✳️ Internal Combustion Engine Terminology & Abreviations 🔸️IC ➖ Internal Combustion 🔸️SI ➖ Spark Ignition An engine in which the combustion process in each cycle is started by use of a spark plug. 🔸️CI ➖ Compression Ignition An engine in which the combustion process starts when the air-fuel mixture self ignites due to high temperature in the combustion chamber caused by high compression. CI engines are often called Diesel engines, especially in the non-technical community. 🔸️TDC ➖ Top-Dead-Center Top Dead Center (TDC), When the piston farthest from the crankshaft (for vertical engine). In a horizontal engine, it is called inner dead canter (IDC). 🔸️BDC ➖ Bottom Dead Centre Bottom Dead Center (BDC), When the piston is nearest to the crankshaft. In a horizontal engine, it is equivalent to outer dead center (ODC). 🔸️Stroke ➖ Movement distance of the piston from one extreme position to the other: (TDC to BDC) or (BDC to TDC) . 🔸️Bore ➖ Diameter of the cylinder. ...