How to maintain car batteries

The car battery stores the electrical energy necessary to start the ignition and keep the car running. Naturally, you want to avoid getting stuck by a dead battery, so there are many steps you can take to keep your battery in good working order. Clean the battery regularly, tighten the hold-down, use insulation to protect it from the cold, and maintain its fluid levels. To maintain the charge, drive the car often and unplug any appliances when the car isn't running. With good care, your battery can last 5 to 7 years. 1.Clean the battery terminals with water andbaking . First, identify the positive side of the battery by finding the red cap. Always disconnect the negative side first. Turn the bolt connecting the wires to the negative terminal counterclockwise and lift the wire up. Do the same for the positive side, making sure you don't touch the 2 wires to any metal parts of the car. Then make a 1:1 mixture of baking soda and water. Dip a hard-bristle brush into the solution a...