of a permit for such vehicles. When such places have been fixed, every such vehicle shall start only form such places.

(2) Where a local authority has provided and maintains a public stand for motor vehicles with facilities for drinking water supply, lighting, latrine and waiting sheds for passengers and convenient parking places, the transport authority may approve of the use of that stand for the purpose of picking up or setting down passengers of public service vehicle other than motor cabs and thereafter every vehicle shall make use of that stand. The approval granted by a transport authority may be revoked by it if the facilities provided at the stand cease to be to its satisfaction.

258. Fixation of Stages for carriages :- (1) In the case of stage carriages, the Regional Transport Authority shall, after consultation with such other authority as it may deem desirable, fix stages on all bus routes except town service. The maximum distance of each stage shall not ordinarily exceed 6.4 kilometers. When stages are so fixed, fares shall be collected according to stages.

Explanation :- When a passenger gets into or gets down from a stage carriage at a place lying in between two stages, he shall pay the fare from the stage preceding the place where he gets into the bus to the stage succeeding the place where he gets down.

(1) The Regional Transport Authority shall, subject to the following restrictions, determine which are town service routes :-

(i) at least one terminus of every town service shall lie within the limits of a municipality or any built up pace notified in the Telangana Gazette as ‘town’ for this purpose by the Regional Transport Authority concerned, with the prior concurrence of the State Transport Authority;

(ii) No route of town service shall extend more than 8 kilometers beyond the limits of the municipality or town from which it starts, provided that this restriction shall not apply to any town service routes, which were in existence on the date of coming of these rules into force or in respect of those routes for which specific permission of the Transport Commissioner is obtained ;

(iii) No route shall be determined as both town and muffasal service routes.

259. Schedule of timings :- The Transport Authority may, from time to time;

(i) by a general order, prescribe a schedule of timing for stage carriages running on specified routes; or

(ii) by a Special Order, prescribe a schedule of timing for each stage carriage.

260. Vehicles to run in accordance with schedule :- (1) When a schedule of timings has been prescribed under Rule 259, every stage carriage on such a route shall run in accordance with it except :

(i) When prevented by accident or other unavoidable cause; or

(ii) When otherwise authorised in writing by the authority granting the permit; or

(iii) to the extent provided for in sub-rule (2).

(2) Where a permit holder has more than one vehicle plying exclusively in the same route he may, notwithstanding that a schedule of timings has been fixed for each vehicle, use temporarily, and in any case for not more than ten days at anyone time anyone of the other vehicles to maintain all or anyone of the timings fixed for a particular vehicle on the route :

Provided that :

(a) intimation thereof is sent to the authority which granted the permit to the authority, if any, which has endorsed or extended the permit within seven days of such use;

(b) the maintenance of the timings granted to the other vehicles of the permit-holder on the routes is not affected.

261. Failure to perform service – Report to be made :- If, at any time, a stage carriage is prevented from running in accordance with the schedule prescribed or, where no schedule is prescribed is prevented from performing the service for which a permit has been granted, the holder of the permit shall forthwith report the fact and the reason therefore to the Secretary of the Transport Authority which granted the permit and to the authority, if any which has endorsed or extended the permit.

262. Responsibility of permit-holder :- The holder of the permit shall be responsible and punishable for a breach of Rule 260 in addition to any other person who may be responsible and punishable for such breach.

263. Withdrawal of bus from Service :- If the holder of a stage carriage permit proposes to withdraw the service which the vehicle covered by the permit is providing before the expiry of the permit, he shall, unless prevented by unavoidable circumstances, give at least one month’s notice of his intention to the transport authority which issued the permit, and shall surrender the permit on the date from which the service is withdrawn. On receipt of the notice, the transport authority shall post a copy of the notice on a suitable notice board situated on the premises of the authority.

264. Withdrawal of service – Report to be made :- If any holder of a public carrier’s permit or contract carriage permit for whatever reason withdraws the vehicle from the service authorized by the permit and does not restore the vehicle service within a period of fifteen days, he shall forth with report the fact of such withdrawal, the reason therefore and the expected period of such withdrawal, to the authority which granted the permit and shall immediately on restoration of the vehicle to the service also report the fact of such restoration to the said authority.

265. Furnishing of reports not to prejudice other action under law for non-performance of service etc :- The furnishing of reports under Rule 261 or Rule 264 shall not prejudice the action, if any, that might be taken under law in respect of the permit fro non-performance or irregular performance of the service authorized by the permit.

266. Check in Stations or route register :- The Transport Authority may by general order direct that every stage carriage shall stop at such stations on its route as the transport authority may prescribe, and thereupon the conductor of every stage carriage shall correctly enter in the register in Form TGR kept at each such station the particulars specified therein.

267. Trip-Sheet :- The driver or conductor of every public service vehicle other than, a motor cab shall maintain trip sheets serially numbered in duplicate in a bound book in Form ‘TSS’ or ‘TSC’ for each journey in a separate sheet in English or in one of the languages of the district :

Provided that the Regional Transport Authority may exempt a driver or a conductor of a town bus service from maintaining trip sheets in the Form aforesaid subject to the condition that a trip-sheet containing the following particulars is maintained in a Form approved by the State Transport Authority :-

(i) The arrival and departure timings ;

(ii) The hours of duty of conductors and drivers ;

(iii) The number of passengers carried on each trip; and

(iv) The name of the conductor and his Licence number.

268. Record Sheet for Auto-rickshaw :- The owner of every auto-rickshaw shall maintain a Record Sheet, serially numbered in duplicate in a bound book in Form RSA with a copy to be kept in the auto-rickshaw.

269. Exhibition of particulars on auto-rickshaw :- (i) The driver and owner of every auto-rickshaw shall exhibit or cause to be exhibited a plate inside the auto-rickshaw on the portion between the driver’s seat and the passengers seat in a manner visible to the passengers from the seat containing the following particulars, namely :-
(a) Name of the auto owner ;
(b) Registration number of the auto-rickshaw ;
(c) Tariff of the fare.
(ii) The plate mentioned in sub-rule (1) above shall have dimensions of not less than 20 cms. in length and 20 cms. in width, with black background and white letters. The dimensions of each letter written shall be not less than 3 mm. In length and 3 mm. In breadth ;

(iii) Every auto-rickshaw, when the vehicle is not to be engaged for hire or home bound or garage bound, ‘TOSHED’ board should be exhibited. The board should be painted in white letters on a black background both in Telugu and English. The letters shall be 2.5 cm. in length and 2 cm. in breadth.

270. Exhibition of particulars on taxi cab :- (i) The driver and the owner of every taxi cab other than auto-rickshaw shall exhibit or cause to be exhibited a plate inside the taxi cab on the back of the driver’s seat in a manner visible to the passengers sitting on the rear seat containing the following particulars, viz. :-

(a) Name of the owner of the taxi cab ;
(b) Registration number of the taxi cab ;
(c) Tariff of the fare.
(ii) The plate mentioned in sub-rule (i) above shall have dimensions of not less than 20 cms. in length and 20 cms. in width, with the black back- ground and white letters. The dimensions of each letter written shall be not less than 3 mm. in breadth.

271. Custody of trip-sheet :- Trip-sheets shall :

(i) be carried by the conductor or in case there is no conductor by the driver, whenever the vehicle is in use;

(ii) be duly filled up from time to time as occasion arises, by the conductor or in case there is no conductor, by the driver; and

(iii) be open to inspection by any Police Officer not below the rank of Head Constable or by any Magistrate or by any Regional Transport Officer or by an Inspector of Motor Vehicles and shall be preserved for a period of one year after the expiry of the period to which they relate and be open for inspection by any person authorised to stop the vehicle under Rule 288.

272. Trip-register :- Every holder of a permit shall, in respect of every public service vehicle specified in the permit, maintain in English or in one of the languages of the district, trip-register in Form TR in a bound book of which the pages are serially numbered. The trip-register shall be posted daily from the trip-sheets maintained under Rule 267 and be at all times open to inspection by any police officer not below the rank of Sub-Inspector or by any Officer of the Transport Department not below the rank of an Assistant Inspector of Motor Vehicles. The trip-register shall be preserved by the holder of a permit in respect of every public service vehicle for a period of three years after the expiry of the period to which it relates.

273. Exemption to Telangana State Road Transport Corporation from maintaining trip-registers in respect of their stage carriages :- The provision of Rules 267 to 272 shall not apply to any stage carriage belonging to the Telangana State Road Transport Corporation :

Provided that the driver or conductor of each motor vehicle shall, on demand by any inspecting officer specified in clause (ii) of Rule 271 produce for inspection the conductor’s statistical return and control chart as prescribed by the Telangana State Road Transport Corporation :

Provided further that the Telangana State Road Transport Corporation shall, whenever required by any of the officers specified in Rule 272 produce the statistical return or the control chart for his inspection.

274. Exemption to Tirumala Tirupathi Devasthanams from maintaining trip-sheets and trip-registeres in respect of stage carriages :- The provisions of Rules 267 to 272 shall not apply to any stage carriage belonging to the Tirumala Tirupathi Devasthanams.

Provided that the driver or conductor of such motor vehicle shall on demand by any inspecting officer specified in Clause (iii) of Rule 271 produce for inspecting the conductor traffic return, timings chart and control chart as prescribed by the Tirumala Tirupathi Devasthanams :

Provided further, that the executive officer, Tirumala Tirupathi Devasthanams shall whenever required by any of the officers specified in Rule 271, produce or cause the production of the return and chart mentioned above before such officer.

275. Painting and illumination of destination board :- (1) Both termini of the route on which the stage carriage is plying shall be clearly stated in Telugu and English in the regions of Andhra and Rayalaseema and in Telugu, English and Urdu in the Telangana region on boards exhibited at the top on the front and rear of the vehicle.

(2) The board shall be painted in black letters not less than 5 millimeters high on a white background. It shall be clearly visible and unobstructed by cap equipment or otherwise and illuminated by white light from half an hour after sunset to half an hour before sunrise.

276. Exhibition of Distinguishing Boards in respect of Express stage carriages :- In respect of every express stage carriage a board showing the following inscription in red letters on white background shall be carried prominently in front of the vehicle at the top :


277. Driver’s and conductor’s responsibility :- The driver shall be responsible for illumination and conductor for exhibiting the proper boards.

278. Change of address – intimation :- If the holder of a permit ceases to reside or to have his place of business, as the case may be, at the address set forth in the permit, he shall within fourteen days send the permit to the transport authority by which the permit was issued intimating the new address.

279. Entry of new address in the permit :- Upon receipt of intimation under Rule 278 the Regional Transport Authority or the State Transport Authority, as the case may be, shall, after making such enquiries as the authority, deems fit, enter in the permit the new address and shall intimate the particulars to the authority of any region in which the permit is valid by virtue of endorsement of extension.

280. Alteration to Motor Vehicle-Report :- In addition to the provisions of Section 52, the owner of a transport vehicle shall, at the time of reporting the alteration of the vehicle to the registering authority, forward a copy of the report to the transport authority by which the permit of the vehicle was granted.

281. Varying permit-providing substitute vehicle or cancellation of permit :- Upon receipt of a report under Rule 280 the Transport Authority by which the permit was issued may, if the alteration is such as to contravene any of the provisions or conditions of the permit :-

(i) vary the permit accordingly on an application for variation filed; or

(ii) require the permit-holder to produce a substitute vehicle within such period as the authority may specify, and, if the holder fails to comply with such requirement, cancel or suspend the permit.

282. Intimation to concerned Transport Authority :- A Transport Authority varying, suspending or canceling a permit or causing another vehicle to be substituted for a vehicle covered by a permit, shall intimate particulars to the transport authority of any other region in which the permit is valid by virtue of endorsement or extension or otherwise.

283. Trailers to public service vehicle :- No vehicle trailer other than the trailing half of an articulated vehicle shall be attached to a public service vehicle unless the permit of the stage carriage specifically permits the usage of such trailers.

284. Provisions applicable to trailers :- Subject to the provisions of Rule 285 all provisions of these rules relating to a goods carriage permit shall apply to any trailer used for the purposes of Goods Carriage.

285. Trailers to goods vehicles :- No trailer other than the trailing half of an articulated vehicle shall be attached to a goods vehicle unless the permit of goods vehicle specifically permits the use of such trailer :

Provided that in cases a person holds two or more permits in respect of truck-trailer or tractor-trailer combination, the Transport Authority may in its discretion and subject to conditions as it thinks fit, permit the use of any one of the trailers with anyone of the trucks of the same owner provided the taxes due in respect of all the vehicles are paid.

286. Inspection of goods vehicles and their contents :- (1) Any of the following persons may, at any time when a goods vehicle is in a public place, call upon the driver of the vehicle to stop the vehicle and to keep it at rest for such time as may be necessary to enable him to make reasonable examination of the contents of the vehicle :-

(i) any Police Officer in uniform not below the rank of Circle Inspector;

(ii) any officer of the Transport Department not below the rank of an Assistant Inspector of Motor Vehicles;

(iii) any Gazetted Officer of Highways Department;

(iv) any Minister of the Government;

*(v) any officer of the Mines and Geology Department not below the rank of Inspector of Mines to ensure that the requirements of mining laws are observed and fulfilled;

(vi) any officer of the Central Excise Department in uniform not below the rank of an Inspector;

(vii) any officer of the Narcotics Department not below the rank of a Sub-Inspector;

(viii) any officer of the Labour Department not below the rank of any Assistant Labour Officer to ensure that the requirement of Labour Laws are observed and fulfilled.

(2) Any chowkidar employed in chowki post, may at any time, when a goods vehicle is near or at the chowki post, call upon a driver of the vehicle to stop the vehicle and to keep it at rest for such time as may be necessary to enable him to make reasonable examination of the contents of the vehicle.

(3) Any Forest Officer as defined in the relevant law for the time being in force in the State relating to Forest and any other officer of the Forest Department as may be authorized by the Government in this behalf may at any time, call upon the driver of the goods vehicle to stop the vehicle and to keep it at rest for such time as may be necessary to enable him to make reasonable examination of the contents of the vehicle in so far as they relate to the Forest Department.

(4) Notwithstanding anything contained in the sub-rules (1), (2) and (3) no person shall be entitled to examine the contents of any goods vehicle, unless,-

(i) the permit in respect of the vehicle contains a provision or condition in respect of the goods which may not be carried on the vehicle;

(ii) he has no reason to suspect that the vehicle is being used in contravention of the provisions of the Act or these rules.

(5) Any Inspector of Motor Vehicles, if he deems it necessary, may also put up barricades across any road for the purpose of stopping any goods vehicle :

Provided that the barricades put up under this rule shall have proper advance caution boards and danger lights during nights.

(6) The checking officers shall prepare a record of inspection in writing of the irregularities noticed and shall furnish a copy thereof to the owner or driver of the vehicle who is present in the vehicle at that time, as the case may be. The signatures of the driver and also witnesses if any together with address particulars shall be obtained. In case no irregularities are found the checking officers shall make a note of having checked on the record of the goods vehicle.

287. Compulsory reporting of goods vehicle at border check-posts :- Every driver of a goods vehicle entering or leaving the State shall pass through the border check-post maintained by the Government which lied closest to his route and shall produce all the documents of the goods vehicle before the concerned officers of the check-post and also permit the examination of the contents of the vehicle by the concerned officials of the check-post:

Provided that this rule does not apply to the Depot goods transport vehicles belonging to Telangana State Road Transport Corporation which are not engaged in transport of goods of other persons for hire or reward.

288. Inspection public service vehicle :- (1) Any of the following persons may, at any time, when a public vehicle is in a public place call upon the driver of the vehicle to stop the vehicle and to keep at rest for such time as may be necessary to enable him to make reasonable examination of the number of passengers and other contents of the vehicles so as to satisfy himself that the provisions of the Act and these rules and the provisions and conditions of the permit in respect of the vehicle are being complied with :

(i) Any Police Officer in uniform not below the rank of Circle Inspector;

(ii) Any officer of the Transport Department not below the rank of Assistant Inspector of Motor Vehicles;

(iii) Any Minister of the Government

(iv) Any officer of the Narcotics not below the rank of a Sub-Inspector; and

(v) Any officer of the Department of Information and Public Relations not below the rank of District Public Relations Officer and any officer of the Department of Tourism not below the rank of Tourism Information Officer for checking of Tourist Taxies only.

(2) Any chowkidar employed in chowki posts may, at any time when a public service vehicle is near or at the chowki post, call upon the driverof the vehicle to stop the vehicle and to keep it at rest for such time as may be necessary to enable to make reasonable examination of the contents of the vehicle other than the passengers therein.

(3) Any officer of the Central Excise Department in uniform not below the rank of Inspector may, at any time, when public service vehicle is in a public place call upon the driver of the vehicle to stop the vehicle and to keep it at rest for such time as it may be necessary to enable the officer to make a reasonable examination of the contents of the vehicle to satisfy himself that excisable goods and contraband articles are not being carried in the vehicle.

(4) Any Inspector of Motor Vehicles, if he deems it necessary may also put up barricades across any road for the purpose of stopping any public service vehicles :

Provided that the barricade put up under this rule shall have proper advance caution boards and danger lights during nights.

288-A. Any officer of the Telangana State Road Transport Corporation not below the rank of Traffic Ticket Inspector, Grade-III may exercise powers of enforcing Rule 244 in respect of passengers traveling in the stage-carriages of the said Corporation and the Officer may impose a fine of Rs. 5/- (Rupees Five only) on the person who violates Rule 244 in respect of all types of services of the corporation.

289. Inspection by member of Transport Authorities :- Any member of the Regional Transport Authority or State Transport Authority may, exercise the powers conferred under Rules 286 and 288.

290. Conviction of permit-holders –Intimation by Courts :- A Court convicting the holder of a permit of an offence punishable under the Act or these rules shall communicate particulars of such conviction in Form PI, to the authority which granted the permit and to the authority, if any which has endorsed or extended the validity of the permit.

291. Use of stage carriage on more than one route :- (1) If a person other than a State Transport Undertaking holds a stage carriage permit for two or more routes, the Transport Authority may in its discretion and subject to such conditions as it thinks fit permit him to use a vehicle in respect of which he holds a valid stage carriage permit on any of such routes:

Provided that the vehicles shall be used only for the provision of such transport facilities as the owner is authorised to provide in accordance with the terms of the permits which he holds.

(2) I the case of a State Transport Undertaking, the State Transport Authority may in its discretion authorise the State Transport Undertaking to use any stage carriage covered by a permit whether regular or temporary issued by any Transport Authority in the State, to ply on anyone of the routes for which permits have been granted by the Transport Authorities in the State subject to the following conditions:-

(i) that the vehicles shall be used only for the provisions of such transport facilities as the State Transport Undertaking authorized to provide in accordance with the terms of the permits which it holds. For this purpose the Secretary of the Transport Authority, concerned shall issue such number of permit tokens for each route as there are permits in the form prescribed in Annexure –I, and such permit token shall be exhibited on every vehicle either covered by regular or temporary or reserve or spare stage carriage permit as the case may be, operated by the State Transport Undertaking. The permit tokens shall be issued immediately after coming into force of this rule of the existing permits, or at the time of issue of new permits in future cases as the case may be. In the event of surrender of permit for cancellation during its currency, the permit token issued shall also be surrendered.

(ii) that plying of any vehicle on a route without exhibition of a permit token shall be treated as an additional service operated without permit, resulting in action being taken both under the Motor Vehicles Act, 1988 ; and the Telangana Motor Vehicles Taxation Act, 1963 ;

(iii) in the event of substitute stage carriage being used in place of a route stage carriage the permit token granted in respect of route stage carriage shall save as otherwise provided in Clause (iv), be exhibited on the substitute stage carriage;

(iv) the exhibition of a permit token on a substitute stage carriage used to maintain the next trip of a route stage carriage carrying permit token which has broken down shall not be necessary, if such substitute stage carriage a substitute token in the form specified in Annexure –II, and issued by the person authorised in this behalf by the State Transport Undertaking who shall cause a report of the particulars of every substitute token so issued to be sent within 48 hours of such issue to the licensing officer concerned ;

(v) (a) A duplicate permit token with the word ‘Duplicate’ clearly stamped in red thereon shall be issued on a declaration, accompanied by treasury challan for Rs. 5.00 stating that the original is either defaced, mutilated or lost:

Provided that, in the case of issue of a duplicate token where the original is defaced or mutilated, the declaration shall be accompanied by the defaced or mutilated permit token;

(b) If the State Transport Undertaking subsequently finds or recovers the permit token so lost in respect of which a duplicate has been issued, it shall return the original permit token to the licensing officer by whom it was issued for cancellation.

Annexure I
Government of Telangana

Permit Token: Serial
Period of validity:
Date : Secretary
Transport Authority

Annexure II
Government of Telangana

Substitute Token: Serial
(Valid for a trip specified below)
Route :
Timing of Trip
Signature of the person
Issuing the token

292. Vehicles used for public purpose exempted from taking out permit :- (a) A vehicle which is used solely for publicity work for leprosy by the Hind Kust Nivaran Sangh, Telangana State branch shal be deemed to be used for a public purpose within the meaning of Section 66 (3)(f).

(b) Propaganda Van M.S. Y 7406 belonging to the Harijan Sevak Sangh which is engaged in propaganda work for the removal of untouchability shall be deemed to be used for a public purpose within the meaning of Section 66 (3)(f);

(c) A vehicle owned by a religious or charitable non-profit making institution recognised as such by the Government and used solely for the transport of its member employees or goods shall be deemed to be used for a public purpose within the meaning of Section 66 (3)(f).

(d) The tractor bearing registration number APC 3725 and a trailer to be used in conjuction with the said tractor belonging to Anthyodaya, Manda, Anandasram Post, Cuddapah district and are used solely for the development of lands offered under Boodhan movement shall be deemed to be used for a public purpose within the meaning of Section 66 (3)(f).

(e) A vehicle owned by any person which is engaged by and used for any work assigned by the Defence Department of the Government of India shall be deemed to be used for a public purpose within the meaning of Section 66 (3)(f).

(f) The vehicle belonging to Oil and Natural Gas Commission used for exploration work shall be deemed to be used for a public purpose within the meaning of Section 66 (3)(f).

(g) The Tata Mercedes Benz bearing registration number AAT 1288 of the Electronics Corporation of India Limited (A Government of India Undertaking) under the department of Atomic Energy, which is used solely for exhibition of highly sophisticated instruments and components manufactured by them in different places in the State shall be deemed to be used for a public purpose within the meaning of Section 66 (3)(f).

(h) The vehicle bearing registration under APJ 34, 88, APJ 3288 belonging to Victoria Hospital, Dichpalli, used for Administrative purposes of the Hospital shall be deemed to be used for a public purpose within the meaning of Section 66 (3)(f).

(i) Any transport vehicle used for carrying persons injured in accidents to the nearest hospital or dispensary shall be deemed to be used for a public purpose within the meaning of Section 66 (3)(f).

293. Colours of Motor Cab :- (1) The hood of every motor cab other than auto-rickshaw for which a contract carriage permit is granted shall be painted in green or yellow and the rest of the body in black colour.

(2) The painting as prescribed in sub-rule (1) shall not be necessary in case of motor cab, other than auto-rickshaw for which a contract carriage permit is granted if the sign ‘Taxi’ is prominently exhibited on the front hood of the motor cab with provision for illumination of the same during the nights;

(3) The size of letters in the sign ‘Taxi’ in sub-rule (2) shall have the same size of letters as applicable to registration mark under the Act and shall be shown in red colour on a yellow back ground.

294. Body of auto-rickshaw to be painted in yellow colour :- Every auto-rickshaw for which a contract carriage permit is granted by the Regional Transport Authorities in the State shall be painted in yellow colour over the body.

294-A. Every Motor Cycle Taxi for which a Contract Carriage permit is granted by the Regional Transport Authority in the twin cities of Hyderabad and Secunderabad shall be painted in yellow colour on mudguards and black colour on the other parts of the vehicle”.

295. Painting of goods Carriages :- Every goods vehicle shall be painted either fully or its front and rear portions in highway yellow colour

Provided that a goods vehicle which is not already painted in the manner specified above shall be so painted on or before such date as the Government may notify in that behalf:

Provided further that this rule shall apply to goods vehicles belonging to the Police Department and the Telangana State Road Transport Corporation goods vehicles covered by national permits granted under Section 88 (12) of the Motor Vehicles Act, 1988;

Provided also that the Transport Commissioner may for valid and genuine reasons grant exemption in any specified case.

295-APainting of goods carriages carrying dangerous or hazardous goods:- Notwithstanding anything contained in Rule 295, every goods carriage carrying dangerous or hazardous goods shall be painted in white colour in respect of its body and orange colour in respect of its driver’s cabin in addition to the display of labels as prescribed under Rule 129 of the Central Motor Vehicles Rules, 1989:

Provided that a goods carriage which is not already painted in the manner specified above shall be so painted or, or before such date as the Transport Commissioner may notify in that behalf:

Provided further that this rule shall not apply to goods carriages covered by the national permits granted under sub-section (12) of Section 88 of the Motor Vehicles Act, 1988.

296. Painting of Tractor/Trailers :- Every tractor/trailer combination other than the combination used for own agricultural purposes shall be painted in full or its front and rear in ‘Highway Yellow Colour’.

297. Special provisions regarding licensing of agents engaged in the business of collecting, forwarding and distributing of goods carried by public carriers :- (1) In this rule, unless the context otherwise requires;

(a) “agent”, means any person who engages directly or indirectly in business of:
(i) collecting;
(ii) forwarding and distributing; and
(iii)Collecting, forwarding and distributing goods carried by any public carrier;

(b) “Agents Licence” means a Licence granted under sub-rule (3) ;

(c) “Collecting Agent” means a person Licenced to do the business of collecting goods-carried by any public carrier;

(d) “Collecting and Forwarding Agent” means a person Licenced to do the business of collecting, forwarding and distributing goods carried by any public carrier ;

(e) “Forwarding Agent” means a person Licenced to do the business of forwarding and distributing goods carried by any public carrier ;

(f) “Licensing Authority”, means the Secretary, Regional Transport Authority of the Regional in which the applicant intends to carry on the business.

(2) No person shall act as an agent unless he holds a valid Licence in Form L.Ag. granted by the licensing authority authorizing the carrying on of such business.

(3)(a) Any person desiring to obtain a Licence for carrying on any business referred to in Clause (a) of sub-rule(i) or for renewing such Licence may make an application to the licensing authority in Form L.Ag. A or Form L.Ag. R. A. as the case may be ;

(b) The application for grant or renewal shall be accompanied by a fee of Rs. 1,000/- (Rupees one thousand only).

(c) On receipt of an application, the licensing authority, shall having regard, among other things, to the following matters, namely:

(i) The number of goods vehicles either owned by the applicant or under his control;

(ii) The suitability of accommodation possessed by the applicant for the storage of goods;

(iii) The facilities, if any, provided by the applicant for packing the goods vehicles; and

(iv) The Financial resources of the applicant and his ability to manage the business efficiently either grant or renew or refuse to grant or renew the Licence.

(4)(a) For ensuring proper compliance with the conditions mentioned in sub-rule (7), the licensing authority shall before granting a Licence, direct the applicant to furnish a deposit(non-interest bearing) by way of security which shall be credited into a Treasury to a separate Head of account namely, (a) Deposits and Advances, (b) Deposits not bearing interest 843, Civil Deposits, M.H. 06 Security Deposits at the rate given below :-


Number of Offices including
Principal place of business Amount of Security Deposit
(1) (2)
(1) One

(2) Two to nine

(3) Ten to twenty

(4) More than twenty Rs.1,000/-

Rs. 4,000/-



Provided that the existing Licence holders shall pay the amount of security at the time of renewal excluding the security amount already deposited.

(b) The licensing authority may at his discretion order forfeiture in whole or part the security for contravention of any of the provisions of the rule or for breach of any of the conditions of the Licence by Licencee:

Provided that no forfeiture shall be made unless the Licencee has been given an opportunity to represent his case and of being heard.

(5)(a) An agent’s Licence shall where the holder thereof is Licenced to act only as forwarding agent or as a collecting agent, specify that fact clearly;

(b) An agent’s Licence shall not be transferred;

(c) No agent’s Licence shall authorise a person to act as such agent unless he has adequate facilities to load and unload goods at the premises approved by the licensing authority under this rule.

(6)(a) An agent’s Licence shall be valid for a period of three years from the date of its grant or renewal;

(b) It may be renewed on an application made to the licensing authority not less than thirty days before the date of its expiry;

(c) The renewal of Licence shall be by the endorsement of the renewal thereof by the licensing authority on the original Licence.

(7) An agent’s Licence shall be subject to the following conditions, namely:-

(a) That the Licencee shall subject to the provisions of sub-rule (10) provide places for loading and un-loading of goods;

(b) That the Licencee shall be responsible for proper arrangement for storage of goods collected for dispatch and delivery ;

(c) That, where he is authorised to forward and distribute goods and Licencee:

(i) shall be responsible for proper delivery of the goods to the consignee;

(ii) shall be liable to indemnify the consignee for any loss or damage to goods while in his control or possession but not for loss or damage due to an act of God or as natural calamity or due to inherent defect of goods or for reasons beyond his control ;

(iii) shall not issue a goods transport receipt without having actually received the goods ;

(iv) shall not deliver the goods to the consignee without actually receiving from the consignee a goods transport receipt, or if the receipt is lost or misplaced an indemnity bond covering the value of the goods

(d) That the Licencee shall insure the goods against any loss or damage while in his control or possession :

(e) That the Licencee shall maintain a proper record of the vehicle under his control and of the collection, dispatch and delivery of goods which shall be open for inspection by the licensing authority or by any person duly authorized in this behalf by such authority and shall furnish to the licensing authority by the 31st March every year a return in respect of the previous calendar year in Form A.R. Ag ;

(f) That the Licencee shall not charge any commission exceeding that prescribed by the licensing authority under sub-rule (9) form the permit holder;

(g) That the Licencee shall furnish the operators with correct figures of the freight receivable by them from the consignee or the consignees;

(h) That the Licencee shall maintain proper accounts of the commission charged by him and have the same audited by qualified auditors annually when the gross income exceeds rupees twenty five thousands, per annum and such accounts shall be open for inspection on demand by any officer authorized by the licensing authority either at the premises of the Licencee or at any other place to be specified;

(i) That the Licencee shall ensure that the goods vehicles under his control have valid permits for routes on which the vehicles have to ply and that they are not used for any illegal authority;

(j) That the Licencee shall maintain in good condition a weighing devise capable of weighing at a time not less than 226 K.G;

(k) That the Licencee shall attend to customers in the order in which they approach him:

Provided that customers in respect of such perishable goods as may be notified by the State Government in the Official Gazette shall be given priority over other customers and shall be attended to in the order in which they approach the Licencee.

(l) That the Licencee shall assign the available traffic among the operators in the order in which they have approached him and shall maintain a register chronologically recording particulars of the available traffic and the waiting operators;

(m) That the Licencee shall comply with the provisions of these rules and shall observe such conditions as the licensing authority may specify in the Licence ;

(n) That the licensing authority may, ‘at his discretion order forfeiture in whose or part of the security for contravention of any of these rules or for breach of any of the aforesaid conditions by the Licencee;

(o) That the licensing authority may after giving notice of not less than one month in writing either vary the conditions of the Licence or attach to the Licence further conditions:

Provided that in the case of an agent who merely acts as intermediary between the consignor and the operator with no responsibility either for receiving goods at the one end or delivering them to the consignors at the end, the provisions of Clauses (a), (b), (c), (d), (e), (f), (i) and (o) shall not apply.

(8) All contracts entered into by the Licencee for the purpose of collecting, forwarding and distributing goods or collecting goods, or forwarding and distributing goods, as the case may be, shall be in writing and shall contain the following particulars ;

(i) name and address of the consignor and consignee ;

(ii) description and weight of the consignments ;

(iii) destination and its distance in K.M., from the starting station;

(iv) freight for tonne K.M. and for the whole consignment ;

(v) delivery instruction (e.g., the date on which and the exact place where the goods are to be delivered to the consignee;

(vi) terms of payment agreement.

(9) The State Government may, by notification in the Official Gazette prescribe the maximum rates at which commission may be charged by a Licencee under these rules and the Regional Transport Authority may prescribe such rate of commission not exceeding the rate prescribed by the State Government in regard to a Licence transacting business in its region.

(10)(a) The licensing authority may, approve any premises owned by or in the possession of a Licencee or an applicant for an agent’s Licence to be used for loading or un-loading of goods or for parking goods vehicles or for the storage of goods in the custody of the agent having regard to the suitability of the site, sanitary condition and storage facilities provided at such premises;

(b) any approval under Clause (a) shall be subject to the following conditions :

(i) that the premises shall at all times be kept in a clean condition and in a good state of repairs ;

(ii) that the premises shall be administered in a seemly and orderly manner;

(iii) that the Licencee shall take, all possible precautions to ensure that no breach of any of the provisions of the Motor Vehicles Act, 1988 (Act 59 of 1988) or these rules are committed in respect of any vehicles entering or leaving or parking at such premises and shall report in writing any such breach to the nearest police station and the licensing authority;

(c) Where the licensing authority refuses to approve any premises under Clause (a) it shall record in writing its reasons for such refusal;

(d) The licensing authority may, at any time revoke an order made by it under Clause (a) if in its opinion any of the conditions under which a place has been permitted to be used for the loading or unloading of goods and halting of goods vehicles has been contravened or if the continuance of the said order is no longer necessary in the public interest:

Provided that before revoking the order, the licensing authority shall give the Licencee an opportunity of being heard and shall record reasons in writing for such revocation.

(11)(a) Without prejudice to any other action which may be taken against a Licencee the licensing authority, may, by order in writing cancel the agent’s Licence or suspend it, for such period as it thinks fit, if in its opinion any of the conditions under which the Licence has been granted, has been contravened;

(b) The licensing authority may, by order, in writing cancel the agent’s licnece assumed it for such period as it thinks fit, if in its opinion any of the conditions under which any premises has been approved under sub-rule (10) has been contravened;

(c) Before making any order of suspension or cancellation under this sub-rule, the licensing authority shall give the Licencee an opportunity of being heard and shall record reasons in writing for such cancellation or suspension.

(12) If at any time an agent’s Licence is lost, destroyed, torn or otherwise defaced so as to be illegible, the agent shall forthwith apply to the licensing authority for the grant of a duplicate Licence. The application shall be accompanied by a fee of rupees ten. After receipt of such an application, the licensing authority shall issue a duplicate Licence duly stamped duplicate. If a duplicate agent’s Licence is granted on a representation that the Licence originally granted has been lost or destroyed and the original Licence is subsequently found, the original Licence shall be surrendered to the licensing authority.

(13)(a) A collecting agent shall carry with him his agent’s Licence while on duty and shall produce it on demand to any inspecting officer of the Transport Department or any Police Officer in uniform not below the rank of a Sub-Inspector of Police;

(b) A forwarding agent shall exhibit his agent’s Licence at a prominent place in the premises approved under sub-rule (10) and the Licence shall be made available for inspection by any inspecting officer of the Transport Department or any police officer not below the rank of a sub-Inspector of Police;

(c) A collecting and forwarding agent shall display his Licence in his principal place of business and shall produce it on demand to any inspecting officer of the Tansport Department or Police Officer not below the rank of Sub-Inspector of Police and shall cause a true copy of his agent’s Licence to be exhibited at a prominent place in the premises approved under sub-rule (10).

(13-A) The rate of commission payale to the booking agencies shall be in terms of a percentage maximum of the freight on a graduated basis as under ,-

(i) Maximum of 6% on freight charges up to Rs. 500/-

(ii) Maximum of 4% on freight charges exceeding Rs. 500/- but not exceeding Rs. 1000/-

(iii) Maximum of 3% on freight charges exceeding Rs. 1000/-

(14)(a) Any person aggrieved by an order made under Clause (c) of sub-rule(3), sub-rule(4), Clause (m), (n) or (o) of sub-rule (9), Clause (a) of sub-rule(10) Clause (a) or Clause (b) of sub-rule (11), sub-rule (12) or sub-rule (15) may appeal to Deputy Transport Commissioner within thirty days from the date of receipt of such order:

Provided that the appellate authority against the order of Secretary, State Transport Authority, shall be the Transport Commissioner;

(b) The memorandum of appeal shall be filed in duplicate setting forth concisely the grounds of objection and shall be accompanied by an original or a certified copy of the order and a fee of rupees fifty:

Provided that a memorandum of appeal shall not relate to more than one order or be signed by more than one party.

(15) The authority which passed an order to be appealed against shall on an application by a party give a certified copy of the order and of any other relevant document on payment of rupees two.

297-A. Special provisions regarding licensing of agents engaged in the sale of tickets or in otherwise soliciting customers for public service vehicles :- (1) In this rule, unless the context otherwise requires:

(a) “Agent” means a person who engages himself in the sale of tickets for travel by stage carriages, or in the booking of contracts for hiring out other pubic service vehicles, or in otherwise, soliciting customers of such vehicles and includes a canvasser, contractor, employee of the permit holder, and the permit-holder himself while engaged in such sale, booking or soliciting customer;

(b) “Agent’s Licence” means the document issued to the agent by a licensing authority authorising him to act as agent, under Section 93 of the Act;

(c) “Common purpose of journey” means the intention shared alike by all the persons travelling by the public service vehicle;

(i) to attend a meeting, gathering or function, social, religious, political and the like, or

(ii) to go on a pilgrimage or tour to visit places of tourist’s interest or both. But it shall not include the intention or the act of such persons of merely traveling from one common point to another.

(d) “Hiring party” in relation to a public service vehicle means-

(i) a group of persons identifiable by a common purpose of the journey, which for its exclusive journey engages the public service vehicle as a whole under prior contract with the agent in such a manner that subject to the conditions of the permit and to the expressed stipulations of the contract, the time and direction of the movements of the vehicle and its destination are under the control of the hiring party; or

(ii) an individual pilgrim or tourist who in response to an open invitation by the agent to join a conducted pilgrimage or tour, in each case, organized or approved by the Tourist Department of the Central or the State Government pays his separate fare for the travel by a public service vehicle intended for such a conducted pilgrimage or tour.

Explanation:- For removal of doubt, it is hereby clarified that a person who takes for hire or reward a public service vehicle with a view, in his turn, to conveying passengers or hiring parties is not a hiring party;

(e) “Licensing Authority” means the Secretary or Asst. Secretary of the Regional Transport Authority of the region in which the agent acts as such;

(f) “ Passenger” means any person other than the driver, conductor or agent while on duty relating to the public service vehicle traveling by such vehicle without a prior contract with the agent, whether or not he pays for the journey;

(g) “Permit-holder” means a person to whom permit as required by Section 66 of the Act granted authorising him to convey hiring parties or passengers with the aid or the public service vehicle, owned or hired by him specified in the permit;

Explanation :- For removal of doubt, it is hereby clarified that a person who takes a public service vehicle for hire or reward with a view in his turn, to conveying passengers or hiring parties shall take out the permit in his name as required, by Section 66 of the Act;

(2)(a) Nothing in this rule shall apply,-

(i) to the booking-clerks or conductors employed by the permit holder of a stage carriage, so long as such booking-clerk or conductor sells tickets, issues passes or makes advance reservations at such bus stands or stops as are approved by the Transport Authority, or

(ii) to motor cabs.

(b) No agent’s Licence granted to a person shall authorise him to act as an agent for more than one public service vehicle:

Provided that a person may be granted more than one Licence, each for a different public service vehicle.

(c) The application for a agent’s Licence shall be made to the licensing authority in Form L.P. Ag. A.

(d) Where the applicant is a person other than the permit-holder the application shall be accompanied by a certificate issued by the permit-holder giving his consent for the applicant’s acting as an agent for his public service vehicle.

(e) The application shall be accompanied by a fee of Rs.500/-;

(f) The Licensing Authority shall, in considering the application for an agent’s Licence, have regard to the following matters, namely,-

(i) the suitability of the accommodation provided by the applicant for location of his office ;

(ii) where the agent’s Licence is desired for a public service vehicle other than a stage carriage, the suitability of the accommodation provided by the applicant for parking the vehicle :

(iii) the knowledge of the applicant of the provisions of the Act and Rules made thereunder and those of the Telangana Motor Vehicles Taxation Act, and Rules and Notifications made thereunder sufficient to make out the distinction between different types of public service vehicles and the rates of tax payable in each case; and

(iv) the need for more than one agent in relation to the same public service vehicle.

(g) The licensing authority may, after giving the applicant a reasonable opportunity of being heard and for reasons to be recorded and communicated to the applicant, refuse to grant the lilcence. IF he decides to grant it, he shall, subject to the provisions of sub-rule (4), issue the Licence in Form L.P. Ag.

(3)(a) An Agent’s Licence shall, subject to the provisions of sub-rules (4) and (9), be effective without renewal for a period of three years;

(b) An Agent’s Licence may be renewed on an application made and it shall be disposed of having regard to matters specified in sub-rule (2) (f) ;

(c) The application for the renewal of an Agent’s Licence shall be made not less than 30 days before its expiry, together with a fee of Rs. 500/-:

(d) Where a Licence has been renewed under this sub-rule after the expiry of the period thereof, such renewal shall have the effect from the date of such expiry-

(4)(a) For ensuring proper compliance with the conditions mentioned in sub-rule (6), the licensing authority shall before the issuing or renewing an agent’s Licence, order the applicant, if he has not already done to furnish a bank-guarantee for a sum of Rs.100/- for each Licence pertaining to a stage carriage and for a sum of Rs. 500/- for each Licence pertaining to any other public service vehicles;

(b) No agent’s Licence shall be effective, unless the bank guarantee referred to in Clause (a) is so maintained as to cover a sum of Rs. 100/- or Rs. 500/- as the case may be, after deducting the amount, if any, forfeited under the provisions of sub-rule (9)(b);

(c) Where an agent’s Licence is cancelled or surrendered or otherwise, the bank-guarantee furnished by the agent shall be released to the extent of the amount remaining unforfeited.

(5)(a) The agent may at any time surrender his Licence for cancellation and upon such surrender the Licence shall be cancelled by the licensing authority;

(b) The permit hoder may at any time withdraw his consent in respect of any agent and apply to the licensing authority for cancellation of the agent’s Licence and upon such application the Licence be cancelled.

(6) An agent’s Licence shall be subject to the following conditions, namely :-

(a) The agent shall not permit the Licence to be used byany other person;

(b)(i) An agent’s Licence shall be valid only for the vehicle specified in the Licence;

(ii) Where the registration mark entered in the Licence undergoes a change because of replacement of the vehicle in its permit or because of assignment of a fresh registration mark by the Registering authority, the agent shall apply to the licensing officer for noting the change in the Licence.

(c)(i) The agent shall not act as agent except at his office as noted in the Licence, and shall not park the vehicle covered by the Licence except at a place noted in the Licence;

(ii) Where the agent desires to shift his office or the parking place of the vehicle covered by the Licence to some other place he may apply to the licensing authority for permission to shift the office or the parking place to such place, and the licensing authority may, if satisfied about the suitability of such place, accord permission for such shifting;

(iii) where the licensing authority permits the shifting of the office or the parking place, he shall endorse in the Licence the new address of such place canceling the previous one;

(iv) All notices intended for the agent shall be sent to him at his office address entered in the Licence. If the agent or his representative is not available at the office to take delivery of the notice, or if he evades its service, the notice shall be affixed to the door of such office and such affixture shall be considered to be proper service of the notice on the agent.

(d) No canvassing or soliciting of customer for travel by the public service vehicle covered by the Licence shall be done or permitted to be done:-

(i) by shouting ;

(ii) by announcing through loud speakers ;

(iii) by making any overt or covert gesture, or

(iv) by parking or displaying the public service vehicle covered by the Licence:

Provided that the mere parking of a stage carriage covered by such a permit, at a place and time authorised by the transport authority shall not be considered to be canvassing or soliciting of customer within the meaning of this condition.

(e) Canvassing or soliciting of customer for travel by the public service vehicle covered by the Licence is permissible, only:-

(i) by advertisements in newspapers ;

(ii) by exhibiting slides in cinema halls ;

(iii) by distributing pamphlets or hand-bills in a quiet and civil manner; or

(iv) by displaying notices, sign boards or wall-posters at the office of the agent specified in the Licence.

Publishing such this as the amenities provided to hiring parties or passengers and the rtes of hire charges:

Provided that except,-

(i) in respect of stage carriages covered by permits granted and time schedules approved by a competent Transport Authority, or

(ii) in respect of tourist buses intended for conveyance of pilgrims or tourists according to a definite programme organized or previously approved by the Tourist Department of a Government, no announcement of advertisement in whatsoever manner shall be made or permitted to be made :-

(i) publicizing any particular journey and or a particular time schedule of the public service vehicle covered by the Licence, or

(ii) by running such vehicle regularly between any two points on fixed schedule of timings.

(f) Where the public service vehicle has been, as a whole, engaged by a hiring party an agreement shall be drawn up in writing and executed by the agent and the hiring party or its authorised representative containing the following essential particulars and stipulations, namely;

(i) Name, Father’s/Husband’s name, Age/Occupation and full postal address of the members or/representative of the hiring party who executed the agreement;

(ii) An annexure containing the list of all members of the hiring party giving their particulars in the following form :

» Serial Number :

» Name of the Member :

» Father’s/Husband’s Name :

» Age :

» Full Postal Address :

(iii) The nature of the common purpose of the journey ;

(iv) The period for which the vehicle is engaged by the hiring party ;

(v) The places to be visited by the hiring party;

(vi) The place or places to be specified where all or some to be specified of the members of the hiring party are to be picked up or let down under the agreement;

(vii) Hire charges;

(a) if payable in a lump sum, the amount so payable; or

(b) if calculable at a rate, the rate so agreed upon, and

(c) in either case, the amount if any, paid in advance and the time for the payment of the balance

(viii) additional charges, if any, payable in case the journey is delayed or extended at the instance of the hiring party.

(g) Any alterations in the terms of the agreement specified in condition (f) shall similarly be drawn up and executed before the commencement of the journey and appended to the original agreement. Alterations not effected in the manner aforesaid shall not be considered as part of the agreement.

(h) The agreement referred to in condition (f) or the amendment of the agreement referred to in condition (g) shall be drawn up and executed in quadruplicate. One copy shall be kept with each of the parties. The third copy shall be filed before the licensing authority at the time of applying for a temporary permit under Section 88 of the Act, or within 24 hours of the commencement of the journey, in other cases. The fourth copy shall be kept in the vehicle and made available to any person or officer competent to inspect public service vehicles for his inspection and verification at any time during the course of the journey.

(i) Any failure to file the agreement before the licensing authority or to make it available for inspection in the vehicle as laid down in condition (h) shall be considered to be due to the non-existence of the required agreement.

(j) The agent shall, in respect of each Licence held by him maintain, keep and preserve such record and send such periodical returns as prescribed in sub-rule (7)

(k) The Agent shall ensure that the public service vehicle covered by the Licence complies with the requirements of Section 39,66 and 147 of the Act and is covered by the appropriate amount of tax due under the provisions of the Telangana Motor Vehicles Taxation Act, Rules and Notifications made thereunder:

(l) The agent shall not obstruct or cause to obstruct any officer authorised in this behalf in the exercise of his powers of search and seizure in the manner laid down in sub-rule (8).

(m) The licensing authority may, after giving notice of not less than fifteen days in writing, vary the conditions of Licence or attach to it, further conditions.

(7)(a) Every agent shall, so far as applicable to him, maintain, keep and preserve for a period of two years, the following records at his office, namely:

(i) A register of daily account of sale of tickets or advance reservations made in respect of the stage carriage, in Form D.T.R.;

(ii) A register of contracts daily entered into by the agent in respect of the public service vehicle in Form D.C.R.;

(iii) A file containing all agreements entered into between the agent and the hiring party, as laid down in sub-rule (6)(f) and (g);

(iv) Trip sheets maintained under Rule 267 ;

(v) Trip register maintained under Rule 272;

(vi) A file containing all quarterly returns prescribed in Clause (b);

(b) Every agent shall submit to the licensing authority a quarterly return in Form Q.C.R. or Q.C.R., as the case may be, within fifteen days after the expiry of the quarter, in relation to the public service vehicle :

Explanation :- For the purpose of this clause, quarter means any of the following periods, namely :

(i) Form 1st January to 31st March;

(ii) Form 1st April to 30th June:

(iii) From 1st July to 30th September,

(iv) From 1st October to 31st December.

(8) The office of the agent the place where the public service vehicle covered by the agent’s Licence is parked, and the records referred to in sub-rule (7) shall at all reasonable times, be open to inspection and search by the licensing authority, by any officer of the Transport Department not below the rank of an Assistant Inspector of Motor Vehicles, any officer of the Police Department not below the rank of an Inspector of Police, or any Member of the Regional Transport Authority. Any of the officers mentioned above may also seize and take any of the records referred to in sub-rule (7) or any other document pertaining to the public service vehicle, under acknowledgement.

(9)(a) Without prejudice to any other action which maybe taken against the agent, the licensing authority may cancel the agent’s Licence or suspend it for such period as he thinks fit, if in his opinion any of the conditions subject to which the Licence has been granted has been contravened;

(b) The licensing authority acting under Clause (a), or for the purpose of recovering any tax due under the provisions of the Telangana Motor Vehicle Taxation Act in respect of the public service vehicle covered by the agent’s Licence may order forfeiture of the whole or any part of the bank-guarantee furnished under sub-rule (4)(a).

(c) Before making any order of cancellation or suspension of the Licence or forfeiture of any amount under Clause (b) or (c), the licensing authority shall record and communicate reasons in writing for such order.

(d) Upon cancellation or suspension of the Licence or upon its becoming ineffective under sub-rule (4)(b), the agent shall surrender the Licence to the licensing authority for cancellation or retainging it for such time as is necessary to give effect to the suspension or till it becomes effective on recoupment of the bank-guarantee.

(10) if at anytime an agent’s Licence is lost, destroyed, torn or defaced, he shall forth with apply to the licensing authority for the grant of a duplicate Licence. The application shall be accompanied by a fee of rupees ten. After receipt of such an application, the licensing authority shall issue a duplicate Licence duly stamped ‘duplicate’. Where a duplicate Licence is granted on the ground that the Licence originally granted has been lost or destroyed and the original Licence is subsequently found, the original Licence shall be surrendered to the licensing authority.

(11) The agent shall exhibit his Licence at a prominent place at his office and it shall be made available for inspection by any of the officers mentioned in sub-rule (8).

(12)(a) The person aggrieved by any order of the licensing authority made under this rule may appeal to the Deputy Transport Commissioner concerned within 30 days from the date of communication of the order :

Provided that an appeal against the order passed by a Deputy Transport Commissioner shall be communicated to the Transport Commissioner:

(b) The memorandum of appeal shall set forth concisely the facts of the case and the grounds of appeal and shall be accompanied by the original or certified copy of the said impugned order and a fee of Rs. 20, and

(c) The Regional Transport Authority, shall after giving the appellant a reasonable opportunity of being heard, give a decision on the appeal which shall be final

(b) Plying on route or area Rs. 500/-
not authorised by the

(c) Plying without (i) Omnibuses Rs. 200/-
Payment of tax (ii) Taxi cabs and
Autorickshaws Rs. 10/-

(d) Other offences Rs. 10 per item of offences



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